The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1424: ,judgement standard

This time, the two old ministers are not afraid to make troubles. No matter what, they don’t have the physical care of their knees. At this time, if they really want to make another wonder and have fun, they can only recognize it.

Looking at the two old ministers who were honest at the moment, Luo Ji finally sighed with a sigh of relief, then slowly said...

"Two old ministers, how do you listen to me?"

While speaking, Luo Ji indicated that Aike sent the design of the ‘Sun God Colossus’.

Sun Liang, who took over the spectacle design from Aike’s hand, subconsciously turned his face.

The finance minister, who was on the side, stretched his neck and took a look around.

Subsequently, the two were almost relieved at the same time.

"It turned out to be just a giant statue..."

Although it is required to reach the 33-meter-high statue, it is quite an amazing building, but after all, there is a Great Wall in front of it.

No matter what the spectacle, compared with the size of the Great Wall, it becomes nothing.

If they just want to build a giant elephant, then it doesn't need to mobilize too much manpower. It can't be done with a little more effort.

However, just as the two old ministers thought so, Luo Ji, who was sitting on the throne, spoke again...

"Sun Liang, I am calling you this time. I am not saying that I want to build this spectacle immediately. I want to ask your construction engineering department to find a few skilled craftsmen to change the giant image slightly."

That's right, this is the purpose of Luo Ji called Sun Liang, and it is also the problem of this giant statue of the sun god.

Sun god? Who is that? The people of their universal civilization have no concept of the kind of 'God'. At present, his development of Wanxiang civilization is quite good. It is not good for him to do this. So, Luo Of course, there is no plan to make a lot of gods.

However, it is precisely because of this that once the sun **** statue is created, it will be very abrupt, and it is necessary to modify it slightly.

As for the spectacle, can you modify this question? Luo Ji has already experimented a long time ago. If you don’t believe that you watched the ancient Roman arena, you have already been converted into a football field by Luo Ji. Every World Cup game is there. Kicking, it turns out that the spectacle effect is still there and has not been affected by a little remodeling.

Obviously, the system is not so rigid in this judgment, and there must be some way of judgment.

Take the Great Wall, the spectacle, may be exactly the same as the one in the history of the heavens? Certainly impossible!

When they built the Great Wall, they used the most advanced building technology directly. At the same time, the strength of the Great Wall and the height of the wall were definitely more than the historical ones.

Under this premise, what is the system's criteria for determining the Great Wall?

According to the careful analysis of Luo Ji, there should be the following points...

The first point is based on the design on the spectacle design.

The second point is the need to achieve a certain level of wall height and defensive power.

The last point is the standard of the connection length of 10,000 miles!

This Sun God statue is undoubtedly the same, there must be some kind of judgment standard, and according to Luo Ji's current guess, one of the criteria is necessarily the ‘colossus’!

After listening to the entire detailed description of Luo Ji, Sun Liang can be said to be greatly relieved, for the time being? Just modify this giant image on the line? Little things!

Although this giant image should not use much manpower, but in this situation, the construction engineering department's manpower has been very tight, and this manpower can be saved, it is naturally better.

However, they know where it is not that Luo Ji does not want to make this giant sun statue, but because he can't make it now.

The Colossus needs to be modified, just for a small reason.

The biggest reason is that he is now in the battlefield of a full-scale war, not in his own world.

As a premise, there are only two geographical environments that meet the requirements for the construction of this giant sun statue.

One is the Yangtze River Basin and the other is the South China Sea Port.

There is definitely no need for the Yangtze River basin, because there is already a Samsung man-made wonderland big lighthouse standing there, and then piled up a sea spectacle in the past, the price is not high.

In this way, only the South China Sea port is the choice.

But now the problem is coming. The South China Sea port is the site of the original Europa player Charlie Clembel. Now it is occupied by Luo Ji, pay attention, it is occupation!

Now that the war has not officially ended, the city territory that has been snatched from other players will only show up as an 'occupation' state.

After the whole war is over, if you still maintain the 'occupation' of the city, the system will begin the ‘swallowing’ judgment.

At that time, Luo Ji will inevitably have to carry out a large-scale territorial adjustment.

In other words, the geographical location will undergo a wide range of changes. Now go to the South China Sea port to make a giant sun statue? At that time, once he needs to adjust his position, is he not adding himself to himself?

In this way, this gold-level five-star man-made spectacle, even if you want to make, can only wait until the end of this comprehensive war.

Then, for some time, the efficiency of internal force transfer was quite high for the Wanmeng civilization, which had already passed the train on all border routes.

However, even if efficiency is high, it is impossible to intercept the transportation fleet that was discovered by them at the time.

But it doesn't matter, since the transportation route has been confirmed, then the next one will not be fine?

According to the size of the foreign joint army on the border, the goods have to be transported every few months, and they now have opportunities.

Sure enough, a few months later, the second transport team came, with the high-altitude vision provided by the Elf Druid, the orc troops that were urgently transferred from the West, already locked in the supply fleet of the big eater.

At this time, responsible for leading this orc army, it is the patriarch of the werewolf family, Li Ke!

As a member of the Orc veteran of Li Ji, Li Ke showed quite calmness. They did not choose to do it during the day. At this time, he was like a patient hunter, waiting quietly for the coming of the night.

However, the opposite batch of materials seems to be very anxious, even after the night, the transport team did not have to stay overnight, but to turn on the lights, reduce the speed, continue to hurry.

In this regard, it is obvious that Li Ke can't wait any longer, and he has no plans to change his original plan.

Under the night, in the ridiculous dry grass, a pair of green eyes lit up.

Then a burst of guns completely broke the silence of this night!

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)