The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 1978: Impossible discovery

In the face of the exaggerated bombardment, a group of dwarves, including Chatter Black Iron, on the wall, were full of horror.

The same is the cannon, what is the exaggerated range and power of the opposite?

However, this group of dwarves knows that the maximum range of the Bart can be more than that.

The reason why the gun was fired at this position was that it was convenient for John Saar to persuade him.

After a round of artillery, John Sal's sound microphone was adjusted, and the opening was not slow...

"The bombardment was just a fight, but you should be clear about this?"

Want to let the dwarfs be accepted? It's very simple, showing strength.

Did the range and power of the shelling see it? Farther than you, more fierce than you, not satisfied?

The words of John Saar are undoubtedly the dwarfs headed by the black iron of Chatter, who felt chilling for a moment!

This is really a hell, imagine, what was the situation when the shelling of the bomber had just landed on their walls?

It is no exaggeration to say that a whole city wall, I am afraid it will be collapsed on the spot!

As for those who were on the wall at the time, it is estimated that they will be seriously injured if they are not dead.

At this moment, Chatter Black Iron can be said to be clearly aware of the power of John Thrall.

This one is powerful, and it has reached a point where he can't rise up to the heart of rebellion, because once he resists, they will only die!

The gates of the dwarf city in the distance slowly opened, and the attitude of Chatter Black Iron was declared. They conceded defeat...

Followed by, the elves in the big forest also officially announced the return.

The next thing will be easier.

At the same time, William and John Thrall began to confirm the population of the two communities and count the resources in the territory.

Among them, the elves are naturally to be taken care of. After all, the original purpose of Luo Ji’s expedition is to ensure the spiritual resources here!

The large-scale Lingmu of the year, the William who saw it was a burst of eyes.

Those who have never planted a linguistic wood will never know how difficult it is to have a sap from the appearance of a tree that is not much different from ordinary trees.

It takes more than three hundred years, five hundred years, and even years of spiritual wood to be more than just enough time.

These spirit trees must be carefully watched, and if they are not careful, they are easy to raise.

In a situation like this, even a wood elf family that specializes in planting Lingmu cannot be completely avoided.

In addition to the large forest of Lingmu plantation, there are obviously some unexpected resources in this large forest, that is, the magic crystal vein!

After seeing the elf **** shooter and discovering that they were using the elf magic arrow, Zhang William basically concluded that the group of indigenous elves had the magic crystal veins in their hands.

Now I have ordered a number of points, a total of three, not many, but it is not bad.

Mainly this gang of elves, guarding this large forest, did not move the place, or else, then over the years, they should be able to collect more resources.

In addition, as a group that has developed for so many years, it is reasonable to say that there are some magic cores in the hands of this group of elves.

It turns out that they did have it, but the group of dark elves headed by Chris Evans will rob them every time they plunder.

Now, the magic core of Chris Evans’s hands has all fallen into the hands of Luo Ji, and it seems that there is no difference...

This big forest, to be honest, is quite big, almost one-fourth of them are as big as the province, and the floor space is actually not small. Therefore, counting resources is really a waste of William. effort.

On the other side, Jossar is much easier.

In the middle of the forest, the urban buildings are relatively scattered, and there is no difference in the rules of the elves. The dwarves are obviously more organized, and they are races with architectural development expertise.

There are three dwarf cities in this entire hilly area.

The total population of the dwarves living in these three cities has reached 230,000. It can be said that many, at least Johansal is very satisfied with this figure.

At the same time, in the hilly area where the dwarfs live, the ore resources are definitely there.

Since the other side has developed a firearm, then a series of materials for the development of gunpowder must be available.

In addition, common minerals such as iron ore, copper mines, and coal mines are not unusual. What really makes John Saar feel a surprise is another thing...

"this is……"

At the moment when the line of sight hits an object, John Thrall's steps are obviously two steps faster, and then a khaki crystal with almost the size of an egg and a suspected crystal texture is taken up.

At the time, Chatter Black, who was behind John Thrall, said directly after seeing the things in his hands...

"That is the strange mineral we found in a vein. The yield is very small. Most of them are like this ochre ore, and occasionally red."


Why did John Thrall not think that there is even a magic crystal mine on the dwarf's site!

However, before he thought about it, Chatter Black Iron, standing on the side, had already opened his mouth again.

"In the process of forging weapons, we can add these ochre ore to make the weapon more tough. Adding the red ore and casting the barrel of the musket can make the power of the musket more. Strong, very amazing."

Speaking of the Chatter Black Iron here, his face is full of excitement. As a race that is rich in top craftsmen and forging masters, for this kind of even Chatter Black Iron is very heart-felt.

However, at this moment, Johnsal, who stood there, could not hear what he said later, just remember the sentence in front of him.

After a few seconds of squatting, I saw John Thrall grabbed the shoulder of Chatter Black Iron and asked in an obvious and unbelievable tone...

"You just said, have you added this ochre ore to the process of forging weapons?"

"Yes, that's right."

It was shocked by the appearance of John Thrall at this time, and Chatter Black iron was a little stuttered.

Then, I saw John Salma shook his head.

"Impossible, this magic crystal has a high melting point and is almost indestructible. Even if it is in accordance with the current technology of our Wanxiang civilization, it cannot be burned or ground. How do you do it in the forging process? Going in?!"

(ps: Please support the creation, qq reading and starting | | point of genuine!)