The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2157: Blind man

Within the main flagship, messages were sent quickly.

The nuclear submarine on the Europa side did not enter this area, but anchored near the two islands.

Even most of the time, in order to ensure their own safety and concealment, they all lurk directly under the sea.

In the real world, it is difficult for submarines lurking under the sea to get communication with the outside world.

However, this problem was clearly solved in the civilization of Stefano Jabanna.

The only drawback is that during the communication process, the transmission of the signal will expose the position of the nuclear submarine to a certain extent.

However, their current opponents have huge shortcomings in technology.

At the same time, Gaosu's Golem Army basically does not have any ability to detect radio signals, so it is basically unnecessary to worry about this.

After receiving the instructions from the main flagship and confirming the coordinates of the two giant soldiers, they were distributed on four destroyer-level nuclear submarines distributed throughout this area of ​​the sea. God-class nuclear submarines can fire 21 'Destroyer' missiles at one time, and four are eighty-four missiles. The battle was exaggerated.

As everyone knows, at the same time they received the message, the six black whale-like submarines, almost motionless, dormant in different six areas under the deep sea, woke up.

"Found the target."

"Confirm the target position."

"The target position is confirmed."

"The torpedo is ready. Will it launch?"

Within the small submarine space, goblin soldiers in military uniforms quickly asked while operating the equipment in front of them.

In response, a goblin officer standing there said with a deep voice ...


The order was given, and the goblin submarine soldiers did not skimp on their torpedoes. Six torpedo tubes were fired one after another.

At the same time, five other Goblin submarines also launched torpedo attacks.

The sudden torpedo attack frightened the Europa submarine soldiers who were still focusing on launching the 'Goddess' missile at the previous moment. The most terrible number was even more dead.

Too late to think, at this time, the four destroyer-class nuclear submarines made almost the same choice, that is, torpedo decoys, trying to steer away those torpedoes that attacked them.

However, the Europa submarine soldiers at this time made a mistake.

That is, although their goblin submarines from all walks of life have black technology and many performances are far beyond common sense, torpedoes are not. Their torpedoes are not so advanced and not so smart ...

What should happen at this moment?

This is like a stunning beauty with various nodding gestures, trying to seduce them, but did not expect that they are a group of blind people, they can not see at all, a set of showy operations, completely show in the air.

At this moment, a group of 'blind men' torpedoes ignored the bait with their heads swayed, and hit Huanglong with a blind man's stance.

No matter how advanced a submarine is, it is also a submarine, and a blind torpedo is also a torpedo. Once hit by a torpedo, the submarine can only be sunk.

However, the 'Goddess' missiles that have been fired have not stopped.

The attack mode of the "Destroying God" missile is not complicated. First, lock a coordinate, calculate the missile, and launch it.

After the 'Goddess' missile flew to that coordinate area, with an entire large combat system, operators located in the nuclear submarine at the rear could obtain the image of the area at that time and launch the 'Goddess' missiles. Make remote adjustments to hit the target.

But now, remote control is obviously impossible.

When one of the "Destroyer" missiles flew to the coordinate area, the giant soldier was no longer in that position, completely emptied, plunged directly into the sea, and exploded explosively, but no It hurts that giant soldier.

And another giant **** soldier, the action was slightly slower, and he found those 'Destroyer' missiles at the first time. The missile is decomposed.

"Oh! What annihilated missile is this?"

The 'Mission' missile has a nuclear warhead of 10,000 tons equivalent, and it is also designed specifically for the giant soldier. This makes its composition material and design quite different from ordinary cruise missiles. During the decomposition process, the giant soldier clearly noticed this, and then realized that there was something wrong.

"No, why did you deal with it this time?"

Obviously, this is not the first time that he has faced this 'Destroyer' missile. Otherwise, he will not be so familiar and decomposed so skillfully.

But even if they are more skilled, in the past wars, if they only took a little slower shots, this 'destroy' missile would instantly explode, causing considerable damage to their giant armor's outer armor.

And this time, it was so honest? At the same time, there are a few, which are too crooked ...

However, he remembered clearly that this 'destroyed' missile had remote control and should not be distorted like this!

"Can it be said that the goods succeed?"

Just as the giant soldier mumbled to himself, the sea below suddenly exploded, and a huge figure appeared here!

That huge figure, the lower body was completely submerged in the sea water, but even looking at the upper body exposed from the sea, it was tens of meters high.

The shape of the upper body is a typical human shape. The entire body is also completely impenetrable, covered by a set of marine blue armor.

Seeing this figure, the giant soldier flying in the air couldn't help but swear.

"Fuck! I'm scared to death. Can you say hi before you come out? I almost smashed this mushroom bomb in my hand, you know?"

I saw that at this moment, the giant soldier flying in the air was holding in his hands the spherical bomb just re-refined from several 'Destroyer' missiles, and made a gesture to be thrown to prove that After what he said just now, he really did not cheat.

Apparently ~ ~ This guy who got out of the sea is also a giant soldier!

Without tangling on this issue, let go of the mushroom bomb with less than 50,000 tons equivalent, and the giant soldier flying in the air glanced at the object in the hand of the navy giant soldier. Then asked ...

"What do you have in your hand?"

They have no standard weapons, because their palms are equipped with high-level alchemy formations, which are used to perform alchemy.

Weapons are required for combat, which are basically based on local materials.

Hearing this question, the sea-blue giant warrior mentioned the weapon in his hand and said ...


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(End of this chapter)