The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2127: Crazy cultist

The correspondence with Gao Su made Luo Ji change his mind slightly. At the same time, after a discussion, the two set up a plan.

For this plan, Luo Ji was thinking about almost all night.

Because he wants to execute the plan, he has to take some risks.

And this risk may cost him a considerable price.

In contrast, once the plan is successful, they will also gain great results!

At the same time, in the long run, it will be more beneficial for them to implement this plan.

During this period, compared to Luo Tang's tangles, Gao Su's goods have always been very Buddhist. It is completely a pair. If you want to fight, I will send troops to implement this plan. If you do not want to fight, then Just take someone directly to withdraw his western border, don't stay here, because once the main fleet of Stefano Jabbanna really comes, according to Luo Ji's current strength, it can't stop it at all.

This situation, on the contrary, made Luo Ji more tangled, and it took one night to make this decision.

He came here to win. If he wants to be safe, stay in his civilization of all walks of life.

Now that he's all here, he doesn't make sense like he's a half-slinger.

Therefore, Luo Ji's final decision is to implement this plan!

And for this plan and the next battle, he must first occupy these cities of the winged civilization, so as to stabilize his rear, in order to go to the front and fight with the enemy with peace of mind.

Of course, the occupation of the city belongs to the occupation of the city. For the people of this winged civilization, Luo Ji has no thoughts about them, and even has no meaning to bring them back.

Because these winged people are simply fanatics who have suffered brainwashing for many years from Scarlett Winslet! And crazy fans like this are often more horrible than terrorists. Taking such a group of crazy believers back is harmful to the civilization of all walks of life. Can Luo Ji still do ideological work for them to change their beliefs? ? Who can change his faith, is he still a fanatic?

As for the transformation of being thrown into the extremely dark lake, even if the transformation is successful, I am afraid that it will still be a trick to the people. This point will tell Shalier's goods.

Therefore, the winged civilization, Luo Ji wanted, as for the people of the kingdom of Scarlett Winslet, he was really not interested.

This idea has not changed even after the communication with Gao Su ended.

With this idea, the original plan was changed, and they began to quickly take over these winged civilization cities.

During this period, Luo Ji's army was unsurprisingly attacked by the people of the Kingdom of God. They shouted shouts like "fight for my master" and launched suicide attacks, and even Some simply rushed over afterwards, it was heartbroken, and it really turned out to be a group of unbelievable shoes.

On this day, there was a sudden riot on the march.

Don't even think about it, it must be that the shoe cultists are here again.

Luo Ji did not worry about the safety of his soldiers.

Because he had discovered that after Scarlett Winslet's death, the rest of the wingman civilization had no faith and could not perform divine magic.

In other words, except for the pair of wings behind them, these winged people are already no different from ordinary humans.

Under the circumstance that the soldiers in the army will not relent, can such a group of Diaomin really threaten their failure?

On both sides of the road, a group of winged men shouted, throwing oil bottles and stones in their hands towards the army of civilizations of all walks of life, and then rushed towards them with some weapons that did not know whether they could be counted as weapons. .

Regarding this, Luo Ji's only reaction was ‘I hope you do n’t die again in the next life’, and then let your army do it directly.

He is not a Virgin Mary, to this shoe cult, can he still overflow the Virgin heart?

This wave of shoe attackers who attacked their army took a lot of time. After cleaning up almost, the remaining shoe believers had no retreat. The first reaction was to want it.

However, at this time, a babbling wailing voice caught Luo Ji's attention.

When he looked away, he quickly saw that among the remaining shoe worshippers, there was a wingman woman who should be thirty or forty years old, holding one's still-baby child in one hand and holding the oil in one hand. Bottle, with words in his mouth, and his morbid face was full of madness.

Seeing Luo Ji in this scene, his brow frowned obviously.

The oil bottle smashed directly under his feet, the fire quickly began to spread, the baby cried, and the winged women were totally disregarding their children, and still thought about some sick words with a sick face.


Needless to say, a wave of the staff in Mezikawa's hand and a simple application of earth wall technique allowed him to quickly turn the surrounding soil over and easily put out the fire in that area.

At the same time, Ike exploded at speed, and quickly approached. While turning the wingman and woman with one foot, he turned around with a strong hand, catching the baby who was still in the midst of babbling and crying.

Then I took a closer look, and the baby looked like he was under one year old.

"Sinners who do not believe in the Lord, you will fall into **** after death, and you will be tortured, and I will have eternal life in the holy flame ..."

During this period, the wingman woman who was kicked to the ground by Ike did not know where to find a knife, and stood up and rushed towards Ike again.

At this moment ~ ~ Ike looked at the wingman woman's eyes, it was already extremely cold.

"It's crazy!"

Holding the crying baby with one hand, facing the wingman woman who rushed up, Ike held the baby's hand and slightly adjusted the angle so that the child could not see the next picture. At the same time, he The hand holding the sword had already been placed on the hilt of the sword in the waist.

The next second, Jianguang flashed, a sword sealed his throat!

Ike, who killed the wingman and woman, looked cold, hugged the baby, and ran quickly to Luo Ji.

Looking at the baby wrapped in the urn, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, his expression complex and heavy ...

"Come down, like a baby who hasn't been brainwashed, try to save if you can."


A baby like this has not even started to remember. Naturally, it is impossible to have faith. Having such a brain-washed mother is like a lunatic mother. It can only be said that he is sad.

At the same time, this wing-man civilization built on the belief system is also shuddering.

Even the soldiers in the army who have been through hundreds of battles and used to see the dead, watching those crazy shoe worshippers, could not help but have a strong sense of discomfort.

It is no exaggeration to say that under this system, these children born in the wingman civilization have probably been instilled by their parents in their beliefs since the beginning of their memory.

Each one is a fanatic who has been brainwashing since he was a child. How can it be considered normal?

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