The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1371: Surprise

Since receiving the report of Zhou Yi, recently, the whole person of Luo Ji can be said to be excited.

After he was promoted to the silver position, he did not take a gold treasure chest, and there were not many silver treasure chests. Naturally, there was no way to open the design of Kyushu Ding.

Now, Luo Ji did not think of it, the south side of this beating down, actually let him make a ready-made!

This is not just a simple Kyushu trip, but more importantly, this is his sixth Kyushu tripod! In other words, as long as you wait for this to come, let him pass the eye and get the system judgment, you can successfully trigger the effect of the six-piece set!

This is good, Luo Luo this period of time, can be said to be the hope of the stars looking forward to the moon.

Even the matter that had killed Charlie Crombelt and took the entire empire was thrown behind him.

After all, the elimination of Charlie Crombel, in his opinion, is a matter of time, and this Kyushu Ding is a real surprise!

However, starting from the city of Basil in the southern empire, it was transported by train in the territory. After leaving the country, it was transported by transport vehicle all the way, but even so, it would take several months to send it to the city of Der Spiegel.

This makes Luo Ji feel that life is very difficult.

However, the busy thing is obviously still busy.

Now that Charlie Clembel’s empire has fallen into his hands, but now the total war has not been finished. Before that, it must be sent a group of talents to take over.

By the way, look at it in detail, what good things are there in the empire.

A large wave of talent transfer directly brought a lot of troubles, even if there were two assistants, Ye Hua and Lu Yang, to help him deal with a part of it, this thing is also very complicated, that one name, look at his brain Rendu began to hurt.

Forced to rub the eyebrows, finally processed the last document of the Luo Ji heavy exhaled a long breath.

At the same time, along with the release of the latest issue of the weekly newspaper, a whole million civilizations are also caught in the carnival of victory.

At the end of the street, almost every people are talking about this victory of the army of the South, and even many people have sang the triumph of victory.

For the Wanjie civilization, which has been fighting for years, it is just like a strong heart!

However, no one can deny that this war is not over yet...

Above the vast land of the West, the endless Wanli Great Wall divides the entire West and the desert with the towering walls.

At this moment, as a key juncture to the desert area, a group of soldiers riding a camel ran past the Yellow Sand Fortress.

This camel soldier is also a characteristic cavalry on the west side, and at this time, they are performing daily patrol missions.

After receiving the order from Luo Ji, the patrol intensity of the Huangsha Fortress has doubled directly in the past few months.

Every soldier riding on the camel's back is equipped with a rifle, and the face is covered with a tight veil to cover the wind and sand blowing in the face. This is the standard configuration of soldiers in the West.

At this moment, a burst of yellow sand in the distance, this is undoubtedly the first time to cause the patrol soldiers to be vigilant.

The slug of the bullet, the rifle in his hand has already been turned up, and the muzzle of the black hole points directly to the direction in which the yellow sand rises.

After the other party completely entered their field of vision, the soldiers of the patrols could not help but look awkward.

Because the team of people who appeared in their field of vision at this time, they even rode camels like them, and the costumes on the body are similar to six or seven points, but this is obviously not theirs!

Between the thoughts flying, the head of the patrol squad leader shouted...

"The comer stops!!"

After shouting, he seemed to realize that it was a bit wrong, so he pulled the scorpion and shouted the same words in a slightly lame Europa language.

This year, the culture of the soldiers is not going to work.

At the same time, the opposite is undoubtedly the discovery of their existence.

Regardless of whether they understand the words, the meaning is definitely understand.

I saw a person who was headed, and after talking to someone else behind him, he spoke from the back of the camel, and then raised his hands, in a surrender-like posture, toward the patrol. The direction came over.

The captain of the patrol who saw this scene pressed a little.

Several players behind the scenes put the gun down a bit, but continued to be vigilant.

Then, after waiting for the person to approach, the captain of the patrol took control of the camel under the seat and walked a few steps forward, then continued to ask in his lame Europa...

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming here?"

However, what he did not think was that under the veil of the opposite, there was also a rather bad European language.

Obviously, these two people are not very good at learning.

Under this premise, they can only understand the question of what the other party said.

After a long period of confusion, they finally confirmed each other's identity.

"In case, just take the towel and hat, I need to confirm the skin color and hair color."

The patrol captain who heard this sentence directly shocked, because this time, the other party actually said the Tianchao directly, this really shocked him, although the same lame, but at least he did not sound so laborious.

And while talking, the other party also took off the face towel and hat on his face.

Showing a slightly rough face and a brown skin.

"Is it true that you will speak the heavens?"

For the patrol captain who is not very confident in his own Europa language, there is a feeling of relief.

Then I also took off the veil and hat on my face.

The typical black hair, black eyes and yellow skin, is to let the person on the opposite side relax a lot, and then continue to use the lame Tiandu words...

"Our emperor, believe, want to hand over to your emperor, we do not want to fight with you, I hope that peace can be maintained between each other."

While speaking, the other party took out a round wooden barrel, probably as thick as the baby's arm, and made it quite formal.

Wait until the patrol captain picks up the wooden barrel that should have been mailed from only listen to the other party again...

"We hope that we can bring back the letter from your emperor."

There is a way to reach out and not to smile, and the other person has a look like a peaceful coexistence, making them really difficult to continue to stretch their faces.

But this letter is coming and going, how can you get a month or two?

During this period, it was really inconvenient for the foreign reconnaissance unit to enter the Huangsha Fortress. The reason was very simple, because the Western Army had not returned yet.

Although it is good to say now, once the other party discovers that their Western defense line is empty, the ghost knows what will happen on the opposite side?

Fortunately, the opposite person is also very interesting, quite simply said that they can camp outside waiting, which makes him save trouble.

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)

The lord of civilization