The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1505: Malformed anti-aircraft gun

In order to effectively increase the range of anti-aircraft guns, or any artillery weapon, in a short period of time, the basic two methods are to increase the 'squeezing pressure' or increase the length of the barrel.

The situation was urgent and there was no time for them to study slowly. In the case of Ivan Vladimir’s death order, the Armored Research Department of Rakshasa soon came up with results.

It was a gun that grew to a slightly twisted anti-aircraft gun. Even when it looked like it was still deformed, people could clearly feel that it was a product of emergency processing.

In the course of use, there may be some risks, such as what is caused by instability...

But it is undeniable that this has effectively increased the range of anti-aircraft guns. At the same time, for a limited time, this is no way.

His own territory is constantly falling, and Ivan Vladimir has no time for them to slowly study and adjust.

With the fall of a large number of territories, the population of his empire is plummeting, and even the productivity is If he continues, he will be able to develop a more stable new type of anti-aircraft gun, but by then, his The situation, I am afraid, has also made it difficult for him to turn over.

In other words, he must fight back when he still has the power to fight back! Even this counterattack will be accompanied by a low risk!

Take a deep breath, this wave, Ivan Vladimir directly went to the front line, no doubt, he has all the chips in his hand, all in the next battle.

The battlefield of this battle is a mountain fortress, which just allows him to use the terrain advantage to stop the cannons of the expeditionary army at the foot of the mountain. For the defending side, it has a considerable geographical advantage.

At the same time, this fortress is also an important gateway to connect the two regions of his territory. If this fortress is to fall, then the battles after that are estimated to be unnecessary.

Ready to go, the battle to decide life and death will come!

Within the mountain fortress, Ivan Vladimir has already put all his regular troops, even with the reserve that was forced to come up, to be prepared for the deadly battle.

As long as his anti-aircraft gun can block the airship opposite, then he will pile up a victory for himself if he uses the heap of human life! !

The expeditionary army slowly advanced, and at the same time, the airborne behemoth symbolizing the destruction once again emerged from the clouds.

Until this moment, Ivan Vladimir finally saw the true meaning of the three airships.

To be honest, the huge sense of oppression brought about by the huge size is even stronger than he expected.

Take a deep breath, then just listen to him shouting loudly...

"Push the anti-aircraft gun!"

The order was issued, accompanied by a series of movements of the soldiers. The station had some deformed anti-aircraft guns and was quickly exposed to the air.

"Target, three airships in the air, aiming at me to open fire and knock them down!!"

Probably because Ivan Vladimir went to the front line and fought with them, together with the improved new weapons, brought them some enthusiasm. At this moment, the morale of the Rakshasa soldiers appeared to be still It is stable.

After a single operation, with a roaring cannon, a high-altitude cannon fired. At that moment, the barrel that swayed violently, people could not help but worry about whether it would be blown up on the spot. At the same time, this unstable state, It is also to greatly reduce the accuracy of anti-aircraft guns.

Standing in front of the transparent window, looking at the flashing lights of the mountain fortress below, a relaxed and comfortable Gao Wen, only when the other party is dying.

They are now at an altitude of seven kilometers and want to fight them...

However, this thought has only just risen by half. Suddenly a burst of sound, accompanied by a violent shock, made Gao Wen, who was completely in a state of relaxation at that time, one standing unsteadily and directly fell to the ground.

"Dry! What??"

Suddenly, he was scared to swear on the spot.

The goblin engineer on the airship quickly confirmed the situation and then reported it in the first time...

"Reporting the Goblin King, the small airbag No. 3 was blown up!"

At that moment, the goblin airship was violently shaken due to the destruction of the balance, and was completely seen by the Ivan Vladimied and the many Raksha soldiers below.

It worked! Their attack worked! !

With the rise of this thought, the Raksha soldiers who had been pressed by the goblin airship had been in a state of excitement.

"Open the gun! Give me a shot! Give a shot, a reward of 100,000! Who can give me the airship, I will directly seal his baron title!!"

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, let alone the great temptation of the noble title, which made the Rakyu artillery who were responsible for operating the anti-aircraft guns completely crazy.

In the continuous shelling roar, one of the unstable anti-aircraft guns was blown up on the spot, and all the Rakshasa artillerymen in charge of the operation were injured. However, this should affect the morale, but did not let the other Rakshasa artillery have a half. Retreating, it is enough to see that they are now crazy to what extent, directly brought a kind of general momentum.

In the face of such a squad, Lieutenant General Barov, who was far away from the outside, could not help but be shocked. Even he did not think that that the Raksha army actually improved the threat. Airborne airborne weapons.

The original state of the game was so tight that it was tense at this moment, and then ordered again and again, urging his army to launch an offensive toward the mountain fortress.

During this period, Gao Wen quickly calmed down after the initial shock, compared with the excited Raksha army and the intense expeditionary army.

Although his character is afraid of death is correct, but how to say that he is also leading the army, the expedition to discuss the so many years of the West, but it is not so chaotic.

"Confirm the isolation layer! Start filling the spare airbag! Then give me the flying height!"

Simple commands are quickly released, and they are not the same as the common airships. The airships made by their goblins are filled with a large number of independent small airbags in the huge airbags that seem to be integrated. There is a strong insulation between the airbag and the small airbag.

An airbag is blown up, at most, it affects the balance of the airship in a short period of time. After that, the goblin airship driver can quickly re-stable with a little control.

At the same time, at this time, if someone can see the scene outside the goblin airship, it will be surprising to find that a new airbag is rapidly bulging because of the gap position caused by the explosion of the small airbag.

After a whole process, it took only a dozen seconds. With the filling of the spare airbag, the small hole that went out on the outer airbag was not mentioned. The goblin airship can basically be said to be restored.

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