The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2223: Big mouse

by! What a big mouse! "

In a simple sentence, it clearly explained Luo Ji's entire emotions and all thoughts at that time.

At this moment, the giant rats that came out from below are basically similar in appearance to ordinary mice, but some changes in local details have made their posture even more frightening.

In addition, more importantly, they are very large.

Visual inspection should have reached the level of ten meters. As a mouse, it was obviously too large.

General Rodrín, who still maintained communications at that time, apparently heard Luo Ji's swearing.

Afterwards, I only heard his quick and Luo Ji explain ...

"Those monsters are rat-humans, plague rats!"

"It turned out to be a monster of the Rat Race ..."

Speaking of Luo Ji, the tone was slightly subtle.

Because he made a subconscious comparison with other orc-type monsters he knew.

The ten-meter body shape is simply the shame of the beast.

However, the subtlety is subtle, but Luo Ji dare not underestimate these plague rats, because they are really too many!

Although the size is the shame of the beast, the number is scary.

A simple glance is at least a thousand.

The most terrifying thing is that there are still many plague rats that are constantly drilling out from the ground!

In other words, the number continues to rise.

It is indeed a mouse.

At the same time, General Rodrín's voice was clearly somber, and again from the communicator ...

"Don't underestimate them. The two giant soldiers originally stationed in the north were damaged, mainly caused by these plague rats!"

The time spent talking, the plague rats that had emerged from the ground issued a sharp roar, and that harsh sound, when heard, would give people a strong sense of discomfort.

The artillery unit stationed in the northern border tried to use the howitzer to strike the plague rat.

However, the speed at which the plague rat wandered up was surprisingly fast. Although they had a body size of ten meters, howitzer attacks basically could not hit them.

They didn't care about the life and death of the Mouse Slave Soldiers, and when they rushed up, if the Mouse Slave soldiers dared to block their way, they would hit and fly together.

Maintaining an astonishing movement speed, the plague rat rushed to the knights' golems in one breath.

Keeping the momentum, the blood basin opened wide. In addition to the two eye-catching fangs, you can also see the mouth of the giant plague covered with relatively small sharp fangs.

The next second, I took a bite and heard only a sound of metal collision. The plague rat actually directly bit a concrete three-meter-high knight golem into his mouth!

Of course, the Knight Golem is not afraid of this kind of thing, and it does not feel pain at the same time.

After being bitten by the plague rat, their first reaction was to break free.

However, those fiery giant plague rats can ignore this. The two rows of sharp fangs directly bite ‘Karka Krā’.

In the end, a Knight Golem was bitten!

You know, the knight golem is a high-defense unit in the alchemical civilization of Gaosu. How good is the plague rat to bite it?

At that scene, the Luo Ji I watched was a toothache.

"General Rodrín, how are you going to deal with these plague rats? Look at their mouths and their numbers. If you leave them alone, the knight's golems will not be cleaned by them?"

When hearing this, General Rodlin's eye muscles also twitched.

Indeed, as giant units of the Rat Race, those Plague Giant Rats can't be left alone.

Otherwise, the opponent can really kill their golem troops!

However, according to that speed, it is not easy for the shells to hit the plague giant rat scurrying on the battlefield. Considering the individual combat power of the plague giant rat, ordinary units may not threaten them.

As thoughts fluttered, General Roderin said to Luo Ji in a deep voice ...

"Sir Luo Ji, since the regular army of the opponent has already entered the field through the tunnel, shall we start the second phase of the offensive in advance?"

"it is good!"

Without hesitation, Luo Ji responded directly.

After speaking, new changes have taken place behind the defense line of the North Border Base.

I saw a dozen elephants pushing the two big guys under the black cloth.

The black cloth opened, and the four huge fortress guns were immediately exposed to the air.

Of course, if it's just a fortress cannon, then it's nothing strange, and there is no need to hide it until now.

At this time, the four fortress guns launched by Xiangren had dazzling fiery red gun bodies!

There is no doubt that these four are the fire element magic cannons of Luoji Wanjie civilization, and they are the fourth-order magic guide cannons of the Eight Classics! !!

It was Luo Ji who traded from Ye Qingxuan after arriving at this northern border base.

At that time, Ye Qingxuan had only four such four-stage magic guided cannons that were freshly baked and had not yet been deployed.

After Luo Ji made a speech, he gave him priority to trade over.

According to the original plan of General Luo Ji and General Rodrin, when the enemy's regular army entered the battlefield, they used the four fourth-order fire element magic guide guns to attack the regular army on the opposite side.

However, they did not expect that the regular army on the other side directly followed the tunnel and reached the battlefield, which immediately disrupted their original plan.

However, the impact is not too great. Although it is chaotic on the battlefield today, if you pull the front a little and adjust the attack angle, you can still avoid the attack of the magic guide as much as possible, and spread to your knights.

The operation steps have been familiar for a long time, which is basically the same as the operation of the wind element magic cannon.

As for accuracy ...

Fire Elemental Cannon is definitely the most fault-tolerant among all attributes.

After deploying four Fire Elemental Magic Cannons behind the base line of defense, fire quickly!

At this time the season is in the midsummer, UU reading www.uukanshu. com scorching sun! This weather is the time for the fire department to show off its power!

Between the gathering of elemental powers, the fiery red arrays quickly unfolded, and four huge dark red lava fireballs quickly condensed and formed, and then flew out with a terrifying heat wave!

At the moment of landing, amazing area damage erupted in succession, burning all the Rat Man units within the attack area on the spot!

Although Luo Ji and General Rodlin had probably talked about the power of the fourth-order fire element magic cannon, when he saw it with his own eyes, he was still surprised.

Follow this range for lethal and destructive power.

In this battle, if the Rat-Man's regular army really presses up from the periphery, I am afraid that it will not be very good in the face of the sniper attack of the fourth-order fire element magic guide gun. It is necessary to peel off a little skin!

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(End of this chapter)