The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1928: ,Variety

The elders of Mero went back to the classics, apparently to turn over for a while.

In the words of Zhang William, the history of their elves is stinking and long. If they turn up from the beginning, do the ghosts know when to turn?

If this is to be heard by the elder Melo, I don’t know if he will kill the elf king who is not a weapon.

But in any case, this matter is undoubtedly taking some time to get it.

In the meantime, it is certainly impossible for Luo Ji to wait so stupidly. After all, this embarrassing arrival in the elf province, to do things, not only this one.

On the side of Shenfeng City, he will come back in a few days. Next, he will have to run a rush to the city.

In today's elves, the city is also one of the best cities in the world.

This is a relatively low-key, Luo Qilai, basically, without the public's knowledge, he and the accompanying Zhang William and Hassan Medvedev, have already arrived in the city.

Luo Ji did not rush to do things, but first found a place to solve the problem of dinner, after all, they came here, have not had time to eat.

After dinner, the sky was almost black, and street lights were lit up on both sides of the street.

Here, it is worth mentioning that the street lights on the side of the elves are darker than other cities.

The main reason is that they still do not need thermal power stations here, mainly relying on wind power generation, which directly leads to a relatively low power supply in an entire province. Therefore, it is possible to save as much as possible.

Fortunately, most of the elves are energy-saving and environmentally friendly. The monthly electricity consumption has always been the lowest in the world.

In the words of Luo Ji, it is ‘true loss. They can rely on wind power to support the present. If it is placed in other human cities, it is absolutely untenable. ’

Now that I have returned to the topic, after the night, the group headed by Luo Ji, came to the destination of their trip without delay.

In addition to Zhang William, Hassan Medvedev and his escorts, Dominic Adolf also came together to join in the fun.

Because he heard that the water he drank these days came from here.

That's right, they are in the position of Star Lake.

As a very important resource production point, the natural wonders of the Elven civilization, Star Lake, is naturally to be taken care of by people.

Under normal circumstances, in addition to the staff of the Star Lake, other people who want to enter, must first apply, until the approval of the above permission documents, in order to enter.

However, they do not need to be so troublesome.

The face of Zhang William, the Elf King, is enough, let alone the Emperor of Luo.

When I approached, the beautiful scene soon became the eyes of everyone.

After the night, the Star Lake, the lake reflected the stars, beautiful, so beautiful and suffocating.

From the perspective of ‘beauty’, I’m afraid that only the fairy lake of the goblin family can compete with one.

Of course, the beauty of these two natural wonders is not the same.

The lake of the fairy, people will feel the vitality of nature, and the star lake in front of the eyes, but it can make people feel the mystery of the world, is a more mysterious feeling.

After enjoying a few glances, Luo Ji took a fingertip and took the ‘奇奇心’ from his system backpack.

Obviously, on this road, he is also pondering almost.

Raising the colorful terraces to four stars, although very practical, it is more cost-effective to choose rare resources.

As for saying, wait for a four-star natural wonder, and then use this spectacle to raise the four-star spectacle to the five-star choice. The price/performance ratio is definitely the highest.

But the question is, does the ghost know when the four-star natural wonder will appear?

In this way, Luo Ji is too lazy to wait, directly chose to upgrade Star Lake!

Zhang William, who had already heard about the purpose of Luo’s trip, couldn’t help but look at the special props.

Obviously before this, he did not know that there was such a thing.

System Tip: Do you want to confirm the launch of the special item ‘Spiritual Heart (Natural Wonders) (five stars)’ on Samsung’s special natural wonder ‘Star Lake’? After confirmation, you will not be able to withdraw!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Ji’s face is a firm expression...

"Definitely launched."

At the time, the "Spiritual Heart" props in the hands of Luo Ji disappeared. The lake in front of the Star Lake suddenly overflowed with the gorgeous starlight. The lake surface that reflected the stars, gradually, formed a gloomy star river. Become more beautiful and dazzling!

In the face of such a scene, not waiting for Luo Ji to express his feelings, Zhang William, standing on the side, could not help but take a breath.

"What happened? Is this Star Lake so beautiful before?"

While admiring the superb view, Zhang William, standing on the side, couldn't help but reveal a doubtful color.

Looking at this scene in the eyes of Luo, the heart suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, the system is being revised...

In this regard, Luo Ji did not have anything to say.

At the same time that everyone was amazed at this, his fingertips were quite a simple stroke. The panel of the Star Lake suddenly unfolded in front of Luo Ji, but compared with before, it has changed greatly.

Name: Star Lake

Type: specific lake, natural wonders

Level: four stars

Resources: specific freshwater resources, star sand resources

Effect: If you settle near Xingchen Lake, you can get fixed civilization points of 400 points and livability +2 every day. At the same time, in the nearby cities, all wizards' spell cultivation efficiency will increase by 40%.

Within the lake, the rate of unique resource production increased by 15%!

It was only before that I confirmed the Luoji of the property of the Star Lake. At this moment, it can be clearly seen that after upgrading to the natural wonder of the four stars, the effect of Star Lake is improved.

Every day, you can get the promotion of fixed civilization points. This needless to say, it is not particularly important, the focus is on the back.

Habitability +2! Before the effect of the four stars Chenhu, the livability can only add one!

Looking down, the nearby cities all mage cultivation efficiency increased by 40%, before this increase, only 30%!

Of course, this is not a big deal. The most important thing is that after it was upgraded to a four-star natural wonder, there was actually an extra effect.

That is within the lake, the output rate of unique resources is increased by 15%!

What are the unique resources of Star Lake? That is of course the star sand and the special fresh water resources.

However, the output of these two things has been very limited, because the lake area is so large, whether it is star sand or special fresh water resources, they all need time to form.

This directly led to the low production of Star Lake and the impact on a series of corresponding industries.

Now, he has obtained a unique resource output rate and increased the bonus buff by 15%.

Although the buff bonus is not large, but compared with before, Luo Ji is already very satisfied, and even some ecstasy!