The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2220: Black waves

The endless continuous offensive of the Rat-Man army gave the North Border Garrison no time to clean up those corpses on the battlefield.

A large number of cadaver slave soldiers, under the accumulation of decay, have turned the northern battlefield of today into a **** on earth.

That sight, coupled with the almost disgusting rancid odor, ordinary soldiers are just approaching, I am afraid they need great determination and courage.

Even the orcs didn't want to be near here.

After such a continuous attack, Luo Ji found that the frequency of the offensive of the Rat Man began to gradually decrease ...

This discovery did not make people happy, but made them nervous.

According to the previous offensive momentum of the Rat-Men army, and considering the experience of the player in the golden rank of Rosse Barka, it may be said that because he hit half, suddenly found that there was a problem with his strength?

how is this possible?

In a battle that is still in the tentative stage, how can the opponent make such a mistake that is not even a low-level mistake?

Therefore, if the other party suddenly reduces the attack frequency, it can only explain one problem.

That is, the opposite side has begun to adjust the state of the army and accumulate strength ...

Sure enough, almost a month later, looking at the end of the horizon from a distance, the terror rat tide appeared slowly.

At that moment, let alone Luo Ji, even General Rodrín, who was accustomed to fighting in the prime position, couldn't help sighing.

"What a hell! Come on! Send out all the Rock Giants and Knight Golems in the base to form six lines of defense !!"

The 40,000 rock giants and 30,000 knight golems took a heavy step to kill from the second line of defense in the north, and quickly rolled out a defensive formation in preparation for the rat tide that was about to sweep over!

However, this force is still unable to reassure General Rodlin.

Luo Ji, who was being carried by Ysera at this time and flying in the sky, can be said to have profound experience.

Because that number is too exaggerated!

To what extent is it exaggerated?

Exaggerating to look at Luo Ji, it actually feels that this whole northern battlefield is almost crowded by the rats! !!

This time, the scale of rat tide is definitely not comparable to any previous one.

This is indeed the case.

In the previous battle with the second line of defense in the North, the biggest rat tide launched by Rose Barka was the mobilization of 3.1 million rat slaves!

That is, the battle when Luo Ji just rushed to the northern battlefield.

In the original battle, he wanted to storm the second line of defense of the northern border. As a result, Luo Ji's arrival made him temporarily change his mind.

And this wave of rat tide clearly exceeds the previous one, I am afraid that it has reached more than four million!

Although, due to special geological conditions, his authentic tactics were not smooth.

However, with the help of this ultra-large-scale rat tide, this battle, Rosé Balka's grasp is still sufficient!

The terrible rat tide caused a terrible earthquake in the midst of the sweep.

Without waiting for them to approach, the garrison on the north side suppressed the horror in his heart, and General Rodrin quickly signaled that the artillery unit was firing at full strength.

At this moment, the piece of howitzer flew out, launching the first round of attack on the rat tide that surged in the distance.

During this period, the three air forces of Luo Ji's Xingying Yingshou unit, pterosaur rider unit, and hawkmen unit also quickly flew from the base at the fastest speed.

But they didn't mean to fight it down and fight against the millions of rat tide below.

After all, the exaggerated amount is placed there, according to their body, if this continues, I am afraid there will be no return.

So in this wave, their offensive methods have also changed.

The three troops flying in the air did not gather together, but quickly dispersed.

After flying to a relatively central area of ​​the rat tide, Xunying, Pterosaurs, and Eagles loosened their paws, and the things that were originally caught on the paws suddenly smashed into the rat tide below.

With the sound of roar, on the battlefield, there was an instant fire!

At that time, the three air forces smashed down, which was a specially made napalm!

These napalm bombs were all ordered by Luo Ji to speed up the production of Wanjie civilization, and then traded through Ye Qingxuan's channels.

The dose was specifically increased to ensure the lethality while increasing the range of harm as much as possible.

Now that this piece of specially made napalm is hit, the Slave Soldier must have died a lot.

However, Luo Ji, who is flying in the sky at this moment, is completely optimistic.

Because standing down at his height and angle, if the horrible rat tide is likened to a dark night, then the napalm that bursts down is equivalent to a fire under the night, but After all, the night curtain still failed ...

After a round of bombing, the air forces quickly returned to the base for resupply.

However, it is obviously impossible for the rat tide to stay in place and wait for them to carry out the second round of bombing.

During the replenishment period, just like that, with the sound of the trumpet, the rat tide suddenly fell into madness, and the mad rat-human slave soldiers ran all the way, and they were killed in front of the rock giants.

The next second, a terrible scene happened.

The burly rock giant was quickly overwhelmed by the turbulent black rat tide!

They are still waving their hands and feet, trying to get rid of the musk slave soldiers. However, this move seems a bit futile in front of the seemingly endless rat tide.

The terrifying number of rat-man slaves constantly overwhelmed the rock giant, and then swept towards the knight golem like an unstoppable black giant wave.

Although the Knight Golem's overall combat power is stronger, its size is far less than that of the Rock Giant and the rat tide. UU Kanshu is huge for them.

No matter how fast the weapons in their hands wield, but in the face of this absolute number, it is almost impossible for them to forcibly curb the offensive of these four million rat slaves in a short time.

The Rock Giant has two lines of defense, while the Knight Golem has four lines of defense.

The first line of defense of the knight golem, the unstoppable rat soldier slaves, all rushed to the second line.

In front of the two defense lines composed of the giant rock, it seems that the first one is about to be completely crushed.

This wave, after the rat tide numbers were completely piled up, the fierceness of the offensive has risen by more than one level. The rat tide is advancing too fast, leaving Luo Ji without time to hesitate. After the communicator quickly issued an order, he yelled quickly ...

"Ysera! Release the Dragon Stars towards the center of the rat tide! Hurry!"

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