The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2450: Black technology

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In the world of civilization, the development industry of the power system is divided into three parts: the human race, the dwarf race, and the goblin race.

Among them, the goblins and human races have developed very well, and the dwarves have the worst development.

Basically, Goblin products occupy nearly 50% of the market, while Terran products occupy almost 30%, which may exceed some markets.

In the end, less than 20% of the market fell into the hands of the dwarves.

No way, dwarven products have always been expensive.

Take the car, for example, cars equipped with dwarf R & D engines are the worst mid-range cars. There are no low-end cars at all. They take the high-end route.

At the same time, as a civilian car, this engine has a little excess performance, because from a practical point of view, people do not need this performance in daily life, driving to work or traveling by car.

Goblins, although they also have high-end cars, they mainly take the low-end cost-effective route, targeting the ordinary home market, so they sell very well.

As for the human race, they are fully developed and their quality and performance are very stable.

Belongs to its own loyal user group.

But once it was in the military sector, the goblin tribe was very poor.

Military engines, while pursuing performance, are very much pursuing quality, especially under the premise that performance requirements of various military equipment of Wanjie Civilization are very high.

Therefore, the ‘Geocentric’ series, which was mainly developed by the dwarves, occupies a large share.

Although the ‘Geocentric’ series of engines also includes human and goblin technology, but because the core technology is still dwarf, this is still a dwarf product.

It is needless to say how powerful the ‘Geocentric’ engines are.

The power system of the Goblin ‘Peace Defender’ series of mechs and the Dwarf tank mech are all based on the ‘Earth’ series.

In addition, the navy's warships also use the 'Geocentric' series of engines.

Of course, even so, it is impossible for all military equipment to use all of this, so the cost is too high, and at the same time, a question of production efficiency must be considered.

Therefore, the dwarves accounted for almost 40%, while the humans occupied the rest.

However, as long as this time, a breakthrough can be made in the research project of the power system of the Goblin Machinery City, then the Goblin family will have a great possibility in the future and will occupy a place.

After leaving the powerhouse, Luo Ji also talked to Gao Wen about the project.

Gao Wen seemed extremely attentive, and in the end Luo Ji simply gave the project to be tossed to him and stared.

Gao Wen, who has always been salted fish, this time promised.

Next, Luo Ji and Gao Wen went to see the factories around.

These goblin factories obviously need to be upgraded or even directly rebuilt.

At the same time, considering their current Goblin factories in Wanjie civilization, the energy consumption may be greater than the original factories.

Therefore, in order not to overload the power core of Goblin Machinery City, in the process of upgrading and rebuilding, we may have to calculate the energy consumption. If necessary, we must reduce the number of factories.

Of course, these are the last words.

As for the weapons and equipment being produced by the Goblin Factory?

Even if you put the goblin steam mech in front of Luo Ji, he basically can't get any interest.

They are the latest type of peace defender-029 of the civilization of all walks of life, and they can flick dozens of streets of Goblin Steam Mecha directly.

In addition, Luo Ji has many special equipment for Goblins, and they have made better ones.

However, there are some equipment that Luo Ji does not have ...

"What is this? Hammer?"

In the factory, Luo Ji picked up a suspected hammer-like weapon in a pile of centralized equipment.

This weapon is clearly made according to the size of the goblin. Luo Ji holds it in his hand, just like a toy, but there are many mechanical structures on it, which makes Luo Ji obviously feel a bit of simplicity.

Seeing Gao Wen of that thing, he said directly ...

"This thing is called 'Goblin Steam Warhammer.'"

"Steam Warhammer?"

When I heard the name Luo Ji, there was so much speculation in my heart.

Gao Wen went on to say ...

"This weapon should be designed to make up for the weakness of our Goblins, but it's actually quite black technology."

During the conversation, Gao Wen picked up a Goblin Steam Warhammer and threw it to a Goblin Warrior behind him. There was a metal post outside this factory, which just allowed the Goblin Warrior to demonstrate the performance of this weapon Some time.

The goblin soldier did not make nonsense, came outside the factory, moved his bones, raised the goblin steam warhammer with both hands, and was ready to start.

In Luo Ji's hands, a toy-like Goblin Steam Warhammer fell into the hands of a Goblin soldier, but it was just the right size and even looked quite powerful.

As the thoughts flew around, the goblin pro soldier had already smashed the goblin steam warhammer in his hand.

The whole action was quite large. The goblin soldiers were heavily sinking. When they fell down, they saw that they were about to hit the metal stakes in front of them. At that moment, the goblin soldier wielding the goblin steam warhammer quickly pressed. Pushed a switch on the weapon.

At that moment, a large amount of white steam erupted from the body of the Goblin Steam Warhammer with an explosive momentum.

Between the electric light and flint, Luo Ji and others only heard a violent muffled sound that went straight to the eardrum. The goblin steam warhammer had already hit the metal stake severely!

After the blow, the steam that erupted was quickly blown away by the wind, and the goblin soldier who maintained the attacking posture couldn't help grinning.

This was a metal stake. The strength of the hammer going down and shocking back also made his hands hurt so much that he felt his hands were about to break.

At the same time, Luo Ji and Gao Wen ~ ~ also walked to the metal post to confirm the situation.

The results really shined.

I saw that the location that was hit by the goblin steam warhammer was actually sunken.

Seeing Luo Ji from this scene, I knocked on the metal stakes, solid.

The body of ordinary human race soldiers is not as hard as this metal stake. If the hammer goes down, it is estimated that it can directly blow people's heads.

"Interesting, it's really a black technology."

While talking, Luo Ji's gaze fell back on the goblin steam warhammer in the hands of the goblin pro soldier.

After that blow, the hammer surface was also damaged and slightly deformed, but this did not affect the performance of the weapon just now.

Luo Ji took the goblin steam warhammer with interest and asked Gao Wen ...

"Gowen, what is the principle of this steam warhammer? Have you asked anyone to study it?"
