The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1306: Strategic level

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The special signal flare of the Europa army quickly exploded in the air.

The obvious movement, Shariel is obviously impossible to notice.

I really want to say that when the giant horned dragon lizard hits the outer trenches, the following movements have already caught his attention.

Sharier, who is now chasing Cargan, saw a brow in the bullet, and then seemed to think of him, and quickly stretched out.

"Also, with this blow, let 汝 be turned into ashes under the power of my Lord!"

The six wings that burned the flames suddenly opened, and Shalier slammed into the thick clouds at an astonishing speed and flew high above the air.

The holy sword held its head high and the strength quickly condensed. After a while, it was already gathered into a huge fireball with a diameter of three meters.

However, this is not over yet. At this moment, the fireball above the sword is still growing.

At the same time, I don’t know if it’s because Shahr is playing this trick in the “ruling” mode. The huge fireball that should have been incandescent is actually carrying a golden flame. The whole fireball has become more powerful.

"Stop him!"

At this moment, Calgan, who was seriously injured, is clearly unable to stop Shahr's next move.

Several fast eagle snipers who heard the order rushed to the sky at the first time, but were stopped by several Tianyi species. The strict defense line made it difficult for them to break through.

"There is no need to struggle, let the mortal and other mortals see it well, the real judgment of the day!"

The time between the talks, the diameter of the fireball has reached the five-meter level, but Shalier still has not stopped, and continues!

A lot of faith is being madly drawn at this moment, gathering together into a killing blow.

As early as after the war, Shalier said that he could fully exert the Judgment Day wheel and directly destroy the Fort Laurin Fortress, but he was rejected by Kaz Passi at that time.

But think about it from another angle, and it will be fine if it does not spread to the case of Rollinburg.

In this way, there is this second option.

Under the premise that the enemy's active attack, and their trench camp can not block the giant beast, directly let Shalier fully display the trial day, to erase the vital forces of the enemy army, and help them to determine the victory, can be said to be a Quite a good idea.

The time of thinking and flying, the diameter of the trial day wheel has already exceeded ten meters!

At this moment, it is completely like a small sun hanging over the battlefield, the horror deterrent that emanating, so that everyone in the battlefield could not help but have a heart.

Even Kazpassi, a friendly army, is now withdrawing directly toward the rear with his army of Europa.

Why didn't he directly let Shalier use this trick before? It's very simple, if you are not careful, they have to suffer! And like this kind of strategic-level blow, is it that you can move? Consumption issues must also be taken into account.

However, the situation today is also to make Kaz Pasha no choice.

The other party has already used strategic-level units, and they can only use strategic-level blows to pick up the recruits.

The trial day is still expanding, and the current power is obviously not satisfactory to Shalier.

However, just as its diameter was approaching the fifteen-meter level, the accident happened at this moment, and the Sharier's face that controlled the trial of the day was suddenly pale.

Then, as if he realized what, he quickly looked at the position of the temporary church.

According to the height and distance he is at this time, it is obviously impossible to see the situation on the ground, but at this moment, Shariel is clear in his heart, absolutely ‘prayer’s have an accident!

Just now, the steady supply of faith has suddenly been drastically reduced, and now it is completely broken.

It is precisely because of this that Shalier, who was maintaining a strong output state at that time, was so unprepared. If he was not careful, his body’s beliefs were actually taken away by the ‘Judged Day Round’!

Undoubtedly, this is of course a good thing to do with the tunnels and the soldiers in the south of the enemy.

Before the reinforcements of the four regiments of Kazpasina arrived, soldiers including Li Zicheng in the south of the country had already thrown high-pitched grenade and forced the frivolous temporary church to explode.

At that moment, the prayers in white robes could be said to have completely entered their line of sight.

It is this group of guys who seem to have the power of the hands of the chickens, providing the winged soldiers with the faith they need to perform their gods.

At the same time, these prayers are undoubtedly typical devotees.

The churches have all been blasted, and they are still kneeling on the ground, praying with their fists in their hands, but it makes people feel a little scary.

Without ambiguity, the soldiers in the Southland opened fire quite simply.

In this battlefield involving countless soldiers on both sides of life and death they will never be soft-hearted!

As an auxiliary type of service, in addition to continuing to pray, the prayers do not have any resistance at all.

And with the complete supply of faith, the prayers are undoubtedly ushered in the end of the whole.

At this moment, Sharier's face flying in the sky was cloudy and uncertain. Fortunately, he stopped the output state in time. Otherwise, according to which output intensity, the belief in his body must not be drained on the spot.

But even so, his current state is definitely not good.

The interruption of the rear supply and the consumption of a large amount of faith made him have to passively lift the ‘ruling’ state.

Then I looked up and watched the 'Judgement Day Round', which has almost reached the level of 14 meters. Although it did not reach the expected level, the power should be quite considerable.

Thinking of this, Sharier, who took a deep breath, is already ready to do it.

Seeing that the horrible fireball that is like a small sun is about to fall, but at this moment, the unexpected situation is happening again!

For a while, the roaring sound of the sonic boom was almost brought up, and suddenly it was uploaded from an airspace higher than the height at which Shariel was at this time.

"Heavy objects, large size, and extremely fast fall speed! It is approaching this speed!"

At the moment of hearing the movement, Sharier, who had made a rough judgment in her mind, couldn’t think too much, and quickly turned to look into the air.

In the next second, I only heard the muffled sound of 'Boom', which was the sonic boom brought by the air burst. I saw that at this moment, a volume is simply horrible, and the whole body is like a dark red lava. The unstoppable momentum is crushed towards where he is at this time! !

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)