The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2455: New change

At the same time, the islands of Druk ...

After the destruction of Saxon's fleet, the trophies with four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers as their cores all temporarily docked in the ports of Drucke Province and will be sent to the West Sea ports soon.

During this time, Bailey and Locke were entrenched in the coastal area, and dozens of Terran medical soldiers were helping them confirm their injuries.

At the time the front battlefield, the two Hydra attracted almost all the anti-submarine firepower on the opposite side.

Then the multiple firepower weapon is hit, even if it is a strategic Warcraft, it cannot be easy.

The blood stains on the dark scales were not obvious, but after landing, a lot of blood quickly soaked the land below.

Among them, due to the gap in strength, Locke's injury is even more serious than Bailey's. The large scale armor on his body has been shattered. The severely injured part looks fuzzy.

No way, Warcraft units can't enjoy the bonus items of the Orc race, so the resilience is far less strong than the monster.

At this moment, many Dark Elf Mages are working together to perform blood therapy to stop the two Hydras.

However, the blood treatment of the Dark Elf Mage has always been effective. From the perspective of racial talent, they are not good at this.

Fortunately, Astor has ordered people to rush to the nearby church as fast as possible to bring the pastor in the church.

There is blood vengeance in the early years, and coupled with a particularly long lifespan, so far they are different from each other.

In the civilization of all walks of life, from the camp's perspective, the priests of the human race seem to be distinguished from the dark elves, but in fact, it is not the same thing at all.

Probably because in the eyes of these generations, the dark elves were originally one of many races in their civilization.

At the same time, there is no festival with them, so there is no exclusion.

Not to mention that one of the dogmas of the state religion is ‘Co-prosperity of all nations, and treats all citizens of all races equally.’

Therefore, the existence of racism is a taboo for members of the state religion.

Putting it all right, the priests of the Holy Light who arrived at the scene, without a word, quickly performed a cure and treated two Hydras.

The effect is obviously better than blood therapy. I don't know how much.

After the completion of a round of healing, the injuries of the two Hydra were initially stabilized, and the subsequent treatment naturally fell on the head of the Terran Doctor.

Some time later, what happened to that Ajer Balder who invaded him? Luo Ji did not know, but the four aircraft carriers used as his trophy had been sent to the naval base in the West Sea.

According to the information sent, these four aircraft carriers are undoubtedly all nuclear powered.

But it was unexpectedly shabby ...

This so-called shabby does not refer to the damage caused during the battle, but the feeling of shabby that can only appear after years of repair and repair.

This is a bit of a mystery to a golden-ranked big man.

Not to mention the big brother, let's say Luo Ji is alright.

His civilization from all walks of life, upgraded several nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the angry sea class, have also served for many years.

Basically, small-scale maintenance is performed every once in a while, and even every few years, there is a more thorough large-scale maintenance.

This makes several nuclear-powered aircraft carriers of the Nu Hai class, although not like new ships, absolutely not make people feel this kind of shabby.

Therefore, something like this happened to a golden band boss who should have a deeper background than him. This is simply incredible.

"Can it be said that this fleet is dedicated to fighting invasion? It is used to do dirty work, and it is too lazy to clean up, so it saves maintenance costs?"

In my mind, such an idea flashed, and it would not be completely impossible to do this kind of thing out of player's thinking.

Breathing a long breath, Luo Ji didn't make much trouble on this issue.

In the previous battles, due to their fighting methods, the four nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were basically not damaged.

In this case, Luo Ji certainly did not intend to sell them.

Let the Ordnance Research Department do some research, and then ask people to repair it and replace the system. At that time, his navy of civilizations will be able to use it directly.

There is no need for manufacturing costs. It is easy to add four more nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. Such a good thing, Luo Ji will not refuse.

After some time.

Thanks to the blessing of that invasion, a piece of Luo Ji was suspended, but it was a comfortable life.

Although the time of that month was short and fleeting for him now.

Two days before the effect of the exemption card disappeared, Luo Ji began to strain his nerves.

The Saxon player, or the Saxon camp, if they really want to do anything, then after the effect of the no-fight card on his body disappears, it should be the opposite.

However, what Luo Ji didn't expect is that before the day arrived, they quickly sent a message from the group of new players in their golden ranks, and immediately disrupted his original plan.

"Tang Song was invaded by that Ajer Balder!"

"what's the situation?!"

"Unclear ~ ~ Tang Song sent me a letter of help, telling me that the Ajer Balder who had invaded you before had launched an invasion war against him!"

As soon as this news of Huayu was sent out, the speculation that Ajer Bald and Luo Ji had personal revenge was almost broken.

That guy didn't come for a player, but for their heavenly camp!

Obviously, Tang and Song failed to persuade the opposite party, depending on the situation, it would take a full month.

However, according to the current strength of the Tang and Song dynasties, it should not be defeated in an invasion war.

"According to this statement, is it true that the Saxon camp is at war with our heavenly camp?"

In the face of this situation, Song Hui, who has been diving, can't help but bubble up.

Luo Ji gave his thoughts after a little thought ...

"Maybe, think about it. From the invasion of me to the invasion of the Tang and Song dynasties, it seems that there is only one Ajer Balder in the Saxon camp, but other Saxon players have not moved at all, which is strange."

After a message was sent, Luo Ji directly directed Aaron Hua ...

"@ 华 烨, can you contact the Saxon camp players? If possible, we'd better check the attitude of the Saxon camp directly!"

In this regard, Hua Yan can only say ‘I ’ll try. ’

In the prime position, his unknown rookie has little weight, after all, the Saxon camp's prime position player ignores him, it is really hard to say.

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