The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2226: Close combat

Two strategically-strength monsters with amazing defensive powers entered the battlefield with the most overbearing posture!

The dense rat tide is too convenient for them to play.

When the front and rear firepower units are outputting frantically, they are certainly not convenient to charge forward.

But now it ’s their front row troops to dry their sleeves. What's so vague?

In a collision, the two giant beasts rushed into the Black Sea, and huge waves were set off directly on both sides of the body.

Pieces of the zombie corpses were constantly hit into the sky, and the two long-prepared beasts mercilessly gave the zombie army who rushed up for a headache!

But the rat slave slaves who are in a state of madness are obviously not afraid of it.

Even his companion, just a second before, was lowered in his eyelids, and was smashed into flesh by the rushing beast. The rest of the Zerg Slave soldiers would still whistle and shout towards the two giants. The beast slaughtered in the past.

For a moment, flesh and blood flew outside the base's defense line.

However, this is obviously only the beginning.

Although the two giant beasts are fierce, the dense rat tide still says that there are still more than one million. This is not yet a regular army. Just relying on the horned land dragon cook and the black armor war rhino, want to collapse an army of this size. It's almost impossible.

So, accompanied by the roar of the engine, at this time, quickly rushing out of the fortress, obviously not the orc army of Luo Ji, but the armored chariot troops stationed in the north!

I saw that each of the tanks was mounted with thick metal armor, and was surrounded by sharp blades. Track wheels were used below, almost armed like a tank.

Faced with the slain slave soldiers who came up, they just ran over.

At the same time, the two heavy-fire machine guns equipped on the battlefield were also firing wildly under the operation of the soldiers from the north, and launched fire on the rat people!

That ’s right, you do n’t need these tank artillery to deal with these rat-humans. The sweep of heavy fire machine guns ‘Da Da Da Da’ is much better than tank artillery.

Armored chariots such as this had damaged more than 9,000 vehicles in the earlier battle of the northern border.

In that battle, only 2,331 were followed by the large troops who successfully retreated to the second line of defense. Now they have all been dispatched!

At the same time, two giant soldiers driven by General Rodrín and Major General Huang Feiyu also appeared strongly.

The quality of the giant soldier's strategic level gave the two people confidence, letting them fan the giant wings, and rushed directly into the center of the rat army.

The blow from the sky allowed them to launch their fists and attacks while taking away the lives of a group of rats.

To deal with this type of rat-human unit, the giant fist attack is far more useful than alchemy.

At this time, the attack methods of the two giant soldiers were basically the same as those of the previous rock giants.

However, the difference is that the attack frequency of the giant soldier is much higher than that of the rock giant. At the same time, their skills are far more flexible than the rock giant!

The appearance of two giant soldiers, including General Rodrín, basically represented that the northern border garrison had been dispatched.

After this, it was the turn of the orc army of Luo Ji.

Different from the past, this time, among the orc's main force, the pioneer was not the rhino man, but the boar man!

Armed wild boar people, after being killed from the base, they did not rush forward, but quickly rolled out a line formation.

At the same time, after the two beasts and the chariot troops stationed in the North Border rushed away, watching the Rat Slave Soldiers reunited and initiating the rush, they pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At that moment, I heard only a muffled sound of bang. Above the black muzzle in the hands of the boar, a raging fire snake suddenly spewed out!

At this time, it was the boar arson!

The horrible fire burst out fifty or sixty meters instantly, with a high temperature of a thousand degrees, and in a few minutes burned the rat slave slave soldiers who came on the face into coke, leaving a large area of ​​scorched soil.

Basically, one shot, emptying one piece, the killing efficiency can be said to be very considerable.

And similar flamethrowers, Gaosu's alchemy civilization actually has, although the performance may be slightly worse than that of the Goblin tribe black technology on the side of Luo Ji, but the lethality to the Rat Slave Soldier is undoubtedly guaranteed.

But they didn't do much. There was naturally a reason for it.

To put it simply, there is insufficient firepower.

The fuel of the flamethrower comes from the fuel bottle which the soldiers carry behind, and the consumption is very large.

Under this premise, an ordinary human soldier will carry up to three or four fuel bottles on his body, let alone a long battle. It will not take much time at all, and all of this fuel will be used up. Those two shots were not as straightforward as the direct machine gun fire.

This shortcoming, in fact, also exists on the boar arsonists. Their latest Vulcan-4 flamethrower burns fuel very hard.

However, they possessed a human soldier, something they absolutely did not have.

That is, they can carry a fuel tank the size of a domestic refrigerator directly behind them!

Maintaining the flame spray, facing the rat tide that was so large that they almost blocked them at the base entrance, the wild boar arsonists stepped back and pushed back, and quickly cleared an open space outside the North Border Base.

Before the fuel ran out, the orc army rushing out of the base was ready for battle.

Hearing the order, the wild boar arsoners retreated collectively, and the rhino people retake the rushing task. They stepped on the heavy scorched soil that was still scorching hot, and led the orc troops of all races in the rear, and resolutely launched the charge.

At this moment, the army forces on both sides came to a complete fight!

At the same time, UU Kanshu over the battlefield, accompanied by the sending of offensive signals, including the Elven Druids and the Griffin Knights, Luo Ji ’s air forces were also killed.

Considering some special circumstances, Luo Ji was not in a hurry to let his elf Druid troops and the Gryphon Knights attack the rat army on the ground.

Instead, let them concentrate their forces first and clear the enemy's flying squirrel troops.

The reason is not complicated. On the land battlefield, there are too many plague viruses.

Elven units are not as physically resistant as Orc units, Xunyingyu can use a bow and arrow to attack long distances, and he can support the land battlefield without having to approach, which is not a problem.

But the Elf Druids and the Gryphon Knights are melee forces. Once they rush in, the risk of plague will increase greatly.

In order to reduce this risk, Luo Ji made this decision now.

So far, his Elven troops have been damaged enough. If it is not necessary, he really does not want to increase the casualties of the Elven troops.