The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 2607: , Accidental discovery

During this wave of work inspections by Dr. Luo, Dr. Klander also felt nervous.

Because of these years, after their genetic research institute successfully developed genetic medicines and cultivated the Warcraft Chimera, they really did not produce any dazzling achievements.

As for the raptors and demon wolves, these are actually derivatives of genetic medicine.

In other words, their genetic research institute has been eating old books all these years.

At the beginning of the year, people from the Ministry of Finance came to inspect the situation and confirm the results of their work, and then said that the research funding for the next quarter would be reduced by 5%.

Although it only dropped by 5%, it was to some extent, sounded the alarm for Dr. Klander.

Going at this rhythm, if their genetic research institute is unable to come up with new research results, then the research funding of their research institute will definitely be less every year.

In order not to repeat the same mistakes, Dr. Klander has also recently invested more thoroughly in research work.

Finally, in order to save time, he simply lived in the institute.

Learn from the successful case of Warcraft Chimera.

The success of Warcraft Chimera can allow them to basically confirm that using three sets of genes to build is a relatively stable choice.

Under this premise, he not only had to successfully breed a new synthetic beast, but also had to successfully breed a new, useful synthetic beast!

After all, if you just want a new synthetic beast, there are really many in their genetic research institute.

They have no other disadvantages except that they are not useful.

Now hearing Luo Ji's question, Dr. Klander's spirit is obviously revitalized.

Sometimes, he really admires their majesty's intuition, because the embryo they are currently observing is the one that he currently values ​​most and focuses on nurturing.

In the fourth stage of the incubation room, there are a large number of embryos being cultivated, and at the same time, this has not been specially labeled, but their majesty is just a sight.

"Your Majesty, this is indeed not Chimera."

During the speech, Dr. Klander's tone unconsciously brought a little excitement.

"Two years ago, during the exploration process, did the Pioneer Squad find a first-order Fire Department of Warcraft, Flaming Lion?"

"So, is this bred with the genes of the flaming lion?"

Hearing this, Luo Ji asked casually.

Two years ago, the pioneer team discovered the first-order Warcraft flaming lion in the wild. When killing each other and stripping materials, they also extracted a part of the genetic samples for the genetic research institute.

Therefore, Dr. Klander will use the genes of the flaming lion to breed synthetic beasts, and Luo Ji does not think it is strange.

"Yes, part of the genes come from the flame lion."

During the speech, Dr. Klander presented the documents about this culture to Luo Ji.

Turned over a few pages of Luo Ji, his face clearly showed interest.

"So, this synthetic beast has entered the fourth stage for 13 months, how long will it take to enter the fifth stage?"

Under normal circumstances, enter the fifth stage, even if it is a basically formed synthetic animal larvae.

But it is not the same as the birth of a human in October. The birth of a child is not the same. The birth of Warcraft requires a longer period of time.

The synthetic beasts cultivated with the Warcraft gene will also be affected to a large extent by this.

Therefore, the third and fourth stages of the cultivation cycle are often not completed in eleven or two months.

"Conservative estimate, it may take more than 36 months."

Hearing this, Luo Ji quickly calculated the time in his mind.

Thirty-six months to form larvae, and then grow up, how can it take three to five years.

Under this premise, if it can successfully trigger the advancement and evolve into Warcraft, Luo Ji ponders that it will take about fifteen years.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji nodded.

While returning the document in his hand to Dr. Klander, he said aloud ...

"Dr. Klander, I am looking forward to your new achievement."

This trip to Zhuo Ke province, Luo Ji has been very fruitful, and the mood is also quite good.

After returning to Dingjing City, he did not pay much attention to the ongoing war, but directly prepared for the next post-war development.

He has a vast civilized territory and many cities.

Under this premise, the development work he needs to do in the world civilization is also several times that of ordinary civilization.

Many things, his scientific and technical ability is already enough.

Is only forced by various development pressures, and he has never had the spare power to engage in it.

But after this wave of fighting, grab a large vote of resources, Luo Ji pondered, in the period after that, he should be able to slowly toss up.

In the period when Luo Ji carefully planned his post-war development plan, the defeat messages of those Europa players and Fuso players also came one after another.

Until the last player is completely finished, this full-scale war also came to an end.

In this battle, Luo Ji has undoubtedly harvested six bronze treasure chests. This is really nothing to be happy, the focus is still on resources.

According to Luo Ji's past factions, it must be a city with resources, all annexed!

But this time ~ ~ Luo Ji obviously did not intend to do so.

Frankly speaking, because the civilization points in his hand are not ample.

Although selling a lot of war-damaged loot to Tianchao players, but you think about it carefully, Tianchao players just adjusted a large wave of time flow rate, promoted from the silver rank, how many civilization points can they have left? Not much at all!

As for the six players who are opponents, four of them committed suicide, and even the relic packs were not cheap, and the remaining two relic packs, after opening, were not much added together.

After the series, let alone adjust the time flow rate. If there is too much annexation in this wave of cities, then the civilized points for upgrading projects may not be enough.

Under this premise, the annexation of this resource city naturally requires careful selection.

In order to facilitate selection, Luo Jishumenshulu uses the filtering and sorting functions.

Under such a screening, urban blocks with multiple resources and some special buildings will almost always be ranked at the forefront by the system.

It was at this time that a city plate attracted Luo Ji's attention.

That city plate marked a special building.

Because resource tags and building tags are not the same, this urban sector is also quite conspicuous in the public sector.

Then Luo Ji's fingertips, a short name, suddenly introduced his eyes. .

"The Cathedral of Our Lady Burnt?"

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