The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1943: Bleeding liver

This busy, it was directly busy at six o'clock in the evening, Lu Yang stretched out a hard stretch, and then looked at the two people beside him.

"I got it, Ye Hua, Bor, how are you over there?"

"I have two documents left, so I will be fine soon."

Ye Hua glanced at the remaining documents, and then said without lifting his head.

On the other hand, Henry Bor is more embarrassed, he still has a thick stack, no count, I really don't know how many.

Lu Yang, who confirmed this situation, got up and walked over.

"I will give you some approval."

"How is this so interesting? It has been my problem until now."

If, at noon, Henry Bor is out of self-respect, then now, he really is not very funny.

Because he already knows, the documents he needs to deal with are actually much less than Lu Yang and Ye Hua.

In this case, after the time of leaving work, he has not finished yet, and he still needs Lu Yang to help them, which makes him a little shy.

However, this time, Lu Yang did not listen to him again, but rather quite simply took a stack of documents from Henry Bor's trolley.

"Well, you are welcome, although the normal working hours are five o'clock, but now it is six o'clock, but before you come, I and Ye Hua two people can basically get busy until eleven o'clock every day. Sometimes, I have to work overtime to get to the early hours of the morning. Today we can get off work so early, thanks to you."

While talking, Lu Yang had already taken the file back to his desk.

"Right, after the completion of the work, everyone will have a drink together. You will have a little welcome on this day, Ye Hua, what do you say?"

"I'm OK."

After that, Ye Hua, who had already approved two documents in his hand, was quite simply looking at the stack of documents that had not been approved from Henry Bor’s trolley.

This made Henry Borer feel even more shy when he was moved.

"That, sorry."


"Actually, I always thought that you might target me..."

During the conversation, Henry Borl shyly said his messy thoughts before.

After listening to Lu Yang, he laughed directly, and Ye Hua, who was on the side, did not say anything, but his shoulders proved that he was not calm at the moment.

Then, just listening to Lu Yang quite simply said...

"You think too much. I am very happy and very welcome that you can take over the secretary's office. As for the reason, you should know it now, hahahaha, come on, you will be busy later."

Henry Bor, who heard this, couldn’t help but show a bitter smile.

It’s too naive to laugh at myself before.

When the three people got off work, it was almost seven o'clock in the evening.

In the secretary's office, there are still people busy. Obviously, it is not only them who are busy and faint.

After leaving the palace, Lu Yang went directly to Henry Bor and went to their famous hotel in Der Spiegel.

Looking at the huge neon sign, Henry Bol couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"Cat rice pavilion?"

"It is a restaurant opened by the Cats. In our Wanxiang civilization, there are many chain restaurants opened by the Cats, but this 'Cat Cat Pavilion' is only available in the city of Der Spiegel. It is the only one here. The grilled fish and cat rice here are one. Absolutely, I have come to the city of Der Spiegel, and it’s too bad to not taste it."

During the talk, when the three of them just entered, Henry Bor was attracted by the cats in the center who wore iron pans and turned the dishes to stir-fry.

This is also a feature of the Cat Man Hotel, that is, the kitchen is placed directly outside, and guests who eat can watch them cook.

Such a battle, Henry Bor is also the first time to see, as long as it is cooking, it is a cat, this is really strange.

The owner of this cat rice pavilion is the relative of Aike in the escort. In other words, the family industry, Lu Yang after the name, it is quite easy to get a box.

Otherwise, at this point in time, you can mix the position to have a ghost.

After finishing the dishes, a few small dishes came up quickly, and the wine was poured. The three people drank unhurriedly.

After three rounds of wine, Henry Bor was released a little.

"Right, if you are in the middle of the week, don't you come to the government hall? In this hall of the government, the table on the right is always empty. Whose?"

I haven't seen Luo Ji's figure all day long. Henry Bol has some thoughts on this.

Lu Yang, who heard this, probably knew what Henry Bol was thinking, so he shook his head.

"You are wrong. He is actually very diligent, but he has been dealing with government affairs in the South China Sea before he left, and settled the population. He just returned to the capital yesterday, so he is resting these two days."

Having said that, Lu Yang took a sip of wine and then spoke again...

"As for the table opposite us, that is the Chief of Staff of the Staff Command, the desk of the Chief of Staff of Guo Jiaguo."

"In a week, the chief of staff of Guo will usually come to the political hall for three to four days. However, isn’t this just finished? The military side seems to be busy and mad, and the wounded are retired and work arrangements. There is also a large amount of pensions. To tell the truth, I and Ye Hua have not seen Guo’s chief of staff for several months. I want to come to his recent days, and I’m too busy to turn around. No more."

"It turned out to be."

Henry Bor nodded with a blank face.

Then the three of them opened their voices, chatted and chatted, and gradually became familiar.

Ye Hua's words are relatively few, and occasionally a few words, mainly Lu Yang and Henry Bor are talking.

The topic of this conversation was also a casual chat of the East and the West. Finally, I even talked about the plaque hanging on their hall of the government. plaque was hung behind the desk of Luo Ji. On the wall.

It is reasonable to say that the plaques in the House of the Politics do not even write the words "the House of the Politics", but also write auspicious words such as "four seas rise" and "the world is peaceful".

On the Luo Ji that plaque, what he wrote is...

"If I didn't admit it, the two words should be 'explosive liver'? What do you mean?"

Henry Bor, who said this, had a slightly strange expression on his face.

Although he said very well in Tianchao, there is no problem in normal reading, but his mother tongue is Europa, so he does not understand what it means.

And Lu Yang and Ye Hua, who heard this, just laughed out loud...

"Ha ha ha ha, yes, bursting the liver! These two words can only be understood, can not be said, hahahaha..."