The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1179: Akas Fortress

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For the selection of the naval forces soldiers, Luo Jiquan handed over to Yuan Xi, re-recruiting the recruits training, and directly selecting talents from the service soldiers, all with him.

However, considering the resentment of the army generals after the elite soldiers were taken away, Luo Ji made a certain restriction on the number of people selected. At the same time, after picking the other party, the other soldiers were willing to do so, and they could not be forced.

The warrant was quickly sent to Yuan Xi's hands, and the selection of talents for the navy soldiers was carried out in an orderly manner. After recruiting a certain scale, the training was officially launched.

As for the shipyard, Luo Ji picked a location near the Yangtze River for construction. According to the current technical strength of their Wanxiang civilization, it is not difficult to build a shipyard.

The focus is on the manufacture of warships.

In this matter, the priority needs to be made, no doubt the battleship!

The early naval battle mode was basically a typical big ship artillery.

To put it simply, it is to have a battleship heavier than the opponent's tonnage, to carry more artillery on the ship, and to directly sink the enemy battleship with the greater power and farther range of the large-caliber artillery before the opponent approaches himself. !

This is the maritime hegemonism of the time.

It was not until the advent of the aircraft carrier that the warship’s rule over the ocean was finally ended!

For this matter, Luo Ji's idea is clear, but in the implementation process, it still ran into a huge problem.

That puzzle is simply a design drawing.

The design drawings of this type of warship are not available at all in the auction.

During this period, Luo Ji also went offline to check the information, and the results can only find a very general three views. As for the internal details of the structure, there is no.

No way, at this time, he can only expect the technical power of the goblins.

At the same time, for the sake of insurance, the battleship, a large warship, will not be built first. If the construction fails, the financial losses will be too serious. Let's build a destroyer and practice.

At this moment, everything is also told, and when Luo Ji is ready to handle the next job, the system prompts to rang...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Ross' to win the support battle!

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Rod’ to get the item ‘Silver Treasure Box×1’

System prompt: Congratulations to the player...

In a series of system prompts, Luo Zhi, who learned that he had successfully harvested a silver treasure chest, could not help but pick an eyebrow.

During this time, the system prompts are still continuing...

System prompt: It was detected that the player 'Ross' is maintaining an 'occupation' status against an enemy military fortress.

System Tip: Is the ‘territorial conquest’ skill launched?

"Military fortress?"

To be worthy of value is undoubtedly the greater value of annexing a city.

However, this kind of thing has to be chosen to a certain extent. It is a good harvest to be able to swallow a border fortress opposite.

“Confirm the launch of ‘territorial conquest’ skills!”

System Tip: Do you consume 14 conquest points and conquer the enemy city ‘Arcas Fortress’?

Decisively choose OK again, then the system prompts to ring again...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Rod’ successfully conquered ‘Arcas Fortress’

System prompt: Do you consume two conquest points and confirm the location of ‘Arcas Fortress’? If it is rejected, the system will randomly select the appropriate location for resettlement.

In this regard, Luo Ji naturally is as always the choice to manually confirm.

The western border is already making the Great Wall, and there are also Yangtze River Fortress and Elven Forest on the south side, and the border fortress on the north is also close to completion.

In this way, the most suitable location for the Arkas Fortress is undoubtedly the eastern grassland border.

Pulling a huge system map, Luo Ji picked a fairly suitable position to place the Akas Fortress.

In the meantime, Song Hui, who had just been supported by Luo Ji, also sent a message.

At the same time as he thanked him, he directly inquired about the military expenditure figures. After all, he was responsible for reimbursement of military expenses.

In order to avoid excessive military expenses, Song Hui was aware of the abnormal situation. Luo Ji only reported the military expenses of the three thousand werewolf Rangers.

Subsequently, Song Hui Lisuo initiated the transaction. While paying the civilized points, he also paid the remuneration of the three agreed silver-level props.

After that, there was no more talk. After simply ending the conversation, Luo Ji quickly took out the design drawings of the silver-class 'modern port' design and the silver-class Samsung man-made wonder 'the big sea lighthouse', all of which were handed over to the Ministry of Construction Engineering. Get it done.

During this period, the people themselves were in Gaowen of Der Spiegel City, and they also saw the rapid entry into the palace.

After the occupation of the Akas Fortress, although the distance retreat was only a few hours left, but Gao Wen apparently did not idle, he can be said to be quite serious to check out the loot in the Akas fortress.

Gao Wen knows what Luo wants, so when reporting this wave of spoils, he also directly skips those things that are not very important to this time annexed Akas Fortress, there are two major achievements for their civilization!

The first result was that he found a giant generator almost full of a whole room in the deep room of the fortress!

Under this premise, a whole complete power system and lights and other gadgets can only be regarded as incidental gains.

The second result was that they found an early telegraph machine in the command room of the military fortress!

It is no exaggeration to say that the emergence of this early telegraph machine will greatly enhance the efficiency of the news circulation of the Wanxiang civilization, and it has almost reached a qualitative leap.

In addition, of course, there are some other big and small things, but those machines Gao Wen do not know what it is.

Even so, this wave of downturns has allowed Luo Ji to acquire a series of technological products such as giant generators, power systems, electric lights and early telegraph machines, which has greatly exceeded his expectations.

Difficult to hide the excitement of the heart, Luo Ji directly let Gao Wen with the president of the Science and Technology Institute Xu Jing personally ran a shack of Akas, let them take over the technological products.

At the same time, compared with the excitement of Luo Ji, the big fortune player who was moved by the border fortress, how can the mood at the moment be imagined.

I don't know what happened, I don't know what it is.

Before the Akas fortress disappeared out of nowhere, the only telegraph message was to tell him that the fortress had been attacked by enemy nights, and then it was gone, and even with a whole Akas fortress was gone!

(PS: Please support the creation of the Chinese network, QQ reading and the Chinese version of the starting point!)

The update was sent, and at the same time, thank you for the monthly vote of the book Friend 'Drift Xiaonanhai', ‘Soul of the Soul’, ‘Grey Son’, and ‘Wo’s House’!

(End of this chapter)