The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 222: a raging horse

Luo Ji itself is not a horse-loving person, but this red-hot wild horse is different. When it runs wild, there is an unstoppable momentum, the violent and domineering feeling, let Luo Ji see It was like it at first sight!

It is fast, and Luo is a tribal leader. The horse that is riding at this time is also a good horse. However, the distance between the two sides is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing that this red-blooded wild horse is going to run far away, he can't help but feel anxious. For the things he likes, he belongs to the kind of person who must get it. The character is unexpectedly very strong, and he likes it. There are not many things, or else it must be a very troublesome person.

But think about it from another angle. It may be because there are very few things you like, so when you face a few things you like, will he become so strong?

In the hands of the whip, the horses rushed for a long distance after the horses that had left themselves. After seeing the Luo series that had never been adventurous, this time it was a fierce bite, regardless of the three seven twenty-one jump directly to the fire. Red Mustang on horseback!

This move scared the white Zee behind him. The whole heart almost hung in the eyes of the blind man. Then, what he expected was happening...


I noticed that the fire red Mustang on the back gave a warning-like cicada, and then the strong body began to struggle with the madness and want to take the man from his back!

However, it has already reached this point. How can Luo Ji be so easily killed by it? Gritted his teeth, clasped the neck of the red wild horse with his hands, and then pressed his body to the lowest level, almost completely attached to the horse, letting the wild horse struggle, he is dead, this is not dead. When you plant, you can be physically and willpower.

The wild horse's continually frantic and struggling running method is obviously not conducive to the speed increase. The whole running speed has dropped significantly. Bai Ze, who looks at the opportunity, decisively chased the cavalry squad behind him.

In the face of this scene, Luo Ji's personal safety as the first consideration of the escort, their first reaction is to kill the horse to save people!

As if to see their intentions, Luo Ji, who was lying on the horse, suddenly shouted loudly. "All are not allowed to do it! This is the command of the leader!!"

Luo's order made the entourage guards who were preparing to move into a dilemma. On one side was the command of the leader and the other was the safety of the leader. How did they choose? Regardless of the order, killing the wild horse, may be blamed by the leader, or even punish, but if you do not kill the wild horse, the safety of the leader is unknown, in case of injury, even some worse situation? Thinking of this, a pair of eyes can not help but fall to the body of Bai Ze...

Feeling the sight of everyone, Bai Ze's mood is also subtle. Anyone can see that this red-hot wild horse is definitely a good horse. It is a pity to kill it. Moreover, Luo Ji himself also ordered that they should not be allowed to do it. Think of it here, Bai Ze simply follows the meaning of Luo Ji. "Everyone follows the orders of the leader and is not allowed to do it! Then all spread out and surround this piece!"

It doesn't matter if you don't do it, but if the wild horse runs far, it is also a troublesome trouble. Bai Ze's move is undoubtedly wise.

In the heart, he gave a tribute to Bai Ze silently. He had no spare power to distract himself and quickly concentrated himself to surrender his wild red horse.

“Hey? Is it my illusion? It seems that from the beginning, it’s not so bad at the beginning...” With the flash of this thought, I felt my body that was about to fall apart in another bump. Luo Ji decisively said that it was an illusion!

However, in fact, this is not the case. The horse is an emotionally rich and slender animal. Luo’s move just made it feel good about it. Maybe it’s still struggling, but it’s a few less than the original. The momentum of struggling.

After I didn't know how long it was, I was probably tired. The wild red horse that was struggling with the madness was calming down, but the Luo series on the horse was not moving. He needed to breathe, to be honest, the whole body It’s almost like going to perceive, and today’s rise is really a crime for myself.

Then, after a slight sigh of relief, I only listened to Luo’s voice with a weak voice. "How? Are you convinced?"

The red horse that heard the words of Luo Ji blinked, then suddenly snorted, and did not know if he was responding to Luo, or simply wanted to sneeze...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' successfully tamed BMW 'untitled’

System prompt: Is it named for BMW?

“Hey?” Hearing the system prompts in his Luo Ji’s whole person stunned. “Is this still the case? Why didn’t I have this prompt when I got the mount?”

But in any case, this system prompt is undoubtedly to let him confirm that the wild horse has been tamed by him, and the relieved Luo Ji struggled to sit up from the horse and then reached out and touched its mane. If you name it, he would have thought about it for a moment when he saw this wild horse. "Oh, the fire! From today, you are called the original fire!"


It seems to be a new name that is very fond of his domineering. On the spot, he gave a burst of joyful humming, and Luo’s eyes quickly popped up a window similar to the property panel...

Name: 燎原火

Type: mount

Introduction: At the time of the rush, it is like a horse that blames the fire...

Effect: In the case of riding the mount, the movement speed is increased by 40%, the skill of the brave weapon is increased by 30%, and the skill of the system is increased by 60%.

"The skill of the brave martial arts is increased by 30%, and the effect of the system is increased by 60%?!" After watching the property panel of the original fire, Luo Ji almost took a breath of air, this BMW's BUFF It’s really powerful enough! !

At this moment, he finally realized what it was called BMW. He subconsciously dropped his perspective onto his original mount. Then he discovered that his original mount had no property panel to open. In other words, it should only be BMW. The level of the horse, will have the property panel, and his original mount, although a good horse, but seems to be a distance from BMW, so when he got the original mount, he did not receive any System prompts.