The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1538: Good luck guy

In the original Europa joint fleet to force their vast sea of ​​civilizations as an excuse for war, after giving the order to the South China Sea Fleet of Yuan Xi, the Wanjie civilization also entered an extraordinary period, and the working time of the arsenal was directly Adjusted to two shifts, one employee, working 12 hours a day, providing productivity 24 hours a day, trying to produce the first batch of common harpoon guns at the fastest speed and bleeding state.

After this first batch of weapons, the lizard soldiers who had only been able to hold a small amount of harpoon guns and took turns to familiarize themselves with training were finally able to equip all the equipment and then formally trained.

However, at the moment, there is no time for them to train for too long. The time of one month is already the limit. Next, we will accumulate experience directly in actual combat!

Fortunately, the orc troops are of a practical nature. For them, the accumulation of combat experience in actual combat is a bonus of ethnic projects.

At the same time, at the moment when the whole unit was equipped with a harpoon gun, the system also gave him a new special service project, hunting the diver!

Just like the name of this unit, hunting their enemies lurking in the deep sea is their mission.

Luo Ji took this special service project to the third level. Under the blessing of the third-level special service project 'hunter', the lizard soldiers of the water lizard, the underwater combat capability and the underwater combat time were all obtained. Sixty percent improvement!

The gain of underwater combat capability BUFF is well understood. In simple terms, it is to improve the comprehensive combat capability under the water. It is considered to be one of the conventional BUFFs of special arms. Basic military units generally have such blessings of BUFF.

Therefore, the focus is on improving the BUFF of underwater combat time.

It has been said earlier that the lizard people of the water lizard, after undergoing rigorous training, generally maintain the diving state for fifteen to twenty minutes depending on the individual qualities.

To be on the safe side, after fifteen minutes, they should start to surface and breathe in order to avoid any unexpected situation.

This fighting time is undoubtedly the ability to make them fighting underwater, which is obviously limited.

And now, this 60% gain BUFF plus, their underwater combat time, all of a sudden reached the level of thirty minutes! This can be said to be a qualitative leap!

Looking at the gain BUFF that the ‘hunter’s brought to him, Luo’s whole point was full.

After all the instructions were made, the next battle, Luo Ji is undoubtedly going to the front line.

No way, this battle is quite important. Although it is only a small army in the fishermen's army, its threat is not to be underestimated. At the same time, the fishermen are destroying by virtue of the control of the sea area and the flexible mobility. The enemy’s sea traffic line and the plunder supply ship are a good hand.

The alien joint fleet in the outer waters of the battlefield lost so quickly, the sea traffic line was destroyed by the fishermen’s forces, and the resupply ship was robbed, which accounted for a large number of reasons.

In order to directly kill this threat in the cradle, it is the best way to let Luo Qing, who is able to trade and supply resources anytime and anywhere, go to the front line.

Now, let us retreat for a while, the South China Sea Fleet, which has been in the first-level preparations since the beginning of the war, has received the command of their emperor, and Yuan Xi is leading at the fastest speed. The fleet went out.

The enemy has a fisherman, a very difficult underwater force. In order to ensure stability, the South China Sea Fleet has already set off a warning of 120,000 points as soon as it leaves.

Not only sent reconnaissance ships around the sea to reconnoiter the sea, but also underwater, they also sent the lizard underwater combat forces, forming a circle of warning nets, trying to find the first time they might be underwater. Fish Terran troops.

Taking into account the diving time and physical exertion of ordinary lizard soldiers, the warning work under the sea has adopted a shift system.

When a team is working under the sea, the team rests on the deck of the ship and then alternately alternates to maintain the efficiency and physical strength of the lizard soldiers.

Maintaining this level of vigilance, the South China Sea Fleet maintains a steady speed, crossing the territorial waterfront of their vast South China Sea and the surrounding waters...

The performance of the maritime radar equipment on several reconnaissance ships is fully open, constantly scanning the surrounding seas. Although the radar of this era can not detect biological units, as an alien fleet, they need to be prepared, except under the sea. Beyond the fishermen's forces, there is obviously the opposite Europa joint fleet!

I have to say that in this war, two Europa players in the waters outside the Southland are really lucky.

In the early years, when they were running across the sea from the opposite foreign fleet, Luo Lei's lightning squadron helped them cover, assist, and finally turned over, and once became the maritime hegemon of this peripheral sea.

Afterwards, after the players of the Franco-machines joined the battle in this sea area, they faced the four-nation joint fleet of the foreign alliance. They fled and fled, and finally broke into the South China Sea of ​​the Wanjie civilization, finally got rid of the four-nation joint fleet. After the hunt, Later, under the guidance of Luo Ji, I ran into a few waves of resources in the archipelago of Yamamoto Yoshihe, who was weak in the back defense, and then embarked on a long road to return.

In the meantime, the alien alliance players who ran the Europa United Fleet have already begun to mobilize their troops and are ready to land.

As a result, the Supreme Commander of the Winged Legion, Sharier’s strategic level attack, hardened the troops, destroyed the battleships, and gained valuable breathing time for them.

Then, when the war started again, the emergence of the fishermen’s army, the return of the Europa United Fleet, and the two Europa players who were in precarious situation, once again plundered resources from the hands of four foreign players, thus stabilizing their positions and even completely reversing , reversed the situation.

Although the Luo series quietly shot, helped two Europa players, completely for his own purposes, want to balance the situation, borrow the hands of two Europa players to change the pattern of this sea area, and finally completed his unified center The purpose of the mainland.

It is undeniable that the two Europa players are used, but is this not a luck?

If I knew that it would become the current situation, Luo Ji might have let the Europa United Fleet eat more losses, and let them enter a state of self-sufficiency. At that time, the fishermen’s troops would have arrived, and there was no ship of the Europa United Fleet. Gunfire support, a limited number of fishermen, facing the massive four-nation joint fleet, at most, a dozen harassment battles ~ ~ but now think these are obviously late...

(PS: Please support the creation of Chinese network, QQ reading and genuine!)