The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2224: Aggressive

Behind the defense line, the four fourth-order fire element magic cannons show strong firepower. The area hit by the lava fireball is directly turned into a piece of scorched soil. At the same time, all the rat-man units in the area can't escape!

The amazing output of firepower startled the opposite.

However, only Luo Ji knew them.

This fire element magic guide gun, each time the firing, the color of the gun body is dimmed.

When the gun body becomes completely black, the fire magic cores embedded in the energy disc are also dim because of the exhaustion of elemental power.

Next, if you want to fire again, you can only rely on the fire magic crystal to replenish energy.

And because the elemental power of the entire main fire element alloy has been exhausted, the consumption of the fire magic crystal will become greater, and at the same time, the quality of the fire magic crystal is not as good as the fire core. Power drops.

Basically, in the case of the supercharged disk filled with fire-based magic crystals, the fourth-order fire element magic cannon can only fire twice, and its power is reduced by about 30% than before, which is also no way Things.

The continuous firing of the Fire Elemental Demonstration Cannon made the Rat Army pay a small price.

From the beginning of this battle to now, so many waves of fighting have come down, Luo Ji and General Rodlin can clearly feel that the scale of the rat tide that had been exaggerated to directly fill an entire battlefield has been clearly controlled.

They don't know exactly how many numbers are left.

It seems that the rat tide across the street should be more than half of the casualties, with only two million left.

In contrast, the regular army on the opposite side has already appeared on the battlefield!

Before that, a large number of plague rats emerged from the ground. On the battlefield land, large pits burst out, which greatly increased the outflow speed of the regular army of the rat people.

Although the attack of the fire element magic gun in front is fierce, the soldiers in charge of the operation, after all, have just started and have not received corresponding training. In addition, this is a giant weapon of the fortress cannon specification. They are expected to be able to aim at several A pothole, a targeted strike? That is really difficult for some strong men.

However, under the scope of the attack, there were a few good luck hits.

But to that extent, it is basically difficult to block the offensive of the Rat-Man army, and for a while, the follow-up regular army troops have completely entered the field.

The regular rat army is obviously not as valuable as those of the slave humans, but for other races, the number is still quite large, and it should be five or six hundred thousand by visual inspection.

The most prominent of these is undoubtedly the plague giant rats.

Someone must manage them.

Otherwise, the knight golems on the battlefield will have to be captured to grind their teeth.

Of course, this statement is actually a bit exaggerated.

Although the Plague Giant Rat is a giant unit of the Rat Race, in fact, they are very special among the monsters.

Let's say that's called "the shame of a monster" ...

In fact, the individual strength of the plague rat is not particularly strong, and even a single puppet is not qualified to be a strategic unit.

Unless more than fifty plague rats at the same time form a group of rats, a strategic threat can erupt.

So in the end, the way they show their combat effectiveness is still a group attack!

In the case of a single order, if twenty or thirty knight golems launch a siege, they can definitely pose a threat to a plague rat.

Unfortunately, the Knight Golems are not very smart.

In order not to let the thousands of plague rats continue to do whatever they want, General Rodrín sent a gargoyle force directly, and used to clamp down.

Luo Ji also signaled that the Swift Eagle Handle unit headed by Calgan would launch air support to assist the gargoyles and shoot the plague giant rats.

During this period, it is obviously impossible to stop the rat tide offensive.

The northern garrison's machine guns are also firing wildly, and the mages of the civilized civilizations of the World Realm have once again launched explosive firepower output. The combined spell formed by the third-order flame and the third-order wind is used to carry out rat tide. Powerful blow.

With such a fierce long-range firepower, if an ordinary army encounters it, even if it is not defeated and defeated, it is likely that morale will fall, but for the mad orc army, there is no such thing as morale.

An orc in a frenetic state is almost equivalent to being full of morale.

Moreover, some morale-fighting skills can be exempted even in a frenzy.

Mad orcs, they can only move forward, they can never retreat!

This move undoubtedly made Luo Ji feel uncomfortable.

Troops like them that rely on long-range firepower output, the most annoying thing is to meet guys with a brainless face, which makes no sense at all.

Luo Ji flying in the sky, after a little hesitation, quickly spoke ...

"Ysera, the Dragon Stars !!!"

The second round of Dragon Stars quickly turned over.

If the Rat-Man army continues to advance, then this offensive and defensive battle will soon enter the stage of the melee fight. At that time, skills such as 'Dragon Stars' will not be able to be used unless he wants to connect himself Everyone fights together.

A burst of Dragon Stars failed to allow Luo Ji to successfully stop the mad Rat Army.

The aggressive offensive continued, pushing the front to the base of the second line of defense in the north.

The closer they got, the more quickly Luo Ji began to convene air forces, trying to suppress the opponent with air fire.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a group of rat people appeared outside the battlefield.

However, this group of Rats is different from other Rats. They did not rush into the battlefield, but pushed a large number of mortar-like weapons and set up extremely evacuated battles around the battlefield. Subsequently, the weapons opened fire and issued A series of 'bang-bang' muffles.

The fired shells flew straight into the sky, and finally exploded in the air. Along with the spattering wood chips, a large number of rat people broke into the sight of Luo Ji ...

From that mortar-like weapon, it was not a cannonball, but a barrel.

And inside the barrel, UU reading books www. is not an explosive weapon, it is actually a rat man ...

In the face of such a method, even if I have heard the relevant information of Luo Ji before long, after I officially saw it, I didn't know what to say for a while.

And just as he was so stunned, the rat-humans flying out of the barrels had already acted.

I saw them quickly spread their hands and feet in a large font.

It was not until this moment that Luo Ji noticed that between the hands and feet of the rat people, there was actually a large piece of something suspected of being a meat film.

After opening, they are in the same state as they are with a gliding wing.

When the high air flow blew, instead of falling down, it also flew higher ...

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(End of this chapter)