The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1486: Accumulate power

After a while, whether it was the recovery work in the territory of the big food, or the offensive efficiency of the orc army, it was under the direction of Luo Ji, and the movement was slightly accelerated.

The solid foundation laid down earlier has made this wave more efficient.

Among them, the most significant improvement in efficiency is undoubtedly the one in the territory of the big food.

The situation in the territory of the big food is actually very simple. As long as there is sufficient food, the whole problem can be solved directly by a large part. The trouble is from the Wanjie civilization to the food territory. The distance is there, even if it is It takes a lot of time to transport by transport.

As for the pitiful rebel army, let alone the Xuanjia army that Luo Ji sent to the other side, even if they simply pull a large food army in the past, they can settle them relatively easily.

The rebel army that has been patched together, and even a few decent weapons and equipment, how could it be possible to fight the regular army?

The only trouble is that they can hide and find them very time consuming.

However, this task, Luo Ji has long been handed over to the Mirror Division.

With the cooperation of the two, can a group of people not be able to turn the sky?

On the other hand, after the threat of the Fuso army, the offensive of Robert Smith, not only did not significantly improve, but almost stagnated.

Ye Qingyi, who has only recently sold a batch of resources to the other party, expressed doubts about this.

At the time, Luo Ji, who was just next to him, gave a sneer after listening to the words.

"Clearly, you don't know much about the war. In my opinion, Robert Smith is very smart now."

"How to say?"

Ye Qing smashed his head and directly threw the problem to Luo.

In this regard, Luo Ji is quite a simple expression...

"He is building up strength."

"Before I was just aiming at the Fuso army, after he had finished a set of storms, the consumption was not small. At this time, if he immediately turned to the Raksha army, it would be frustrated to hit half of it."

Ye Qing, who heard this, licked his chin and then looked at his thoughtful face...

"But according to my opinion, after the retreat of Fusang's army, the morale of the Raksha army has also been significantly affected. Even if Robert Smith is not allowed to counterattack back in a single breath, but if he wants to regain lost ground, it should be more than enough. Right?"

I have to say that over the years, Ye Qingxuan’s understanding of the war has also improved. From the original basic ignorance, to the present can express his own opinions and ideas, it has been a great improvement.

However, this is still too shallow.

After listening to this analysis of the Luo series, smiled and shook his head.

"Indeed, the retreat of the Fusang army has made the Raksha army devastated. At this time, if Robert Smith leads the army, the other party estimates that he will choose to retreat directly, but you have made a mistake."

"What purpose?"

I saw that at this time, Ye Qingying's brow slightly wrinkled.

In this regard, Luo Ji's face is meaningful and gives the answer...

"Robert Smith didn't want to let the Raksha army withdraw from his north."


This answer made Ye Qingyi look awkward. She didn't understand it. It was not a good thing to grab back the lost land. Why would the other party not want to let the army of Rakshasa retreat?

"It is a good thing to look at the interests of the immediate interests, to recover lost land and increase population and productivity. However, the eyes of the guy are far-sighted..."

In my heart, I carefully thought about the words of Luo Ji. After thinking about it, it seems that Ye Qingying, who suddenly realized something, suddenly said with a sigh of relief...

"He wants to fight back?"

When I heard this, Luo Ji’s mouth was slightly tilted.

"Yes, he is not only trying to regain lost ground, but he also wants to fight back in the air!"

Speaking of the Luo series here, I took a little relief and then spoke again...

"If he directly launched a counterattack, he would be able to regain lost ground, but then I am afraid that there is no strength to continue to pursue it. It is equivalent to letting the Raksha army withdraw its territory and at the same time let the other side have defense."

"At that time, he not only had to face a reorganized Rakshasa army, but he also had to face the geographical advantage of the Rakshasa army as a defender."

"But if he chooses not to play for the time being, the situation will be different."

"The battlefield is still in his own empire. He has the geographical advantage as a defender. After the threat of the Fuso army, the threat of the Raksha army has been relatively limited. He has no need to rush. ""

"Whether he temporarily stops the offensive or finds you to buy materials, he is accumulating strength. After waiting for the accumulation of power, he will probably launch a wave of counterattacks. With the help of geographical advantages, the design will bury the main army of the Raksha side. Within your own territory!"

"After successfully destroying the main force of the Raksha side, then take back the lost ground and take the opportunity to counterattack back, so that you can play a lot."

After digesting this analysis of Luo Ji, Ye Qingyi licked his small chin while blinking his eyes...

"But if the Rakshasa army noticed the intention of Robert Smith and took the initiative to retreat..."

Just halfway through the words, Ye Qingyi himself has already reacted.

"If the Rakshasa army takes the initiative to retreat, then Robert Smith can easily get back lost without a single pawn. It seems that this is not a loss."

Looking at the reaction of Ye Qingying, Luo Ji nodded his face ‘yes’.

"For the Raksha side, it is wise to retreat. However, it depends on whether they can react. At the same time, even if the reaction is over, can you make up your mind to spit the meat into your stomach? Come out, this is also a problem."

"So, I want to continue to support Ye Qingqi knows very well that Robert Smith can reach this point, on the one hand because Luo Ji is quietly balancing the battle of this continent, helping invisibly There are a lot of other parties, and one reason is because she is constantly providing material support to the other party.

Under this premise, she only needs to cut off the material support. After there is not enough supplies, Robert Smith’s counterattack will become a dream.

In this regard, Luo Ji is quite a simple expression...

"It doesn't matter, he can afford to sell it to him. According to this situation, Robert Smith can definitely recover the lost ground, but after he turns into an offensive, the Raksha player is not muddy. Who will lose? Winning is really not very good."

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)