The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1766: Undercurrent

Outside the shark's camp, the whales who walked by and the patrols who work hard from time to time can be said to be watching the movement of the shark camp all day.

Even on the day when Flanders sought to see Pompeland, they were quite 'passionate' to let a team of whale guards, with escorts of military doctors, with a lot of supplies, and settled in the hall. They are the front line camp for sharks.

Look at that, I am afraid I am going to stay here for a while.

The relationship between the two communities is not good. Now, the series of actions of Pompeland Rand can be said to make the dissatisfaction of many sharks become stronger and stronger.

If there is not a richer who is pressed there, there are a lot of young soldiers in the family who are just as bloody, I am afraid that they will work directly with the whales!

At this moment, Pompey Rand’s alert is almost completely revealed on the bright side.

However, the number of patrols is limited, and so much has been transferred to the shark camp, which will directly lead to a significant decline in patrols in other regions.

It was in this state that no one noticed that a petite figure quietly left the deep-sea camp of their fishermen.

His swimming speed is not fast, but in the process of swimming, but inexplicable people create a kind of ambiguous sense of vagueness, if you do not pay attention to see, you will not find his existence.

Maintaining this state, he quietly swam into a seaweed.

Because the body shape was too petite, the two sharks who were eating at the time did not find his presence in the first place. Until he speaks...

"This is what the patriarch wants me to give you."

Suddenly I heard such a voice rang from my ear. The two sharks were obviously taken aback. The whole person almost jumped up instinctively. The big head was squinting, and then I saw the petite. After the figure, I finally got a sigh of relief.

I saw that at this moment, in front of the two sharks, it was a petite fisherman who was only about one meter in size.

This body type, not to mention the fisherman's family, even if it is placed in human beings, it is also a proper child body type, basically half a catty to the goblin family.

Such a fisherman appeared in two sharks with a body size of fifteen meters. In contrast, the two can only say that the sense of existence is too weak.

However, the two sharks did not seem to have any doubts about his existence.

After seeing each other's looks, I asked quite simply...

"What do the patriarchs want you to bring?"

In the face of this question, the smaller fisherman first showed the sharks of their sharks, and then handed a very small parcel to the hands of two sharks.

"The patriarch wants you to transfer this parcel to Boer, and, at the same time, follow the instructions of the patriarch, and then I will act with you."

"Okay, then let's not delay, start now!"

The two sharks showed almost unconditional trust to the fisherman.

The reason is simple, because this fisherman is the same family.

Don't be surprised, from a whole group of people, they are actually sharks.

Of course, compared with most sharks, his size is too petite. It is no exaggeration to say that from the shark's family, they are all under the age of a minor.

But they are indeed one of the sharks, one of their shark's branches, the hard-backed pygmy shark family!

The hard-backed pygmy sharks are the most petite part of their sharks. Even in adulthood, the body size is only about one meter, and there are even many ones that are not even one meter away.

At the same time, from this figure, it can be very intuitive to feel that the hard-backed pygmy sharks have a weak fighting power. It can even be said that they do not have much combat power at all, which makes them a strong fisherman's empire. In the basic, there is little transparency without any status.

This has led to a lot of fish people, even if they see them, it is difficult to think of them with the fierce and fierce, huge sharks, and only think that this is the bottom of the fishermen who are used to fill the number.

It is also because of this huge gap in size and combat power that made Flanders succeed in hiding this branch.

Until now, even Pompeland did not know that their sharks had such a branch.

So now the question is coming, is the hard-backed pygmy shark family really so useless?

of course not!

They may not be able to form considerable combat power, but they can become excellent scouts.

Petite body shape is a big advantage in itself. Under this premise, the hardback dwarf sharks have another advantage, that is, they are self-contained.

However, this illuminant is different from ordinary illuminants.

Most of the illuminators are in the dark, playing an illumination, or attracting prey to close. The most typical is the lantern fish.

The luminescent character of the hard-backed pygmy shark is reversed.

They will shine in bright places, and in places where there is no light, they will not shine...

Very strange, even at first glance, I feel that this ability seems to be very wasteful.

After all, according to an inertial thinking, in the light, I still need you to shine?

But in fact, it is not the case at all.

They have a illuminating organ in their abdomen, which can adjust the brightness of their skin according to the brightness of the environment, so that they can fully integrate with the surrounding environment, playing an excellent hidden role. In other words, this is actually a protective color. One!

This is also why their sense of existence will be so low, and in the process of swimming, people will feel abnormal and fuzzy, as if a blink of an eye will give them the main reason for missing!

With this feature, it is a perfect fit for them to perform some special tasks that need to be hidden and quietly carried out.

On this side, after confirming the patriarch's warrants and messages, the two sharks have already rushed to the 15th sea with the newly added ethnic group.

On the other side, it is also a shark man of the hard-backed pygmy shark. He is maintaining speed at this moment and is not slow to leave the frontline camp. In the whole process, there is almost no fish in the camp. The man found his whereabouts.

According to the patriarch's meaning, next, he will return to the sharks in the rear of the family at the fastest speed!

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