The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2508: , Key areas

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After Luo Ji returned to Dingjing City, Gao Wen's follow-up report was quickly sent.

The effect of the Goblin Machine City only works on the special buildings of the Goblin family.

But this does not matter to Luo Ji.

Because in the current world civilization, most of their technological equipments require processing or production by the Goblin factory.

The current sign of the Goblin family, the Peace Defender series, of course, needless to say.

In addition, although the arms are considered to be the dwarves, in fact, the production of the three series of tank armor also requires the support of the goblin armor technology.

Therefore, as long as this goblin machinery city can be officially put into operation, the production efficiency of tank mecha can definitely be improved.

After that, this whole goblin machinery city will undoubtedly be classified as the key area of ​​their civilization by the world. They must be stationed outside and patrolled.

It is absolutely impossible to open to the outside world, but all of them are military factories.

How can it be open to the average person?

Even the staff of the internal factory can only live in the outer dormitory area of ​​the employees. Irrelevant personnel, even family members, are prohibited from approaching.

Once found, directly arrest.

It is on the premise of this strict prohibition that the surrounding garrison troops still caught several people who tried to slip into the Goblin Machinery City.

At the beginning, the garrison thought it was an enemy spy.

Later, after the identity card was confirmed, and the local police station transferred the files, it was officially confirmed that those people were all legal citizens of their civilization.

At the same time, judging from the archives, they are still considered good people.

In the end, after some interrogation, the result was really crying and laughing.

Those who want to sneak into the Goblin Machinery City are basically photography enthusiasts. The root cause is actually because they watched Ye Qingxuan's photography exhibitions around 'Goblin Machinery' and 'Steam' style. Slip in, want to see the style of the Goblin Machinery City.

After many verifications afterwards, to confirm the identity of those people, there is indeed no problem, of course, the penalty should still be punished.

Because of this move, they have already broken into the heavy military ground of their civilization.

And it is still under the premise of express prohibition.

This is completely a crime.

After this incident, there was no doubt that the news.

At the same time, in order to avoid the recurrence of similar situations, the local authorities, while emphasizing through the news, also carefully submitted a report, hoping that Ye Qingxuan could take away those photos related to the Goblin Machinery City.

In this regard, Ye Qingxuan naturally cooperated with all those photos.

Seriously, this incident also caught her off guard. As a society ruled by law, their laws of all civilizations have always been strict.

Generally, those who violate the law will be severely punished.

In this environment, civilization has already said that it is a military industry, and it is forbidden to approach, no one will think that there will be people who are so bold.

At the same time, several provinces and cities close to the sea were almost affected by the typhoon.

This year's typhoon, when the wind is the strongest, is close to the fourteenth level. The terrible wind can almost take some buildings and buildings directly into the sky.

"Please, did you see my child? It's about this tall, six years old, wearing a blue T-shirt ..."

"Someone is injured here, is there any medical staff? Come and be a medical staff!"

"Everyone calm down! Don't run around in your place!"

"Ah! My hands, my hands seem to be broken! Don't push me ..."

Inside the shelter, the scene was chaotic.

The shouts of parents, the wailing of the wounded, and various sounds seem to make people's heads burst on the spot, constantly increasing the confusion.

"Father, mother ..."

Faced with the chaotic crowd of black crushes, the children who were separated from their families were terrified in their hearts, and their tears kept twirling in their eyes.

A pair of small hands, clutching his own clothes corner, shouting his father and mother, but did not know what to do.

Just then, a soft voice rang in her ears ...

"Little sister, are you separated from your parents?"

While speaking, a warm palm fell gently on her head.

A faint smile, but it looks like the warmth of spring, looking at the figure in front of her, the girl forgot to cry for a while, originally full of fear and uneasiness, and calmed down at this moment.

Seeing this, An Lijie smiled softly, glanced at the girl's slightly bleeding knee, and stretched her hand to caress for an instant. With the bright white light, the wound had disappeared.

"What is your name?"

"Me, my name is Guoguo."

"Well, Guoguo is a strong kid. Go first with this police uncle and play with other children? Sister will soon help Guoguo find his parents."

Hearing what An Lijie said, Guo Guo looked at the policeman standing next to him, then looked at An Lijie again, and then nodded vigorously.

After placing the child, An Jiejie slowly got up.

Looking at the chaotic refuge, she spoke again ...

"Attention everyone! Please calm down, don't panic, let alone push each other."

Carrying a voice of some strength, it quickly spread across the refuge. UU Reading

Citizens who were closer at that time soon discovered the existence of An Lijie.

"His Royal Highness, An Lijie!"

In the civilization of all realms governed by kingship and law, as the daughter of His Majesty the Emperor, the existence of An Lijie can itself play a role in stabilizing the people ’s hearts, plus the blessing of his own special power The chaotic scene soon got the most basic control.

Seizing the opportunity, An Jiejie spoke again ...

"Please pay attention to the signs on the walls and stone pillars in the refuge. Next, please move calmly according to the movement."

"At the same time, all members of the State Church who are willing to contribute, please come to me to gather. If there are children who have scattered with their families nearby, please bring them here."

Speaking of which, An Lijie eased a little, giving the people some time to look for signs and confirm their position, but also to allow members of the state religion who are willing to contribute to gather together and then continue to say ...

"Next, all the uninjured people, please follow the instructions of the police officers and the signs, and go to the areas C, D, E and F in an orderly manner. All the injured are slightly injured and have the ability to move. Yes, please move to the B1 area. If the injury is serious, please go to the B2 area. If you cannot move, please stay where you are and wait for the arrival of the medical staff. Transfer. "

"Finally, parents who are separated from the children, please go to the A1 area in an orderly manner after all the people have moved. Please do not worry. The safety of all the children found so far has been confirmed. The children are now safe."