The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1408: Suspicious

Around this time, a whole port of Gaul was directly launched, and the fools knew that those mines could not be changed out of thin air. Someone must have placed mines there.

However, after a thorough investigation, it still failed to find a result.

Since the beginning of the war, every port in the coastal area has patrols patrolling 24 hours a day, plus the warning of the sea lighthouse, a whole line of defense can be said to be extremely strict.

In this case, if someone is driving a ship and carrying so many mines to the sea outside the port for arrangement, there is basically no situation that cannot be found unless they are all blind!

This result obviously cannot satisfy the minister who is responsible for thoroughly examining the matter.

"Isn't it possible for someone to arrange so many mines in that area? Do you think this answer will be accepted by the Emperor?! Colonel, one month! You only have one month! You must give me a result, or else, You and me have to finish!!"

The Minister’s words are not half-hearted.

How big is the loss of the three battleships sinking? It is no exaggeration to say that it is an astronomical number.

Moreover, it is still the time of war, it is the time when the battleship is most needed! This kind of thing happens at this time, the situation is even more serious!

Recalling the gloomy face of their great emperor at that time, the minister did not have any doubts. If this is not the case, the emperor will probably directly live them!

What they don't know, however, is that according to their investigation direction, it is impossible to find a result when they die.

Through the vision provided by the Elf Druid, the movement of the Gallic Fleet is always locked. With the speed of the lightning strike fleet, it can be said that they are always one step ahead.

In the port area, there are lighthouses, they really can't get close, but the underwater combat troops that marched with the army are completely ok!

In the case of sufficient visibility during the day, it takes a little more work. The iguana warriors can carry the mines with them, sneak past the sea and complete the mine arrangement.

Even if you float out of the sea and take a breath, such a small unit, plus distance cover, the other party is not likely to see it.

In this era, the elimination of mines and mines is extremely troublesome and tricky, and at the same time carries huge risks. It is impossible to make a decision in a short period of time, let alone the whole area is everywhere. Mines, the beach next to it does not know that it is safe...

In order to be on the safe side, it was also to be able to get the warships repaired in time, and to replenish the materials. The Gaul Fleet had to move towards the next port.

During this period, Wang Wei, who confirmed the other party’s movements, certainly could not let them go.

In the past few months of the expedition, they have already figured out the map of this sea area.

The line of sight swiftly swept from the map. Under the premise of confirming the direction of the movement of the Gallic Fleet, according to their current emergency situation, they would definitely move towards the port closest to their location, and even the navigation route, he can roughly speculate. .

In this way, in the case of knowing the destination of the other party, taking advantage of the speed advantage of the light warship, Wang Hao naturally wants to run in front of the Gallic fleet...

Above the sea, a low morale fleet of Gauls is on the way to the next port.

The previous encounters made the soldiers of the Gaolu navy in a bad state. Even the commander of the fleet had a sullen look. Before that, he only hoped to find out a result!

As a fleet that has been out for a long time, when it returns to the port, it will be attacked by terrorists. This is simply something he can't imagine.

According to this statement, where is there peace for them?

However, when he thought so, a sudden explosion in front of the fleet made his whole heart hang in the eyes of the blind.

"What happened?! What happened?!"

While issuing a series of questions, he directly rushed out of his captain's room.

"Reporting and reporting generals, destroyer 051 in front of the fleet, seems to be a mine..."

The heart of the general commander who heard this was obviously pumping.

Mine? What is special mine? !

At this moment, he only felt that he was going crazy, and where did the **** mines come from? !

The destroyer that arrived at the mine was almost turned in the first place, resulting in two more mines.

The fragile small body of the destroyer is comparable to the armored battleship, and the three mines directly ushered in a sinking ending.

The following destroyers that could not control the inertia of the forward are also following in the footsteps.

On the ship that is about to sink, the crew have put down the lifeboat, or they have escaped directly from the ship.

But when they got above the sea, they found another problem...

Do not dare to move! At this moment, the crew who escaped from the sunken destroyer fell to the surface like this, and did not dare to move!

Who knows if there is a mine under the sea?

Before the mines were bombed on the destroyers, they had a chance to escape.

Now, if they trigger another mine, then I am afraid that I can only end the end of a dead sea...

I have to say that this wave, Wang Hao’s small change, once again caught this Gallic fleet unprepared.

Before he placed the mine near the port, it was because he could not find out the return route of the Gallic fleet, and he did not grasp much.

But this time it is different, the Gallic fleet is almost moving along the coastline, it is too easy to see clearly.

Of course, this success has not made Wang Hao smug.

His lightning strike fleet still maintains its hidden state.

Because he is very clear, the opposite of the Gaul Fleet, even if it is standing still, can kill their small fleet during the day.

If you have a glimpse of your mind, you can't figure this out. With more than a dozen destroyers rushing up, it's purely for yourself to find yourself新ヤ~8~1~中文网ωωω.χ~ 8.~1zщ.còм

Next, I went to the general commander of the Gallic fleet and slowly became suspicious.

Anyway, this wave, their purpose has been reached, clearly cut the maritime combat power of the Gallic Fleet!

In this way, the lightning strike fleet that did not show up from beginning to end quietly retreated.

After receiving the news, the Gaul player who learned that his fleet was continuously attacked by mines, the face can be said to be ugly in the end, and the heart has even begun to doubt whether there is another rebel organization in his own empire. I want to go through with him. After all, similar things have happened many times in the past few hundred years!

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