The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 17: ,On track

This day has just begun. After everyone has been working for a while, they are quickly called back for breakfast. Compared with yesterday’s dinner, breakfast is relatively simple, and one person has a bowl of good bone soup, but the original barbaric The members of the tribes of the tribes are still complicated to the extreme. The tribe actually eats two meals a day, extravagant! Tai Te Niang's luxury!

But it is undeniable that on this cold winter morning, after drinking a bowl of fragrant hot soup, they are all much better, and for the Der Spiegel, after eating this breakfast, this Genius is officially started.

The hunting team responsible for hunting and the members of the logging team responsible for cutting down trees are all mentally active, and it is clear that there are more than two things to do today.

Drinking the last hot soup in the dry bowl, Luo Ji smacked the corner of his mouth and first called Luo Jin. "I have an important task for you today."

At first glance, it was an important task. Luo Jin’s whole man suddenly came to his feet. He quickly patted his chest and said, “The patriarch, you are told.”

"I will transfer you two people later. You will form a reconnaissance team. I want you to find out the whole terrain around you and then draw it back into the map." As a strategy game, he is passionate about it. How can Luo Ji not know the importance of maps and open vision? And these tasks are obviously going to fall on the scouts.

However, in Luo Jin’s common sense, there is obviously no concept of 'map'. In this regard, Luo Ji is also psychologically prepared to quickly lay a light brown skin that has been prepared for a long time. "You are optimistic." ""

During the speech, Luo Ji picked up a branch of chopsticks and then dipped it in the smashed plant juice. This plant was accidentally discovered when he directed the tribes to help build the tent camp yesterday. Very strong dyeing effect, in this era without pen and ink, the juice of this plant is obviously used by him as ink and dye.

Quickly draw a small oval circle on the middle of the animal skin with the sap of the juice. "This circle represents the mirror lake..."

After that, Luo Ji quickly drew a few simple houses on the side of the lake, "This represents our tribe, and the periphery of our tribe is the woods..."

During the speech, Luo Ji painted some tree-shaped patterns on the outside, and then circled a piece, representing that this piece is all forest area, and while he painted these patterns, the system’s prompt sound is also It sounded.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' to trigger the cultural project 'Cartography', gaining 100 points of civilization points and 2 points of cultural points.

For the system prompts in my mind, Luo Ji’s face is calm, obviously it is expected. At this moment, his attention is more concentrated on Luo Jin’s body. In the face of his simple and clear practical operation, Luo Jin understands very much. Fast, after all, his own intellectual limit has four stars, and it is impossible to understand this.

While giving Luo Jin a demonstration of how to draw a map, Luo Ji also puts forward the concept of the direction of 'southeast and northwest'. This explanation is not difficult. The direction of the sun rises is the east, and the direction of the fall is the west. Just confirm this. After a point, the concept of the whole direction is naturally clear, and in the period when the position of the sun cannot be confirmed, the position of the direction can also be judged by observing the annual rings of the trees.

After handing over all these simple and practical knowledge to Luo Jin, Luo Ji handed over the maps, branches and dyes in his hand, and then asked, "I have already painted this piece of the tribe, and then the outer area, then It’s up to you to investigate and then draw on the map. If there is anything you don’t understand, just ask it.”

"No! Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Listening to Luo Jin’s firm and confident tone, Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction, and then quickly found two soldiers who were still clever, and the three heroes of the brave upper limit also came over and gave each of them a stone. After the spear was used as a weapon, the first investigation team of the Der Spiegel tribe was born here.

After all, it is necessary to explore outside. Just because Luo Jin’s upper limit has only two stars, the bravery value is swaying outside. The risk is obviously too big. If three people say it, there is still a good care.

After watching the reconnaissance squad set off, Luo Ji did not rush to check his property panel, but called the old man of their tribe. By the way, since the day before yesterday he put forward the concept of 'name', usually lived The old man who has been very busy has always been very fond of the name, and even has the meaning of being happy, and gave himself a name called Zhao He.

As the oldest old man in the tribe, I have to say that Zhao He’s skills are really quite a lot, although most of these skills are useless, for example, fighting skills, as the age increases, Zhao He’s Yongwu has been unable to maintain even one star, and has basically entered a state of no fighting power, and as the combat power continues to decline, the combat skills will naturally be abolished.

However, there are many life skills. In Luo Ji's view, the most useful thing for Zhao He is the passive skill of ‘primary herbal identification.’

In this era of medical development is basically zero, Luo Ji has realized the importance of this skill at the moment of seeing this skill. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and their tribal medical development is like this! It is absolutely necessary to pass on the passive skills of this herbal identification!

To this end, Luo Ji deliberately found five tribal people whose intellectual limit reached three stars, let them follow Zhaohe to pick herbs nearby, and also let them learn about herbal medicine, and even sent a brave weapon to reach The three-star upper limit of the Warriors is responsible for protecting their safety, and it is enough to see how much he attaches importance to the medical piece.

Of course, while confessing this matter, Luo Ji also supplemented the content of the surname system. For example, the children who were born were the same surnames as their parents, and also added a few new ones. The last name, and then unexpectedly triggered the system prompts, the development project 'surname system' grew +2, and harvested two cultural points and a few civilized points a lot of tasks early in the morning Luo asked to go out and stretched out a little, just when he was going to find a place to drink saliva, and then take a break for a while, Luo Yong was quite surprised to find him.

Looking at some of the arrogant Rayong, Luo can't help but blink a bit, "What's wrong?"

"The patriarch, there is no task to hand over to me?" During the speech, Luo Yong grabbed his hair a little, and put it in the past. Hunting this kind of thing is done by him, but today Luo However, it means that the hunting team is responsible for the future hunting. This is not a problem in itself. The point is that the hunting team did not add him!

Seeing that the logging team was slashing the trees, the hunting team went out to hunt, and the fishing was also started on the glacial lake. Even Luo Jin’s kid took his reconnaissance team to scout the terrain. Women and children are not making fish nets, they are digging fish baits, and this is where they go. It feels like he is alone.

After a short return to the gods, Luo Ji apparently reacted. He only listened to him and then patted him on the shoulders of Luo Yong and pulled him to the side. "You are the first warrior of our tribe, your main now. The task is to protect everyone's safety and enhance their own strength, and..."

During the speech, Luo Ji took a look at the direction of their new tribal camp, and then lowered the voice a little. "They just joined in, but they are themselves, but they can't relax in a short time. ?"

The meaning of Luo Ji’s words is obvious. Luo Yong is not a fool. After hearing this, the whole look is serious, and then he nodded seriously. “I understand, the patriarch.”