The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1242: First, be strong

Sitting on the open-air balcony of the palace, bathed in the sun, it seems a little drowsy at the moment. ☆ 〞 〞 〞 ☆ ☆ ☆

During this time, the busy government affairs greatly reduced his sleep time, and the mental fatigue accumulated slowly made him look bad.

"Your Majesty, can you start?"

Just as he was about to travel to the sky, the voice of the newspaper reporter let him quickly return to God, and then nodded after a strong spirit.

"let's start."

"Okay, majesty, look here."

The camera's flashlight illuminates quickly, and if nothing happens, the photo will appear on the headline of the next issue of the newspaper with a series of interviews.

That's right, at this moment, Luo Ji is accepting an interview with the newspaper.

Of course, in a more accurate way, it should be to appease the people.

The massive recruitment of reserve soldiers and the upcoming war have caused many citizens within the Wanjie civilization to fall into a sense of uneasiness.

If this situation is not dealt with as soon as possible, once it is expanded, it will easily cause social unrest and is not conducive to the development of civilization.

So at this time, it is time to let the newspapers play their value.

Engaged in an exclusive interview, let Luo Ji, the emperor of the emperor personally come forward, have a tacit agreement to answer a few questions, to convey appropriate information to the people, so as to achieve the effect of appease the people.

This entire interview is not complicated, it can even be said to be quite efficient, and it will end in half an hour.

Forced to rub the temples on both sides, at the moment Luo's face reveals a trace of exhaustion.

"Your Majesty, it’s still early, you can take a nap."

Serena, standing aside, said softly.

Luo, who heard this, nodded, and his physical condition was clear. He really needs to rest for a while now.

Looking at the time, it is now 11:29.

Into the partial hall, before going to sleep, Luo Ji turned to the Cyril's martyrdom...

"Wake me up after two hours."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

----split line----

Now let's take a slight turn to the front line.

Located in a mountainous area in the south of the Wanjie civilization, accompanied by a hoof, a 10-member Europa investigation team broke into the land.

Obviously, the other party also wants to use the power of the cavalry to quickly open the field of vision and seize the opportunity.

The ten Europa scouts were undoubtedly very vigilant, and did not rush into the lush forests in front of them. Instead, they turned their rifles in their hands and quickly completed the ammunition. Filling.

The vigilant gaze continually glances around, the fingers slightly on the trigger, ready to shoot at any time.

However, at this moment, I only heard a whisper from the forest.

There was no chance of reaction. A sharp arrow flew directly from the woodland, and it passed through the throat of a Europa scout.

"Everyone is careful! Enemies..."

The words have not been finished, the voice of the Europa Scout, who is shouting loudly, has come to an abrupt end. He is wearing a throat and is instantly fatal, directly letting him follow the footsteps of the Europa Scout!

From the bottom of my heart, a chill came to life, and the horrible death threat completely enveloped their hearts at this moment!

Huge psychological pressure, so that two of the Europa scouts directly pulled the trigger and fired a shot at each of the mountains in front of them.

However, how can such a shot hit even if the enemy does not know where?

"Quick withdrawal!!"

At this moment, the situation is undoubtedly obvious. The opposing troops took advantage of them faster than they took them and ambushed them!

One after another arrows continually flew out of the woodland and took the lives of those Europa scouts.

This investigation team has a total of ten people.

One arrow and one person, a whole team, and soon there is only one last person.

At this moment, the Europa scouts can be said that even the strength of breastfeeding has been made. After a rush, they jumped and jumped on the horseback!


In the low voice, the whip of the horse whip was down, and the horse rushed out nearly 100 meters in one breath while eating the pain.

The distance that was quickly pulled away made the Europa scout a little relieved.

However, this tone has not yet come to the end, the Europa scouts who rushed all the way suddenly felt a sore throat.

A blood-stained arrow emerged from his throat, and the strength and vitality quickly separated, allowing him to fly out of the rushing horses on the spot and then fell heavily on the ground.

Taking away the life of the last enemy, in the woodland, an elf archer put down the long bow in his hand with a blank expression, and then quickly swept the surrounding elves around the branches.

This is the investigation team of their elves, the advanced unit after the elf ranger advanced, windrunner!

Before the close of the ten-person squad, nine people were dead under the arrow of the windrunner, and he just completed the last round of remote killing.

"Go and deal with the bodies of those enemies."

There is no nonsense, the windrunners' skills are really like the wind is fast, after quickly processing the body, receiving the other horses and equipment a whole piece of mountain forest once again returned to calm.

The reconnaissance teams sent out have all lost their letters. In the palace of the capital, Charlie Crombel’s mood can be said to be terrible. In this case, even a fool should know that his reconnaissance team has been opposite. Give it up.

With a hard fist in front of his desk, Charlie Crombel began to worry.

"Transfer orders, gather troops on the northern border! Prepare for the expedition!"

On this side, Charlie Crombel is going to assemble the army directly and get back to the scene.

After all, this wave, their eyes of God are three dozens, this battle, confirm the direction, the big attack is, nothing is good.

On the other hand, after receiving the front-line news, Luo Ji was naturally overjoyed after learning that he had succeeded in smashing the enemy scout squad.

At this moment, on the south side, they have already taken the lead in occupying favorable terrain.

In the case of being able to intercept the opposite side in advance, Luo Ji does not make sense to hand over the initiative, but wait until the other party kills his eyes and then hands again!

Start with a strong hand and then start to suffer.

That kind of environment is most suitable for the elves to fight, and a hand is issued quickly, directly telling Zhou Yi to lead the south defenders to expedite, and use the terrain to intercept the enemy!

Update is sent, and thank you for the book friends 'Jiji Cool', '呱', '☆ 绯色正月光★', 'Wake up time 2', 'I always like Slo...', 'Mr. ', 'Go away', 'Nian', 'Ink turbid', 'Zi Ao', 'Wei Wei', 'corner and star', 'Tang Tang hot', 'combined body number' monthly pass!