The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1379: Big grain producing country

Today, on the side of the South China Sea Fleet, the representative sent by Yuan Xi is the adjutant of the Yuan Dynasty.

As the distance between the two sides gradually narrowed, the faces of several soldiers on the opposite boat soon reflected the eyes of Wang Hao.

To tell the truth, just looking at the appearance, Wang Wei really can't see the soldiers in the opposite country, only knowing that it is a foreigner.

Because in their view, a series of foreigners such as the Europa, the Saxons, and the Gauls seem to be all the same, and this is quite a no-brainer.

After a brief contact between the representatives of the two fleets, a letter from the other player was sent to Luo Ji’s hands without any surprise.

The fleet that appeared in the South China Sea at this time was the fleet of the fighters.

Like the previous big eater and Raksha player, the other party is quite a good expression to him.

In this regard, Luo Ji naturally also returned to a set of social rhetoric in the past, and friendly to help the other side to point out the destination.

After more than half a month, another player’s army came to the door. However, this time it was responsible for the Yangtze River fleet in the Yangtze River.

Located in the center of this battlefield, Luo Ji suddenly felt that he was really busy.

Looking at the letters in his hand, the look on his face was a little more serious.

The fleet that appeared in his Yangtze River at this time was a player from the Fusang camp, Yamamoto Yoshihe.

If he remembers it correctly, Ke Xiuwen also reminded him that this Yamamoto Yihe is the upper generation of Takeda Yoshihiro.

Before coming in, the other party seems to be still in the world channel, directly publicly indicating what to avenge for the younger generation, can be said to point the finger directly at him.

However, the content of this letter is similar to that of other foreign players, and there is no mention of words such as 'revenge'.

Of course, Luo Ji will naturally not relax, no matter what the mountain is righteous and what he thinks in his mind, it is indeed true that he had slaughtered Takeda Yoshihide, and the basic defense work still has to be done well.

While giving a reply, it is quite a simple indication that the Yangtze River Fleet is vigilant. Now, after all, he is on the central continent of this battlefield, or be careful.

Subsequently, the time continued to flow, the season quietly entered the autumn, and the harvest reports of various cities were quickly sent up.

"Compared to last year's harvest, it seems to be a little down?"

Looking at the report in his hand, Luo Ji asked the Minister of Agriculture under the head.

For this problem, the current minister of the Ministry of Agriculture is obviously also psychologically prepared, and then replied quite neatly...

"Responding to this, the drought this summer has had a certain impact on crops. Some crops cannot withstand the heat and the harvest has declined. It is also inevitable. However, there are still many crops that are basically not affected. Influence."

Luo Ji listened to the report of the Minister of Agriculture and turned the report in his hand to a page.

If the front is a summary of the entire report, then the next few pages are the details.

Basically, each city has a detailed description of how much crops are harvested.

To be honest, as a civilization that has just experienced drought, it is incredible to have such a grain output in the fall.

The reason for this is naturally due to the perfect water conservancy repair project, so that the Wanjie civilization does not lack water because God does not rain.

On the other hand, there is no doubt that thanks to the effect blessing of Kyushu Ding's “Five Grains” and the help of Samsung's natural wonders on the farming industry, it has greatly increased food production.

It is no exaggeration to say that even in this case, the grain output of the Wanxiang civilization is probably much higher than the normal production of other civilizations.

It is said that this year's grain output has declined, which is also compared with itself, and other players in the same segment, it is really not much comparable.

As a big grain-producing country with two ‘farming’ wonders, there is no humble element.

Even in one sentence, it is ‘I am not targeting who, but everyone, everyone is spicy chicken! ’

Therefore, for this problem caused by the drought caused by the decline in grain harvest, Luo Ji did not have to blame, that is, put a mouth, and let the farming department pay attention to some next year will be finished, after all, they are not horizontal Lack of food, even in the granaries of many cities, is still full of last year's grain.

"In short, all the grain that was in the granary was replaced by the new grain this year, except..."

Speaking of it, it seems that I think of what Luo Zhi directly asked...

“How about the progress of the hybrid rice project that was given to you in the Ministry of Agriculture?”

As soon as this matter was raised, the spirit of the Minister of Agriculture was clearly spurred, and then he replied quickly...

“Backward, the hybrid rice project is going very smoothly. If nothing unexpected, the first batch of hybrid rice should be harvested next year.”

Luo, who got this answer, nodded with satisfaction.

In the history of the dynasty, it is different from the situation that needs to be slowly explored step by step. The silver-grade hybrid rice cultivation program that was opened from the treasure chest allowed Luo to directly obtain a correct one, and also A very complete strategy.

At the same time, the effect of silver-level props also comes with a 30% success rate, 30% cultivation efficiency and the same 30% hybrid rice harvest.

Under this premise, the people in the farming department basically only need to follow the strategy step by step, and they do not need to do research. What they lack now is nothing but planting experience.

Wait until next year, let them confirm the harvest of the batch of hybrid rice, and after accumulating basic experience, they can start planting on a large scale.

At that time, Luo Ji, the grain production of this Wanxiang civilization, I am afraid that it can be upgraded to a higher level!

At the thought of this, Luo Ji is still quite looking forward to it.

After all, he is not too much for food, let alone his plan to take over the population of Charlie Crombel.

For him now, the higher the grain output, the better.

It doesn't matter if you can't finish it every year. Anyway, as long as it is processed and kept in good condition, it will not be a problem in the granary for five or six years.

Of course, within his territory of civilization, there is basically no such thing as Chen Liang for five or six years.

Because, as before, he changed the grain of last year in the granary to this year's new grain when the grain was harvested.

The replaced grain will be disposed of at a cheaper price.

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and genuine!)