The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2520: , Gradually collapse

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"Damn it, I can't stand it!"

Facing the sky-filled Saxon fighter, Soe, the Hawk patriarch who flew in the air, gasped and looked extremely ugly.

After losing their home field advantage, they could not resist the missile attack on the opposite side.

On the Saxon side, a series of missile attacks struck them, continuously destroying their fighters of all civilizations.

Although the main force of the air force on their side is currently the Hawks.

But the Eagles are not iron.

Even the Storm Eagles are no exception. They are not a race known for their physical strength. Once the fighting time is prolonged, with the continuous consumption of physical strength, their physical state is definitely showing a gradual decline.

Now, the four storm eagles in the air, which are strategic-level units, have faced the almost endless air-to-air missile pursuit of Saxon fighters.

The gap between the air forces of the two sides is undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

On the one side of civilizations at this time, it was impossible to stop the air force on the opposite side. A large number of Saxon fighters directly tore their air defenses and invaded.

This wave of invasion is almost fatal to this fleet of four aircraft carriers in the New World.

Zhao Yi's response was not slow. He almost immediately issued a withdrawal order.

The four-carrier carrier fleet and their own air forces withdrew to their own territorial waters at the fastest speed.

However, no matter how fast the ship is, it is impossible to quickly pass the Saxon fighter in the air!

The Saxon fighters that cut in entered the speed to the limit, and rushed into their central defense zone in one breath.

Within the region, the advantages of the science and technology side forces are fully exerted at this moment.

The missile destroyers have been locked by the Saxon side-to-ship missiles at the moment of their exposure.

One side of the world civilization wants to intercept.

However, the gap in fleet size is destined for the number of opposing attacks, far exceeding their interception limit.

Faced with a large number of anti-ship missiles flying at the same time, the interception failed and there was almost one dead end.

On the frontal battlefield, the battle situation has collapsed.

Zhao Yi is still doing his best to command the fleet, while resisting the invasion of the Saxon side, while retreating.

However, the limited fleet specifications have greatly restricted his performance.

As a fleet of the same type, the excessive strength gap is almost fatal!

Only by withdrawing your own territorial waters and gaining support from the rear coastal base can it be possible to bring back a certain situation.

In the process of retreating, it is already inevitable to pay the price.

What Zhao Yi can do now is to reduce the cost as much as possible.

For this reason, the Eagle Humans also left four storm eagles and a part of the combat power. They continued to contain the enemy air forces in the outer defense zone, and the remaining combat power was urgently returned, trying to cover the fleet and withdraw.

In this entire process, the price paid by the civilization of the world is not small.

In the face of the crazy invasion of the Saxon side, the attacking submarines in the front and the missile destroyers deployed in the central defense zone were almost completely destroyed.

In the inner defense zone, four frigates sank, and the decks and runways of two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were bombed.

While losing some fighter planes, the decks and runways were seriously damaged. It is estimated that your own fighter planes were unable to land and take off.

At the same time, inside the rear coastal base, a group of officers also stared at the screen in front of them. After confirming that their fleet had withdrawn the coverage of their defensive system, they were suffocated by the pursuit of the Saxon fighters who came up Where can you be kind to your coastal base?

Arranged in the rear missile position, a large number of anti-aircraft missiles and interceptor missiles flew out continuously. While intercepting each other's attacks, the first reaction was to shoot down the Saxon fighter on the opposite side.

The shot from the rear coastal base greatly reduced the pressure on the fleet at sea.

Seizing this opportunity, Zhao Yi quickly commanded the fleet and withdrew into his own territorial waters.

At the same time, as the chief commander of the fleet, he never forgot to confirm the movement of the enemy Saxon fleet.

Then a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

If he could, he really hoped that the Saxon fleet would catch up like this.

Unfortunately, the chief commander of the Saxon side should be a rather cautious guy.

After the previous battle, the opponent apparently has figured out the defense and strike range of the coastal base behind them.

Now even if he pursues a chase, he just pushed the fleet forward a little bit.

Then let the air force invade, and the fleet is completely left behind for cover.

In doing so, although it will lengthen the distance between the rear fleet and the front-line fighters, which has an impact on the efficiency of support supplies, it is better than safety.

Moreover, in the view of Admiral Rhein, the current situation, their Saxon air force, has occupied an overwhelming advantage, even if the support efficiency is affected somewhat, it does not matter.

This practice of Admiral Rhein is actually simply not wanting to give full play to the home advantage of the civilization of the world.

But I am afraid that even Admiral Rhein didn't think of himself.

His approach makes the feeling of the world of civilizations at ~ far more uncomfortable than he expected.

The root cause lies in some home deployments on the side of the civilization of all realms.

For example, the territorial sea area and a part of the offshore area close to the territorial sea are all covered with alert algae.

As long as the ship on the Saxon side enters this area, it will definitely be attacked by this seaweed.

When the time comes, they will be able to seize the opportunity and fight back.

Unfortunately, this situation did not follow their expectations at all.

Even from the beginning to the present, the Saxon Fleet has not stepped into this area at all, invisibly avoiding their home trap.

This thing is really troublesome to think about ...

Next, with the progress of the battle, under the mobilization of Admiral Rhein, the Saxon side's advantage gradually stabilized, and even began to accumulate.

On the contrary, the side of the world civilization that has been suppressed is losing ground.

During this period, even several Saxon fighters rushed all the way to their coastal base and fired missiles towards their coastal base.

Of course, those missiles were intercepted by the defense system in time.

But this situation, in disguised form, revealed an intelligence that the maritime war situation is close to a full-scale collapse.

At a critical juncture, General Dominique Adolf, currently in charge of sitting on the coast base, made a determination after repeated hesitations.

"Major General Zhao Yi, please take the remaining fleet out of this sea area, and then retreat to rest. We will temporarily abandon the territorial waters and lead the Saxon troops in to fight for land combat!"