The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2002: Is that the point?

"Mr. Ye, is this really okay this time?"

"Absolutely no problem."

In the face of this problem, Ye Xuan gave a thumbs up confidently.

The captain next to him looked complex for a while.

He really wanted to remind the Minister Ye in front of her. She said the same last time, and she didn't change her movements!

He probably guessed the captain's thoughts, Ye Xuan patted him on the shoulder, and then said carefully ...

"Captain, rest assured, this time, I not only prepared a parachute for you, but also borrowed your guard, Major Barenque, to borrow it at any time! Keep your personal safety! At the same time, insurance also bought for you ... ... "

In the end, Ye Xuan blinked twice to make the captain's mood more complicated.

Is this the point? The point is that the quality of the "aircraft" thing, how about the quality and performance! The last test was fine at the beginning, but flew to the back but suddenly lost control, and then crashed while flipping.

If he didn't respond quickly, he jumped out of the cockpit in time, opened the parachute, and fell down from that height. He would be absolutely dead.

经过 After that test, the captain secretly vowed in his heart that he would never come again!

As a result, Minister Ye Da transferred him over again with a paper order ...

I also call it by its name, you are more experienced.

Come on! Am I speechless?

Qin Li took two deep breaths, put on a flight suit, a captain wearing a flight cap, gritted his teeth, and finally sat in the cockpit of the biplane fighter in front of him, then prepared for the next flight test.

During this period, Barenck patted the captain's shoulder and said ...

放 "Rest assured, I will fly with you, absolutely safe for you."

Barenque's guarantee made the captain look a lot better, as a member of their Majesty's guard, the strength is still very secure.

At the same time, they could lend out their guards, and that Minister Ye is really well-deserved.

之上 Along the long runway, the test winged fighter jet officially flew into the air after a gallop, accompanied by a shock.

Barenque, who was aside, also quickly carried out the metamorphosis, transformed into the form of the Eagle Spirit, and flew with the biplane fighter.

Although this is not the first time driving this thing, but the captain's hand holding the joystick is still full of cold sweat.

Obviously, his last driving experience was really not good, which caused him to have such a bit of psychological shadow now.

I took off smoothly without letting the captain feel any kind of relaxation.

According to Ye Xuan's talents, is it difficult to get a biplane fighter to fly with the design drawings? Of course it's not difficult, she already did it.

The focus is on the performance of biplane fighters.

The size of the airframe directly limits the size of the engine, and the size of the engine often limits performance. Under this limited condition, as long as the flight time of the biplane fighter is long, the burden on the internal engine will be geometrically double The ascent, which eventually caused the engine to overload, and a whole fighter crashed because of instability.

The root cause of the last time is this.

However, in this test, Ye Xuan was very confident because the engine problem had been solved perfectly.

Yes, it is the dwarf geocentric engine developed by the Academy of Science and Technology.

Of course, if you want to install it on a biplane, it must be improved.

Here, it is worth mentioning that today's R & D project team of dwarf geocentric engine has officially divided the dwarf geocentric engine into three series models after Luo Ji's mention.

为 are h series, l series and k series.

In simple terms, it is the abbreviation corresponding to ‘sea, land, and air’.

The dwarf geocentric engine installed in this bi-wing fighter is the first engine of the k series, referred to as ‘geocentric k-1’.

The stable flight for a long time calmed the captain's original tension.

Then, as if he was thinking of something, his heart was inexplicably tight again ...

"Wait a minute, what about Major Barenque? Didn't he keep up?"

I thought of the captain here, and quickly passed the light of the corner of his eye to find Barenque's trace in the air. Then, after seeing the giant eagle flying left and right, he was relieved.

At the same time, my heart was a little bit astonished.

"It is indeed the druid, the elf who claims to be able to obtain Warcraft-level combat power directly after being transformed. The speed of the aircraft is already fast enough, but it seems that Major Barenque is keeping up with this speed. Laborious. "

When the captain thought so, Ye Xuan's voice was already heard in the radio communicator in his ear.

"Captain, continue to increase flight height."

When the captain heard this, he quickly returned to his heart, then concentrated, and pulled up the joystick in his hand.

The flying height of the biplane fighter began to increase rapidly. When Barenk saw this, he quickly patted his wings twice and followed.

This time, the test lasted for a long time, and it didn't land until after the fuel in the fuel tank was completely burned.

The reason for this is of course to confirm the stability and flight time of this biplane fighter.

If it had crashed before the fuel ran out, the quality of the biplane fighter would certainly not be a problem.

之后 After the test ~ ~, Barenk, who confirmed the information, flew back to the palace almost at the fastest speed, and was ready to report to Luo Ji.

Obviously, Luo Ji did not show up for the test flight of the biplane fighter this time.

The root cause is because he is busy confirming the latest improved computer at the Institute of Science and Technology.

I have to say that after taking the first step from zero to one in the early years, in the following years, the Academy of Science and Technology has made Luo Ji feel a little surprised at the efficiency of electronic computer research and development.

那个 The black box, which is as big as a wardrobe, is undoubtedly the main box is right, and the operating table and display screen next to it are as big as a desk.

Of course, compared with the first-generation electronic computer that weighed more than 30 tons in the early years and needed to free up a room of more than 100 square meters for placement, this second-generation electronic computer has just been successfully developed by the Academy of Science and Technology. I don't know how light it is.

At the same time, in terms of performance, it completely exploded dozens of streets of the first generation of electronic computers, bringing a lot of surprises to Luo Ji.

But now, one thing that makes Luo Ji slightly more difficult is that he may need a lot of knowledge about programming next ...

Although Luo Luoji is a modern person, he is not a program ape, and his hair is very dense. Therefore, his understanding of the field of programming is obviously extremely limited.

But in order to further accelerate the development efficiency of his ‘electronic computer’, he now urgently needs relevant knowledge content.