The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1813: Mixed feelings


Looking at the effect of the five-star ultra-dark pool, Luo Ji, who stood there, suddenly took a cold breath.

At that moment, even the discomfort brought to him with this extremely dark pool was thrown into his mind.

Because this extremely dark pool is strictly different from the ordinary five-star natural wonders!

In general, the greatest benefit that natural wonders bring to players is often the rich resource output and the addition of development efficiency or productivity to the corresponding industry.

For example, Luo Ji's five-star natural wonders in the Dwarf Province, the Black Rock Mountain Range, has a very high bonus to the 'mining industry' and is now an important ore production point for his Wannian civilization.

The elves and old trees also have a very rich special resource output, as well as a large-scale effect BUFF.

But this extremely dark pool is not the same thing at all.

It brings to the player, not resources, and no effect bonus, but a way to unlock a new special race!

This is very bullish. To some extent, this five-star natural wonder can even rival a piece of world!

At the same time, from this extremely dark pool, Luo Ji also clearly obtained a message.

That is the dark elf, it turned out to be so transformed!

According to this situation, is there a dark pool around the territory of the dark elves within his native world?

Of course, for this problem, Luo Ji is now too lazy to think about it, anyway, first take the account of this account.

However, this extremely dark pool is not all good.

The shortcomings are naturally there, for example, the effect of livability -3, this is really terrible!

Over the years, the number of natural wonders in his hands is quite impressive, but the first time I found out that there are natural wonders to reduce livability.

It has been said earlier that the livability of the city directly has the most direct impact on the efficiency and loyalty of the residents of a city.

Living in a city with a high degree of livability, the efficiency of the people and their loyalty to him will gradually increase.

Conversely, when the livability of a city falls to a negative number, it means that the living environment here is already called 'bad'.

The people who have survived in this environment for a long time have reduced their work efficiency. It is still light. They fear that loyalty will fall all the way. In the end, even a rebellion will break out.

Taking this as a premise, in general, the livability is one to three points, which is regarded as the living standard of an ordinary city. When it rises again, it enters a stage of good and excellent.

It is really not easy to upgrade the livability. This extremely dark pool will drop three places of livability at once. Who can eat it?

This time, Luo Ji understands, such a five-star level of natural wonders, why was Chris Evans in the wilderness.

Because within the scope of the effect of this extremely dark pool, you can't afford to build a city! You must lose the distance, which city will hit it.

Then talk about this effect, let the original unit trigger the mutation, and get the new mutation unit!

This effect, if placed in an ordinary game, Luo Ji estimates that it will directly turn to the sky.

But here, the situation is different.

This conversion has a success rate, saying that according to the physical characteristics of different units, there is a certain chance of successful conversion.

For the time being, the elf family's conversion success rate is relatively high, with a 71% chance.

But even so, Luo Ji can not be mad at the death rate of nearly one-third, so that his elves of the Wanxiang civilization have undergone a lot of transformation.

Can you say that they are NPCs? Is a group of data codes written on the keyboard and written?

After many years, Luo Jiming clearly realized that each of them is flesh and blood!

He has never been a kind-hearted person, but he is by no means a heart-wrenching neuropathy. Like this kind of thing, he really can't do it.

Not to mention the success rate of other races, it is still unknown.

Luo Ji does not think that every race can have a high success rate like the Elf.

After the initial excitement of discovering the five-star natural wonders, the whole emotion of Luo Ji quickly turned into mixed feelings.

No matter how you say it, this extremely dark pool will be blocked first.

Subsequently, the radio communication equipment in the conqueror’s airship received news from the coastal area that other Tianchao fleets had landed on the landing.

In this regard, Luo Ji naturally is busy with a number of guards, re-boarded the airship, ready to return to the coastal area.

At this moment, in the coastal area, it can be said that it is very lively. Many players in the camp have now arrived in the port area.

At first glance, I guess there are more than 20 people. In addition, there are still many players on the road.

Of course, it is impossible for their entire fleet to be transferred to this port.

This area, now crowded with Luo Ji and the Tang and Song Dynasties, is already very crowded, and other players in the sky, if they bring all their fleets.

It is no exaggeration to say that this port area has been expanded five times, and there are not many warships.

Therefore, this time every day, the players are actually just riding a boat, as their fleet is still at sea.

And the reason why they will run over, the most important reason, I really want to take a look at the true face of this ‘Rod’.

In the subsequent exchange of information, they all knew that the various exaggerated behemoths in the sky, as well as those special air forces, were all from the hands of their little classmate named Luo.

In addition, after the one fell, the crater that directly changed the landscape, it was also a group of players who watched the darkness and took a breath of cold air...

"This is even a bomb with a mushroom bomb ~ I am afraid that the destructive power is not so fierce?"

"It can't be said that there is radioactive contamination of mushroom bombs. This is not the case."

"Which is this, who can live? What radioactive pollution is needed?"

And when a group of players stood on the periphery of the crater, the airborne troops flying in the sky quickly caught their attention.

It is natural to say that the Griffin Knights, the Fast Eagles, and the Giant Eagles have just finished fighting.

Some players who have fought with the elf civilization experienced Tianchao players, almost recognized at a glance that the soldiers are the identity of the elves.

This time, you can envy the players of the heavens, even the old birds of the silver ranks can not help but be jealous.

At this stage, the Elf civilization can actually create an air force of this size, which is too BUG!

But in fact, the average elf civilization player, at this stage of the moment, really did not have this shackle, even if it can form a certain size of the air force, but it is absolutely impossible to reach this point.

The high-ranking arms of the Elven civilization, such as the Griffin Knight, the Fast Eagle Picker, and the Elf Druid, are basically not available at this stage.

Even if a player makes a heart-wrenching and puts all the points into a development line, he will unlock one of the high-ranking units at most, and it is impossible to form all of them like Luo.

It can only be said that the snowball in the early stage of Luo Ji was so fierce...

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