The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1821: Tank problem

For tanks, many people seem to have some misunderstanding.

What is the difficulty of making a tank when two mouths are touched? To put it bluntly, isn't it just a car, and then a cannon on it? Very simple! What technical problems can there be?

You have to say this, there is no way, but it is not so easy to get a car and build a cannon on it.

Let's talk about this powerplant. It's not really stupid to think that creating an internal combustion engine is equivalent to building a tank.

The performance of the internal combustion engine is also divided into three or six, etc., look at the current military transport vehicles, even the armored deck does not dare to install a few more, because when the car supplies, it is likely to be open.

The engine output is not enough. Can you drive the tank of 30 to 40 tons?

Someone was strange at this time, why did the warship move?

Because the warship has a head of one or two hundred meters, you can put a large turbine on the top of the room, but can the tank be plugged in? To be honest, the light is the head of a warship engine, it is no smaller than a tank.

Now that we are on the right track, according to the current technology, it is obviously unrealistic to develop an engine that allows the tank to do whatever it wants.

However, such technical problems can not be solved in a short period of time. In this case, you can only choose to control the tank tonnage. The tanks of 30 to 40 tons are not needed, and a light tank of ten tons or ten tons is built. Come out, head office?

Well, after making trade-offs and resolving the power problem, look at the weapon system.

The main weapon of the tank, of course, is the long main gun.

But according to the tonnage of a light tank, if it is equipped with a 125-caliber main gun on it, can it be eaten by the small body?

Don't be able to toss yourself when you don't have a shot.

Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, it is also considered to be the stability of a whole tank tank. The caliber is preferably controlled below one hundred.

Now let's talk about the protection system. The most direct is the armor plate. The tank is on the battlefield. It is the charge, and the soldiers behind the tank are rushing, so the armor is definitely thick enough and the defense is strong!

But now the problem is coming. Because the front power unit is not too strong, if you install the deck too much and it is too thick, it will be too heavy to move.

In this way, in order to ensure the power of the machine, you can only reduce the thickness and quantity of the armor relatively, or let the turret shrink again, or even directly replace the relatively light weapon.

At this rhythm, you will soon be able to create a tank chariot that says that it is a good balance, a bad point, and nothing.

After being sent to the battlefield, you will find that your tank engine is not enough, and the tank chariot that is not enough for armor defense can not show the fighting power you expected.

Finally, I came to the conclusion that I am like a stupid person. I have spent a lot of money on this low-cost thing. If I have spare cash, I might as well give the army soldiers two grenade and a bullet-proof vest. How about upgrading the upgrade rifle?

Yes, you have succeeded in creating the tanks, but we can achieve the same results in a cheaper, more cost-effective way.

This is also the main reason why players do not have tank chariots at this stage. They are not stupid. Many problems have not been solved yet. Now, why spend so much money and do things that are so low in cost performance? Wait until all the problems of the parties are resolved, and then one step is not good?

This is the practice of the players at this stage.

Of course, in addition to the above, there are actually many things to be done on the tank chariot.

For example, the artillery two-way stabilizer.

To be straightforward, everyone should know that the fort on the tank will turn.

You can even do the following to turn left to the main body of the chariot, and turn the tank to the right.

The role of the artillery two-way stabilizer is to ensure that the gun will not be affected by these factors during the movement and steering, thus launching a stable shelling.

This is very important because it determines, to a large extent, the accuracy of the bombardment of this tank.

It is no exaggeration to say that when judging a tank is not very powerful, it is also a very important factor to judge its two-way stability.

After all, as long as you can't hit the target, it is white.

And the technology in this thing is also big.

Of course, you can also fix the fort, but why do you build a tank? Everyone builds a tank, which is to value the power of the tank on the battlefield. At the same time, the turret rotates and can attack the enemy's flexibility at various angles.

It’s impossible to spend so much money, just to get a front rib shield out?

If you are nervous about the war, you can't make production later, make compromises, get a fixed fort, but you can understand it, but at the beginning you are going to fix the fort, it is too speechless.

In addition, there are communication devices, you have to install communication devices in your tank, or else on the battlefield, it is a small one.

Then the electrical equipment, this must be ah, otherwise you tank tank, so many equipment, how to run?

At the same time, I went to the details and there are many more.

And if you want to install so many devices, equipment, and weapons in such a limited space, you have to test a design capability.

There is a saying that is good, the insider looks at the doorway, and the layman looks at the excitement.

The layman, watching tanks and battleships, seems to look like they all look the same, and they can't see a difference for a long time.

However, some insiders are only able to look at an accurate model by looking at their eyes.

To give a simple example, take Yuan Xi, Luo Zhi now sees the warships himself. In fact, he can't see how many doorways come, but you just point to a fleet and ask Yuan Xi, how about those warships, he minutes. Tell you a lot.

Yes, the tanks have already existed, but combined with various technical problems, in the history of the real world, the tanks actually rose during the Second World War.

Although the Tang and Song Dwarf civilization tank chariots, Luo Ji did not see their performance, but at the time, Kalgan actually took the troops and arrived in the sky, so he saw some.

Luo Jiguang listened to Calgan’s report and knew that this dwarf tank chariot was simply black technology.

What kind of joke? At this stage, a tank of 30 to 40 tons can run and fight. In the case of good engine power, the defense is also amazing. Even the attack of Hydra can be hard. Next, is this not enough black technology?

After saying goodbye to the Tang and Song Dynasties, Luo Ji took a brisk step and rushed back to his tent for temporary rest. Then he quickly opened the system panel and sent a message to Ye Qingyu. The gold-level design map traded in the past.

Obviously, according to the situation on the front line, he will not be able to go back between this and a half, but this dwarf tank chariot, he must first study it, the sooner the better, the better.

In this way, direct trading to Ye Qingyi, let Ye Qingzhen to tell this matter, has become the most convenient way.

After all these things have been made almost the same, the sky outside is also getting dark.

Luo, who simply ate some dinner, was ready to sleep.

After all, the long-distance travel before, can not fully recover after a sleep, he is still very tired.

Until the guardian Wang Kai, who was next to him, reminded him of...

"Your Majesty, Lieutenant Colonel Gert is still holding the Pompeland, standing by the sea."

When I heard this, Luo Ji patted his head. Well, there was a lot of things. When he was not careful, he forgot about Gert.

"Wang Kai, you have to confirm that the other forces have gone outside the port. After the confirmation is completed, find a hidden position, let Gert catch the Pompeland, pay attention, hide a little, Try not to be discovered."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

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