The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2289: Satellite launch

The launching location of the artificial satellite is definitely impossible in the urban area, and even in consideration of security, this launching location is directly arranged in the buffer zone of the West Dwarf Province and the border line.

After all, here is basically deserted, and the climate is relatively stable.

I honestly, half a month ago, Luo Ji didn't expect that he had just sent Mia away on his front feet, and his hind feet came here.

However, Mia now wants to come to study spells in retreat, and he is here to do business on his own, so he won't bother her.

Before Luo Ji arrived at the scene, the staff of the space agency in charge of this project kept repeating one thing, that is, inspection, non-stop inspection.

Obviously, after four previous failures, everyone was a little nervous about this launch.

After all, every time a failure occurs, the newspaper headline reports and the people's public opinion are putting them under great pressure.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The aerospace field of civilized civilizations needs this first step!

After Luo Luoji arrived at the scene, he didn't make nonsense, and directly signaled to start.

Within the space agency, the staff responsible for this satellite launch project acted one after another.

"All staff members are in place for final confirmation."

"Final confirmation is complete, everything is ready! Please indicate!"

"Five, four, three, two, one! Ignite!"

The next second, with a dull sound, the launch vehicle was officially launched!

"Enter the vertical ascent phase."

"Elevating everything, everything works ..."

"At the specified height, the booster is separated."

"Booster successfully separated!"

"Gravity steering ..."

In the space agency, the person in charge of the project stared at the electronic screen in front of them, as if they were launching a rocket to the sky, filling all their obsessions and hopes!

"Very good, no problem!"

"The fairing is separated."

"The fairing is separated!"

"Separate the first and second rockets, confirm speed and altitude!"

"The separation of the first and second rockets is complete! The speed and altitude have been confirmed and the designated position has been reached."

"Second-level engine ignition."

"Secondary engine fired successfully!"

The tense atmosphere inside was so tense that Luo Ji, who was standing behind, could not help holding his breath.

I came to this step, taking advantage of the other party's slow breath, Luo Ji finally had the opportunity to speak.

The atmosphere was too dignified and nervous before, making him unable to speak, and inconvenient to speak.

局长 "Director Zhao, where does this go now?"

In the face of Luo Ji's questioning, Director Zhao exhaled a long breath and said quickly ...

"Under the circumstances, it is now rounding the orbit. The previous gravity steering has turned the flight path of the carrier rocket into a parabola. Now, this is done to make the satellite's flight path no longer a parabola. It orbits the planet under its gravity. "

Next, after a period of time, after successfully rounding the trajectory, it is finally entering the final stage!

"Confirm that you have arrived at the designated location and the stars and arrows are separated."

"Successful separation of satellite and launch vehicle!"

At this moment, the first artificial satellite of Wanjie civilization was officially put into satellite orbit!

"Unfold the solar panel and make adjustments."

"The solar panel has been successfully unfolded and the adjustment is complete!"

"Open the communication antenna and check if it works normally!"

"The communication antenna is on, everything is OK!"

After completing the last step, the members of the project team suppressed the emotions and tensions for a long time at the moment when they successfully contacted their first artificial satellite of Wanjie civilization. At this moment, they had a complete outbreak, all of which were controlled Can't stop cheering on the spot!

"Success, we succeed !!!"

At this moment, even Luo Ji was able to help his fist twice while being relieved.

This step finally let him go out!

The first satellite was successfully sent to the sky by him. After that, will the second, third, and fourth satellites be difficult?

This day can be said to be a historic moment, and it will surely be recorded in the annals of his civilization.

Luo Luoji originally wanted to celebrate a feast.

结果 But in the end, a large group of people in the project team paralyzed after a cheer ...

I said one by one that they only want to sleep now.

一段 时间 In the period before the launch of the satellite, they hardly slept peacefully for a day.

Not a lot of work, but a lot of pressure!

A few days before the launch, they were so anxious that they were going crazy, and they kept checking repeatedly every day.

Now that tone of breath is relaxed, it is like this.

In this regard, after Luo Ji laughed twice, she also quite simply withdrew the celebration party and gave them something real.

Testimonials go down, put it on the long holiday, and get it.

After hesitated, he made a trip to the Yellow Sand Fortress, inspected the situation, and returned to the Dwarf Province for a look.

After a trip, the schedule was full, and he was so tired that he returned to Der Spiegel to wait for a few days and nights, regardless of everything.

But a lot of things pushed him again, making him have to rush back into work.

Looking at the latest report sent by the front line, it has been seven months since he signed the non-aggression treaty with Rosse Barka ~ ~ In order to implement the treaty, the other party must The number of rat people who had to be handed over officially reached 500,000!

Even though Luo Ji had one mouth, the other party had to hand over one million rat people every month, but everyone knew that he was talking in a lion at that time to facilitate the next bargaining.

The amount of 500,000 today is already very amazing.

I am afraid that those who have not seen it with my own eyes can't imagine the exaggerated picture.

Forced by the frontline forces, they had to carry out another large-scale expansion of their own fence.

By contrast, on the other side of Rosse Barka, it was still quite stable to hand over this number of rat people on time every month.

This made Luo Ji have to be surprised at the population growth efficiency of the Rats ...

I looked at the report in front of me, pondering the combat power that I could use at the moment. On the orc side, individual strategic units and small-scale troops could still use it, but the army was probably not counting on it.

How long has it taken since Gaosu ’s all-out war ended? The orcs have lost so many troops. In a short time, it is impossible to mobilize the army again.

The elves' side is mainly about the production of elven magic arrows.

At this moment, Luo Ji, while confirming the troops that can be mobilized, pondering his own odds, is really a bit confused.

Ps: The code word is not easy, please support the creation of the world | Chinese | Chinese |