The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1496: Accident was pit


After reading the contents of the letter, Robert Smith, the whole person sat down on the back of the chair, lost the balance, so that he even fell to the ground with a chair.

The huge movement, the guards who kept the door outside were shocked and rushed in.

Then, when they saw their sullenly sitting emperor on the ground, several guards couldn’t help but be even more shocked. They quickly rushed forward two steps...

"Your Majesty, are you okay?"

Let the two sides of the guards lift themselves from the ground. At this moment, Robert Smith is still deeply unbelievable because he cannot accept the reality in front of him.

This state, I don't know how long it lasted. In that process, he was awkward.

After a period of time, Robert Smith, who finally recovered a little, picked up the letter of Luo Ji again and continued to look at it without saying a word.

In this letter, Luo Ji not only explains his current situation, but also tells what he needs to do next.

When I licked my lips, the system disappeared, and the contents of the letter made him have to accept it. I am afraid that it has become an NPC.

It’s ridiculous that he still thought about betrayal, and the result was that he accidentally let his own life fall into the hands of the other party...

"The order is passed on, let the army stationed at the border launch an offensive, destroy the army of Raksha, and fight back."

A little hoarse voice sounded in the palace, watching their degraded appearance at this time, the two guards standing on the side could not help but face each other.

But in the end, after a response, I ran down and ordered.

This is the order of Luo Ji, and his original plan. He has no choice. His own wave is a miserable one. The situation of NPC is better than anyone else.

The order was issued, and the action of annihilating the Raksha army in the border area of ​​the Empire was quickly launched.

At the same time, on the other hand, after the Europa side announced the maritime hegemony, a whole piece of the surrounding waters can be said to be everywhere the fisherman and the Europa fleet.

The port was attacked endlessly, the sea power was suppressed by madness, and the invincible fleet of Chris Evans and Pompeland Rand roared the sea! A series of actions have made the naval battle on the side of the foreign alliance almost in a state of 'final defeat'.

It is no exaggeration to say that this all-out war has reached this point. Once a party loses control of the ocean, it is equivalent to defeating it!

The reason is very simple. In this era, the mutual assistance between the mainland and the mainland needs to be maintained by the sea fleet.

Once the control of the ocean is lost, it means that all foreign players on each continent are isolated!

The Europa side, who controls the hegemony of the sea, is able to have plenty of time and kill them all!

"Hey! It’s a hell, this bunch of grandchildren!"

Within the capital of a certain continent, the Tang and Song dynasties, who were the third in silver, gave a slap in the face of their own eyes.

At the same time, Hua Tuo’s voice rang in his ear.

"The guys in the foreign leagues are clearly deliberately showing weakness and want to force us to stand with them."

Obviously, they are currently conducting a voice chat, and the content of the chat is undoubtedly about the battle in the nearest sea.

"The grandchildren thought it was beautiful. When I didn't see it, I saw what they did. There was a kind of they continued to pretend to die. I wanted to see it. In the face of the follow-up attack of the Europa United Army, they could continue to wear dead clothes. When is it!"

Listening to the disappointing words of the Tang and Song Dynasties, Hua Wei, who is far away from the other side, twisted his neck quite helplessly.

"It is true that it is true, but letting Europa continue to occupy the maritime hegemony is also very bad for us. Recently, some players have reacted to us here. The Europa League fleet has begun to intentionally or unintentionally. Close to them."

"Rely! The guys, are you really dare to even let us work together?"

"They have a large number of fish people as the eyeliner and booster at sea. As long as they have absolute maritime hegemony, it is only a matter of time for them to destroy many enemies."

Having said that, Hua Tuo took a slight relief and spoke again after drinking a slobber...

"According to this situation, the next goal of the Europa League must be us, because under the premise that the foreign coalitions have been hit hard, the only thing that can pose a threat to their maritime hegemony is us."

Tang Song, who heard this, fell into a short silence.

The monks of the foreign alliances have really saved their blood in order to drag them into the water!

As the old opponents in the same position, the guys in the foreign leagues, can you know the sea battle strength of Chris Evans and Pompeland?

As a premise, they knowingly can't beat the situation, they deliberately show weakness to the north ~ while preserving their own strength, let the Europa League smoothly establish the maritime hegemony, just to force them to play with them. Join hands!

As for Chris Evans and Pompeland, they are probably aware of the ideas of the guys in the foreign league.

However, the two of them belong to the art high people who are daring.

Maritime hegemony, you dare to pay, we dare to take! As long as the maritime hegemony is in hand, how many people do you manage? All blow up!

The Tianchao Alliance, who was comfortably lying and watching the drama, suddenly became the party to be pitted in this wave calculation.

According to this situation, even if it is for self-protection, they will not be able to watch the Europa League continue to expand.

"Go and ask, who else in the battlefield has not asked for a letter of help, send a letter out to explain the current situation!"

Under the all-out war mode, one person has only one chance to ask for a letter of assistance. Although there are word limits, it is the only means that can unilaterally tell the inside of the situation.

After receiving the letter of assistance and confirming the situation, the outside player can first discuss a result, then let a player accept the help, and symbolically send a soldier as a reinforcement to bring the result to the battlefield.

This kind of practice can not be regarded as the control of the system. After all, they have paid a support opportunity as a price, and the opportunity like this is used once less.

At the same time, such a means can only be used in this kind of ultra-large-scale comprehensive war. What is the general scale?

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)