The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1250: Live a ghost!

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"Ha ha ha ha, really God is helping us, I am afraid no one will think that you and I will be randomly placed in an area by the system."

Located at the rear of the battlefield, with his special vision, Raymond Sossi, who was far from the side of the battlefield situation, quickly sent a message to Robert Smith after seeing the Terran army enter the battlefield from the side.

In the distance, Robert Smith, who received the news, also had some sighs. Indeed, this kind of thing happened. Even he did not think that it could only be said that luck was too good.

In the face of his joint army with Raymond Sossi, the border defense of this day's players is not to hold on.

And just as he thought so, the side battlefield of the Winter Fortress has a new change...

The existence of the mine defense line, although to some extent curbed the offensive of the human army, but the overall situation of the side battlefield is still not optimistic.

I didn't have time to think about it. When I mentioned the rifle in my hand, Wade rushed into the trench with his white wolf commando, forming a perimeter defense line and blocking the advancement of the enemy army.

In the fortress, Luke, who is coming together, will certainly not be vague in this kind of festival.

I saw him with a big hand and waved the fortress with his majesty, because the high wall of the winter fortress would limit their attacks to a certain extent.

"Dry! What is that stuff?!"

Holding the telescope in his hand, Robert Smith, who originally wanted to be quiet and behind the battlefield, was a personally shaped BUFF, and he was screaming on the spot.

As one of the branches of the human race, Luke's elephants have a huge body size of fifteen meters, far more burly than ordinary elephants.

However, this situation is obviously not enough to make Robert Smith so rude.

The main reason is in the weapons like human hands!

I saw that at this moment, among the forty elephants headed by Luke, twenty of them were carrying a huge weapon that made Robert Smith somewhat uncertain.

Just as he was somewhat unprepared for this, the 20 elephants carrying weapons had already acted.

While they brought up the huge weapon and slammed it on the shoulder, the person behind him was carrying a huge box and took out a thing from the box.

Through the telescope, Robert Smith can be said to be clear about this scene.

At that moment, his entire face was like a ghost!

Because the elephant was taken out of the box, it was a shell of a conical warhead. The most terrible thing was the size of the shell, or the proportion of people like it!


At this moment, Robert Smith can be said to be screaming on the spot.

However, at this time, it is obviously impossible to stop follow-up actions like people.

I saw that the elephant who was carrying the weapon had already made a one-shoulder launching action, and the elephant behind him was quite sturdy and stuffed the cannon into the cannon.

In the next second, with a burst of shelling sounds, twenty special high-explosive bombs came in and out.

At the moment of falling into the battlefield, the amazing explosion roared, leaving Robert Smith, who was behind, all trembled.

After the explosion, the massive killing caused by the shrapnel of the shrapnel made the eyelids that he watched jump straight.

"Hell! Orc can still make this kind of unit?!"

Robert Smith’s slightly pale face is still a little bit awkward.

Look at the elephant-like forces of this day's players, and then look at Raymond Sosie's elephant army, he only feels that his brain is going to be a mess.

what's the situation? what happened? !

Raymond Sossi’s elephant army is still throwing shells by hand. How can you get on the rocket launcher? !

But in fact, Robert Smith is really a misunderstanding.

Because that is not a rocket launcher at all.

If you really want to say it, it is not even a new weapon.

Simply put, it is a cannon with a bracket removed...

Of course, it seems that this is not all right. Ye Hao is good at improving this weapon.

For example, in order to make the elephants more stable when they launch, she added a shoulder mount in the main part, which can make people like the people relatively stable on the shoulder when firing.

For example, the design of the grip is also added.

At the same time, considering the convenience of people moving, the length of the barrel has also been reduced. Now that the entire length of the gun is only eight meters, the effective range is naturally reduced.

However, in exchange, the calibre has increased a bit, in exchange for a stronger power.

Throughout the whole world of civilizations, except for the human race, other orcs are estimated to have no one to eat and play.

And this new special unit is undoubtedly the one that Luo series has tossed in recent years.

He felt that he lacked a strong output unit on his battlefield.

The dwarf artillery is just enough, but it is not flexible wants a unit that can use strong output and can move flexibly on the battlefield.

In this way, this "Human Artillery" unit was born.

This unit is a group of two, one responsible for the back of the ammunition box and the bomb, and one responsible for carrying the cannon and firing.

As for the cost and cost of this unit, it is definitely expensive to think about it.

The shells and cannons used are all money-burning things.

Especially the giant cannon, like this kind of large weapon, if something goes wrong and it is blown up, the consequences can’t be imagined.

In this way, in order to ensure the quality, these giant cannons are all from the hands of the top dwarf craftsmen, and took a lot of time and money to get it out.

At present, there are a total of 50 groups, because the dwarf artisans are busy making other things, and the 50 groups are like the giant artillery, 20 of which are in the north, and the remaining, 15 in the east and west.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that the idea of ​​the elephant-like bomber on the side of Raymond Sossi is basically the same as that of Luo.

However, the 10,000-world civilization of Luo Ji is far superior to the orc civilization of Raymond Sossi in the development of science and technology and ordnance.

The cost of those who cast bombs is lower, but from the perspective of combat strength, Luo Xiang’s elephant giant artillery is undoubtedly occupying an overwhelming advantage.

At the same time, what is more important is that Raymond Sossi, who has changed the configuration of the arms without authorization, is not able to enjoy the addition of the arms of the arms.

Different from Luo, he has already completed the integration with the orc civilization. The ‘People’s Artillery’ unit is a system that is personally given. It is naturally full of enhanced BUFF bonus!

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The update was sent, and at the same time, thank you for the monthly vote of the book Friend 'Tears 1' and ‘Wind Volcano 11’!

(End of this chapter)