The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2126: 、 ……

"The death of Scarlett Winslet can be found just by looking at the list of friends on the opposite side."

"So, what next?"

At this moment, while Luo Ji was letting his army recuperate, he was sending messages to Gao Su in an unhurried manner.

Facing Luo Ji's problems, Gao Su quickly replied ...

"The two on the mainland, you basically don't have to worry about it, but the one on the sea, Stephano Giabanna, may come up with your idea."

After sending a message, Gao Su kept moving, and his ten fingers were quickly typing on the virtual keyboard ...

"Unlike the other two Europa players, Stephano Jabanna has been blocked by me for years and can't land at all. Now when Scarlett Winslet dies, he may choose to detour and get away from you Land ashore. "

"If he wants to get around my arm, even me, he can't stop him completely."

Looking at two consecutive messages from Gao Su, Luo Ji frowned slightly and questioned ...

"Then why didn't he do that before?"

"He didn't need to be so anxious before."

Gao Su replied directly.

"The previous battle, plainly speaking, was constantly consuming each other, and he couldn't land, and he could less damage the troops. Do you say he is happy?"

Seeing the Luo Ji of this news, an expression of `` as it is '' suddenly appeared on his face.

Later, without waiting for him to think about it, Gao Su already sent two more messages.

"Now, things are different. The death of Scarlett Winslet will more or less strain the nerves of the three guys. Now they are probably trying to increase their offensive power."

"On this premise, the other two guys will not allow Stephano Giabanna to continue paddling at sea."

"So, I'll just go straight, or play two games against the other side and give you some time?"

By that time, once the Stephano Giabanna's maritime fleet came over, even if Luo Ji thought with his toenails, he knew that he would definitely not be able to fight.

After all, since he was promoted to the golden band, he has been taught by the Europa's golden band players many times. He has a clearer understanding of the gap in hard power.

Suppose this is an invasion war, and the other party just sent a small army to explore his bottom. Na Luo can rely on some special forces of his civilization from all walks of life.

But once there is a full-scale war, or if the main force is moved across, it will have no chance at all.

The reason is very simple. Take the golden civilization of human civilization as an example.

You work hard and pay some price to destroy one or two tank regiments on the opposite side, but can you destroy one hundred tank regiments on the opposite side?

You see, how simple it is.

According to the background of this group of prime ministers, let alone a hundred tank regiments, as long as they want, it is not a problem to directly build a thousand tank regiments.

Being able to win an invasion war can at least prove that you have the most basic self-protection ability. Under this premise, if you feel that your strength is not bad, that is really a big misunderstanding.

The reason why they don't make big moves is because they are watching out for the golden rank players in other camps, not fearing you.

To put it all back, if the main fleet of Stefano Jabbanna wants to land from the port city of the winged civilization, then Luo Ji must run.

Even if he didn't fight, Luo Ji knew that he couldn't, but he was so confident.

In this regard, Gao Sudao didn't feel speechless. It was normal for him to run and run, but now he doesn't need to worry so much.

"Don't worry, considering the distance, the army of Stefano Jabbanna, if you want to get to your side, it will take a year."

"So slow?"

Luo Ji was somewhat surprised. The battlefield of this all-out war was not too big, at least it was much smaller than the battlefield of the Silver War.

Under this premise, considering the technological capabilities of the golden-level players, the troop deployment efficiency should not be so low.

"If the other party really wants to land from there, then, in order not to alert me in advance, Stephano Jabanna must not dare to mobilize the troops on a large scale, and only dare to slowly move a small part, of course. Now. "

"So if you choose to fight two waves at sea opposite to fight for time, I can ask General Rodring to bring a unit to support you."

"How much support is there ~ ~ Three thousand flying golems, plus five thousand sea golems?"

"A little less?"

After fighting against Scarlett Winslet's wingman army, Luo Ji probably knew that Gao Su's flying golems were indeed very powerful.

As for the Sea Monster, it should be an Alchemy Golem with the same combat power as the Flying Golem.

But together, there are only 8,000 units!

The opposite may come over, but the main fleet of the golden ranks! With this troop strength, Luo Ji has no confidence at all!

"After all, now it's just guessing. I have to deal with two other guys. It's impossible to transfer too many troops to go there because of one guess. In the event of an empty shot, the other three sides of the war will collapse."

"However, the main fleet was really overcoming. I didn't stand it in one round and I was directly beaten. What should I do?"


"Fuck, why are you more confident than me?"

"General Rodrín is a strategic unit. With him, he can't stop the wave."


Seeing the Luo Ji of this news, he could not help but raise a brow and directly sent a series of question marks in the past.

In response, Gao Su quickly entered the road ...

"Don't believe it, General Rodlin is very strong, and he has fought in the West for so many years. Before you came in, I did not transfer any high-ranking units to the West. But he is dealing with it. "

Looking at this news, gradually revisited Luo Ji, who slowly changed her face.

Those six-winged holy wing species are all dealt with by General Rodlin? According to this statement, ignoring Raphael in the rear and Shahr in absentia, when General Rodrín was the most, did he have faced five six-wing holy wings at the same time? !!

Lying down! That's too scary!

As the thoughts fluttered, I just wanted to post a message and say something, and Gao Su's news had been sent again.

"In your previous news, there was someone named Michael, right?"

"If I remember correctly, General Rodlin should have killed him twice."


At this moment, apart from the string of ellipsis, Luo Ji has no idea how to describe his current mood.

Hell, is that Rodrín's combat power so abnormal?

"Fuck! Then why didn't he do it before ?!"

"Because his equipment is under repair."

After a message was sent, Gao Su quickly sent out a relatively detailed explanation.

"In a previous battle, he faced a combined offensive by Michael, Uriel, and Gabriel. While killing Michael, his equipment was also destroyed by Gabriel and Uriel with strategic strike It ’s been badly damaged and has just been repaired recently. "


"In short, you'll know by then."

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