The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2054: Wing Man Army

Now back to the war situation on the west side, when Luo Ji was in the capital, he actually had a good discussion with Gao Su. Facing the current situation, they have two choices ...

The first option was to let Luo Ji take his army to help Gao Su resist the attack of one of the golden Europa players. During this period, Gao Su could mobilize his troops to kill Scarlett Wins. Wright, and then concentrated on the battle with Luo Ji, one by one against the players in the golden stage.

And the second option is to let Luo Ji deal with Scarlett Winslet like now, and Gao Su himself is to concentrate on dealing with the three golden players in the eye of God, waiting for Luo Ji to settle After Carrie Winslet, she turned back and helped Gao Su defeat the enemies in the golden band.

At first glance, these two methods seem not to differ much, but in fact, the difference is much larger.

If the first option is adopted, the side with Luo Ji's support will definitely choose to draw away some of his forces, because only in this way can he have the strength to settle Scarlett Winslet.

But the Europa players on the opposite side are not blind. Knowing that Gao Su has mobilized the border forces, the opponents will definitely increase the offensive force immediately, in other words, they are moving.

In the face of such a battle, Luo Ji, who had taken up the garrison task at that time, had to help at least one third of the pressure on Gaosu's border.

But is this one-third carried so well?

黄金 The three golden eyes players who are playing against Gao Su are definitely stronger than the two who invaded themselves some time ago.

Rather than asking Luo Ji to take risks, it is better to ask for stability and let him deal with Scarlett Winslet, at least they are relatively equal.

For this, Luo Ji also agrees.

On the one side are the three gold-level players of the Eye of God, and on the other side are the silver first Scarlett Winslet.

Which side is soft persimmon?

"Lord Luo Ji, I have been waiting for a long time."

I walked out of the train, and Luo Ji saw at first sight a middle-aged man with brown hair wearing a military uniform and a resolute face.

In every move, the temperament of a veteran in the battlefield has been revealed.

In this simple face-to-face, Luo Ji's eyes quickly glanced at the opponent's right hand, which was a mechanical prosthesis obviously with a metallic luster.

机械 Mechanical prostheses like this are not unusual in Gaosu's civilization.

In the light of Luo Ji's journey, he has already seen many people with mechanical prostheses.

Some of them were wounded and disabled during the war, and some were in accidents in their lives.

But this one in front of us clearly shows that the former.

Here, by the way, it is worth mentioning that according to Luo Ji's current understanding, the mechanical prosthesis of the alchemical civilization of Gao Su belongs to the black technology level. It is estimated that it is more powerful than the most advanced mechanical prosthetic in the real world.

Because these mechanical prostheses are connected through alchemy and are directly connected to the nerves of the body, so what normal human hands can do, these mechanical prosthetics can basically do.

Even to some extent, these mechanical prostheses can do things that some humans can't do.

The only disadvantage is that once the weather is cold and humid, the nerve connection will be unbearable, and regular maintenance is needed.

Now to return to the subject, through the costume of the other party and the mechanical prosthesis, Luo Ji also probably guessed the identity of the other party.

"Presumably this, should it be General Rodlin?"

Admiral Rodrín, in the capital, Gao Su had focused on telling him that this was one of his generals and a strong alchemist. He is currently the supreme commander of his western front!

I didn't have too many courtesies. After a brief introduction, the two met each other, and everyone was still in the car, and they began to talk about the situation in the West.

Scarlett Winslet's Wing Men Legion is actually not diligent in offense. After all, she also knows that she is not an opponent of Gao Su, and her offense is to make herself uncomfortable. Su's strength had to cover three other big brothers.

That's it, Scarlett Winslet is now mainly working with the three big men in the league.

After learning about this situation from the mouth of General Rodrín, Luo Ji quickly put forward his own ideas.

According to Luo Ji's meaning, he didn't show up to confirm the strength of the wingmen on the opposite side, and then found an opportunity to force a direct wave of counterattack, and flattened Scarlett Winslet in one breath!

Admiral Roderin apparently had no opinion on this either, and even the two of them could be described as a hit.

For Admiral Rodrin, the battle on the west front has been going on for a long time, so he doesn't care to wait for a while, in order to gain greater certainty and chance!

After a month and a half of quiet time passed, he had completely focused his attention on Luo Ji on the western battlefield, and finally let him wait for a wave of attack from Scarlett Winslet.

In the face of opponents at the level of Gao Su, Scarlett Winslet did not dare to have reservations. Each attack was an army under pressure.

Above the ground, troops mainly dominated by Templars launched God's Blessing and pushed forward in a frantic manner. In the sky, the almost dense sky-wing soldiers ~ ~ also appeared one after another.

不 It is no exaggeration to say that there are tens of thousands of sky-wing soldiers flying in the sky. If you add ordinary wing-man soldiers on the ground, the total strength is definitely more than 100,000!

确认 After confirming this, think about the previous all-out war in the silver rank.

In total, 10,000 reinforcements were sent by Scarlett Winslet, and this 10,000 reinforcements also included a large number of ordinary winged men, and Tianyi soldiers were only a few hundred.

对比 Once the two sides are compared, the gap in this battle is really more than a little bit.

Suddenly the thoughts flew around, and the battle on this side had already begun.

Gaosu's artillery unit fired wildly in the rear, while the front row was composed of a large number of rock giants.

However, Luo Ji knows that the focus of this battle is definitely not on the ground, but in the sky, because the main combat power of the wingman civilization is all flying arms!

How to deal with the legion formed by the sky wing species and the holy wing species will become the key to lead the victory of this war!

Suddenly, while Luo Ji was thinking about it, the air force on Gaosu's side officially appeared!

At that moment, Luo Ji only felt that the sky above him was dark, and a large number of monsters holding weapons and carrying wings on their backs occupied the entire sky of their own in an instant!

Ps (ps: Please support genuine creation, qq reading and the starting point of genuine!)