The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2144: Cut in

Important information is transmitted without the communication system, so transmission to the rear is slightly delayed.

After receiving the news, Yuan Xi issued an order quickly.

Years of training have made the Air Force of Wanjie Civilization look like a decent figure. On the takeoff runway of the three aircraft carriers of the Nuhai class, multiple fighters are connected end to end with the smallest distance, and in the shortest time Take off in succession.

In this wave, their radar equipment is basically useless. Without this, they can only send reconnaissance aircraft.

Six reconnaissance planes opened the way, twenty-two Black Hawk-3 fighters escorted, and twelve Griffin-2 bombers, rushing towards the battlefield of No. 1 sea!

At this moment, the Air Force of the South China Sea Fleet of Wanjie Civilization went to the battlefield of No.1 sea area, of course, it was impossible to support the battle in No.1 sea area.

At present, the performance difference between the two fighters is too large, but they cannot be beaten. There is nothing to say about this.

Under this premise, let the fighters of civilizations from all walks of life fight against the opposite Europa fighters, and they will only be tortured by the opposite blood.

Luo Ji who knows this in his heart will certainly not find himself uncomfortable, so the best way is to simply avoid it.

The air force that flew into the battlefield of No. 1 sea did not stay for a moment, avoided the frontal battlefield, and directly circled from the periphery.

However, they were not invisible, how could they escape the radar detection on the Europa side?

With the sweep of the radar, all the whereabouts of this air force were sent to the system of each Europa fighter in an instant, and it was clear.

After confirming the information, the first response of the Europa Air Force, which was fighting over the battlefield of No. 1 sea, was to intercept.

How could they let the enemy's air force just fly under their noses?

Unexpectedly, before they acted, the Croatian admiral in the command room of the last party spoke ....

"Regardless of the enemy's Air Force wing, find a chance to cut in. Although the two eagles are fierce, they are only two units in the end. The first wing will contain the two eagles. Second, third, The fourth wing led away the flying golems from the opposite side, and the fifth wing saw the opportunity to cut in! The positions of all the ships and aircraft carriers on the opposite side were all marked. "

On the opposite side of the scientific and technological power, this time the air strike, the Croatian general had almost 100% certainty and killed the opposite side. After all, the opposite side did not even know where their ship was, and they had to fly in. Look for it.

Nothing like them, the suppression of scientific and technological power, has already made the opposite position clear.

Just take this opportunity to find out what other cards are hidden on the opposite side. At the same time, he also wants to find out how the cruise missile he launched at the beginning is not.

Based on this premise, their fifth Air Force wing in Europa currently has thirty-six fighter jets. One of the two built-in bomb bays of these fighter jets is loaded with three anti-ship missiles.

Thirty-six fighters, that is 108 anti-ship missiles!

Considering the gap between scientific and technological power and firepower, they may be able to make an aircraft carrier on the opposite side lose the combat capability.

After issuing a series of orders, the general command room stared at the screen in front of the Croatian general, and then said without looking back ...

"Thoroughly break the communication system across."


The incident just made him thoroughly confirm that the communication system on the opposite side was basically giving him fake news, disturbing his judgment, and passing along some information that he was not afraid of.

Since it is clearly realized that the other party is already vigilant and it is impossible for him to eavesdrop on useful information, it is better to completely abolish the communication equipment on the opposite side.

The opposite operation, Luo Ji side, of course, immediately knew.

The situation was not unexpected.

At this moment, the abacus of both sides was loud and each started its own operation. Due to the deliberate release of the Admiral of Croatia, the air force of the civilization of the various realms passed the outer defense area of ​​their aircraft carrier formation quite smoothly.

But as said before, the electronic warfare was defeated, and without the support of radar equipment, it was really not easy to find a target in such a vast sea.

The six reconnaissance planes flying in front are now dispersed to improve search efficiency.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, accompanied by a sharp whistling sound, the air-to-air missiles that came face to face, in a series of explosive roars, completely destroyed the six reconnaissance planes that had just dispersed.

However, this is not over yet. More air-to-air missiles followed, flew past, and flew towards the fighters and bombers of civilizations in the rear!

The advantage of scientific and technological power is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

The air force of civilization of all walks of life, even before the enemy has seen it, was first attacked by enemy air-to-air missiles.

At this moment, there are almost two hundred kilometers away from the internal defense zone where the aircraft carrier is located. Above this sea, a missile destroyer is firing wildly. Above the ship, inside the shipboard vertical launcher, one shot after another A series of air-to-air missiles are continuously flying out.

Before the defeat of electronic warfare, UU reading had too much influence on them. All kinds of electronic equipment were basically discarded, and the signals were completely interfered.

"Damn fool!"

In the cockpit, dwarf air force soldiers couldn't help but swear against enemy air defense missiles.

At the same time, the movements on their hands continued for a while, apparently they did not intend to just sit there and wait.

A Blackhawk-3 fighter aircraft did not hesitate to use four external air-to-air missiles to attack it. Today, without the assistance of system equipment, guidance cannot be used basically. For the fighter pilots, how bad the situation is, fundamentally Needless to say.

Twenty-two Blackhawk-3 fighters lost more than one face to face, and the gap in science and technology was simply terrible.

Afterwards, the missile destroyers deployed by the enemy in the central defense area locked their positions at all times, and launched a crazy pursuit. A large number of air-to-air missiles came out like a lot of money without any money. It was all to kill them in one breath. Stance.

In the face of this situation, no matter how dwarf air soldiers operate the technology again, the project's markup can't be sustained.

In the end, one by one, you can only choose catapult.

However, for this situation, the Croatian general who received the image feedback directly seemed not very satisfied. There were obviously a few folds between the eyebrows.

He originally thought that all guided missile destroyers only need to launch one round of air-to-air missiles, which is enough to completely destroy the other party, but he did not expect that this loss was more than he expected ...

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