The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1215: Easy to play off

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Outside the minefields in the Yangtze River Basin, the temptations of the fishermen in this round undoubtedly ended in failure.

In that area of ​​mine, there are too many mines buried.

Not to mention the fishermen who don’t know the specific location at all. Even if the water lizards who resettle the mines with their own hands are to be confirmed and redeployed, they must be careful and careful. One big idea is that it is a dead. There is no corpse in the end.

In this way, it is undoubtedly an idiotic dream to easily cross this minefield.

The disadvantage of going to the mines and enemies is that the mines are still very useful when they only need to resist the invasion of foreign enemies.

After confirming that there was no problem on the Yangtze River fortress, Luo Ji soon got on the return steam train.

However, he did not return directly to the city of Der Spiegel.

It’s hard to come to a point. It’s natural to feel the development of these cities in a way that is micro-visited.

The predecessor of his southeastern region of the Wannian civilization was a business empire, and economic development was incomprehensible.

After entering the electrical age, the speed of development of this area is top-notch in a whole world of civilizations.

During this period, Luo Ji also deliberately got off the bus and ran to Donglin City to have a look.

The East Lincheng City is the first city in which he has demolished the city wall. Now it can be said that the development is quite good.

Compared with before, the urban area has increased by at least one-fifth, which greatly improved the living space of the people.

In addition, in this city, all kinds of household appliances have been fully popular. At that time, Luo Ji, sitting on a steam train, looked far through the window. This city without walls is now at the moment. Then the atmosphere of the modern city.

Let Luo Ji have a feeling that it is a bit unsuitable for ‘east to the city’, and it should be changed to ‘donglin’.

The smooth development of the East Pro City is undoubtedly a further conviction of Luo Ji's own development policy.

He has now begun to ponder the removal of the walls of the city of Der Spiegel.

On the one hand, the reason is naturally because the city of Der Spiegel is the central city of a whole 10,000-world civilization. The enemy can't hit it under normal circumstances. Therefore, the meaning of the city wall is actually not big, but when it is really hit, the Wanjie Civilization is also close to extinction.

On the other hand, it is naturally a population problem.

Over the years, the population of his Wanxiang civilization has been stopped by the rise of ‘蹭蹭蹭’.

In peacetime, they are really born!

In the past two or three decades, the total population has already reached the nine-digit number.

Luo Ji’s heart is pondering, and he has not advocated any slogans such as “Glory of the whole child”. How can these people be so diligent?

Later, Luo Ji took a shot and wanted to understand.

It is because the people of his world of civilization have little life pressure!

It is no exaggeration to say that his 10,000-dollar civilization is quite prosperous in development. Basically, as long as it is a formal citizen, it is unlikely that there will be any situation in which life can’t go through. Basically, all of them are food and clothing, and they are completely step by step. Into a well-off society.

Under this premise, the inertial thinking of the ordinary people is naturally a matter of pondering the succession of the ancestors. Every family, raising one or two children, or even three children, will not have much pressure.

So in the past few years, the population has risen so exaggerated!

Under this premise, as a city with the largest population and the most prosperous city, the city of Der Spiegel is once again in a situation of overcrowding.

This apartment building, which was rebuilt in a short time, is already a bit overwhelming.

Following this situation, Luo Ji basically can only choose to demolish the city wall and expand the city area of ​​Ming Mirror City.

Moreover, it is not only necessary to demolish the walls of the mirror city. In recent years, the walls of many cities have to be demolished.

In the case of a large population base, the rate of population growth is also exaggerated.

It’s almost like a rocket. The total number of people who are mammoth all the way is almost a glimpse of the eyelids, and let him clearly realize that he should be prepared early, so as not to explode and explode. He was caught off guard!

After returning to the city of Der Spiegel, the project to demolish the city wall and expand the urban area was quickly put on the agenda.

This time, the Finance Minister did not come to cry and shouted. Perhaps he also knew that this was an important project and there was no room for negotiation.

However, the financial issue is, after all, a problem that cannot be ignored.

In order not to let the economic collapse of his Wanxiang civilization, Luo Ji has seriously adjusted the schedule and implementation progress of various projects to ease the financial pressure on civilization.

In this way, time flies within the Wanjie civilization.

In the winter of this year, in the civilization, for Luo Ji and Ye Qingyi, there was a big event that others could not know.

That is, the time flow rate of the two adjustments was officially exhausted. From this day, the time flow rate of the Wanxiang civilization officially returned to the normal flow rate synchronized with the neutral area.

In the face of this situation, Luo Ji and Ye Qingyi discussed it a little.

The content of the discussion is naturally whether to adjust the time flow rate After all these years, according to Ye Qingyu’s ability to make money, the two have already set off a fairly rich civilization. If you want to adjust it, it is completely adjustable.

The means of adjusting the time flow rate naturally has advantages and disadvantages.

The biggest benefit, of course, is that they can get more development time.

Gao Su's situation can be said to be quite uncomfortable. For Luo Ji, he really needs to compete against time to develop. The development time is too important for him!

The downside is that every time you encounter an expedition, for Luo Ji, who stays in the Wanxiang civilization, the troops often go for several years, making him afraid to go out.

What kind of joke? If he leaves for several years, what is the development of this universal civilization?

At the same time, in the event of encountering a player who is engaged in an invading war, it is also very obvious that the troops will not be able to return late, and the war card will be almost a second solution.

The next action of Luo Ji just happens to be the start of several silver players in the 'eye of God'.

If the time flow rate is adjusted, then the Europa player who has the opposite side of the game will have a toss, and Luo will have to face an almost endless continuous invasion. The risk here is still quite high.

Moreover, since it is necessary to fight, the counterfeiting military expenses must be retained.

In this way, for various reasons, after careful consultation with Ye Qingyi, the two finally decided not to adjust the time flow rate temporarily.

At least until the situation in the silver sector is clear, it is no longer easy to adjust the time flow rate, because it is easy to play.

(PS: Please support the creation of the Chinese network, QQ reading and the Chinese version of the starting point!)

The update was sent, and I would like to thank the book friends ‘Yang Zhen’, ‘nightmare’, ‘born fat man’s skinny’!

(End of this chapter)