The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 278: ,march

The search results of the reconnaissance team made Jiang Wei feel a little relieved. After a rest in Songshan City, he took a thousand troops out of the city and planned to save 70% of the soldiers on the first day while preserving the physical strength of the soldiers. The next day, that is, the same day, I rushed to the outside of Songhe City, and started the siege directly after a little rest!

Jiang Wei, who had made up the plan, did not relax his mind. He kept the soldiers on the road and kept scouts along the road to investigate.

But it turned out that he seemed to be a bit nervous, because there was no accident on the road. With a thousand people, he could say that he had completed the first day of marching safely.

"It seems that the other party is really returning to Songhe City..." Jiang Wei turned to think about it. The siege army outside Shangyuan City is not a joke, let alone even the siege tower has been used. Who dares Ignore such a threat?

Thinking of this, Jiang Wei couldn't help but feel a little relieved and camped overnight. The calm night made his tight nerves relax. After a long morning, let the soldiers eat a little dry food, the army started again. Advance, his marching efficiency is quite stable. According to the plan, it is estimated that he can still have an hour or so to rest his troops before the midday siege.

"General, the front is Songhe City."

And the fact is true. Listening to the report of a soldier, although it was before the war, Jiang Wei was still relieved. At least so far, there has been no mistake in the entire plan.

Looking up and confirming the position of the sun in the sky, there was still some time from noon. Jiang Wei waved his hand and gestured to the soldiers who sat down to sit down, eat something, rest for a while, and take the final rest before the war.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a burst of empty sound suddenly broke into Jiang Wei’s ear, waiting for him to think more, only to see a rain in the distant sky directly attacking their scattered army array!

"Is there an ambush?!" In the face of this sudden attack, Jiang Wei’s troops were beaten on the spot, and a round of volleys caused them to have obvious casualties. The originally scattered army formed in an instant. More confusing.

As a general with Jiangbing general, Jiang Wei, the whole person is even more furious at this moment, he did not expect that the other side did not ambush near Songshan City, but ambush near the Songhe City! !

"Everyone is calm! All the shield axemen form a defensive formation to withstand the arrow rain, and the long squadron pays attention to the infantry troops that came from the surrounding raid!" Jiang Wei waved his bronze sword in his hand and swept away the arrows that he shot. , while loudly giving instructions.

At the same time, his line of sight swiftly swept the archer’s unit standing on the high ground in the distance. “Rely! It’s the terrain. This archer’s force is hiding from the line of sight by the height difference. Under the high ground?!"

Although I want to understand how the archer's troops came out, but Jiang Wei's heart is still unable to let go, "Who is the opposite general of the generals? How do you choose to fight in this position? Shangyuancheng The siege army has already been pressured. Is he planning to leave it? Abandon Songhe City? Or, the ambush here is the defending force of Dongcheng City?!"

For a moment, Jiang Wei thought a lot in his mind, but the other party obviously did not intend to let him continue to think about it. While the archer troops exposed the figure and launched the attack, the ambush axe troops on the other side were also fast. Kill it!

Guo Zhenyi, wearing a bronze armor, was the first to rush to the front of the army. His eyes swept over Jiang Wei, who was sitting on the horse's back. Guo Zhen's eyes flashed a disappointment. He was eager to kill the enemy who vented his anger. The general is not this, but in any case, as long as it is an enemy, then it is all right to kill.

Waiting here to ambush him more than Jiang Wei expected, the two sides of the shield axe rushed into the moment, almost smashed his army array, which was hard to stabilize, and Jiang Wei quickly started. The commanding axe troops in front of the commander greeted the enemy, and at the same time, they couldn’t help but be even more strange. "So many troops? Is this really an outsider really planning to give up Songhe City? I can’t understand, Songhe City is a strategic place, once Give up, they have lost at least half of their advantage in the early stage! Wait, do you say..."

Between the thoughts and the flight, Jiang Wei soon thought of another possibility. "Is it true that the other party is seeing through the strategy of the Majesty, knowing that we want to attack the Songhe City before and after, knowing that we can’t keep it, so we simply give up. Lost Songhe City, while maintaining the strength, I am here to carry out a wave of ambush, and after the completion of the game, I will directly withdraw to Dongcheng City and then re-layout?"

Jiang Weiyue thinks that he thinks that he is right. For a moment, the pressure in his heart is also climbing all the way. If the other party is doing this, is his situation not hanging? !

The heart secretly complains, here he faces the enemy's entanglement, it is not so easy to get rid of The other party estimates that it will not be so easy to let go, change to him on the opposite side, since you want to give up the pine River City, that also has to pay the opposite price to pay, and this round of troops is undoubtedly the best choice.

Up to now, Jiang Wei can only command the soldiers under his command to resist. I hope that the siege army on the other side of Yuancheng can break through Songhe City earlier and then come here to support themselves.

However, Jiang Wei is destined to be disappointed. It is estimated that he wants to break his head and can't think of it. Luo Ji has no intention to give up Songhe City from the beginning. This one of the thousands of troops who have been copied has to be completely destroyed. Songhecheng He also wants to hold, even he wants to attack the Songshan City.

I saw that at this moment, with the approach of noon, outside the city wall of Songhe City, the siege army of Shangyuan City once again assembled.

During this time, this army will come to their eyelids to brush down a sense of existence almost every day. However, Zhao Wei, who has been appointed by Luo Ji as the defender of Songhe City, does not have any slight relaxation.

After all, his own character is extremely rigorous, not to mention that two days ago, Luo Ji just called a communications soldier to bring a message and told him that the siege war may be in these two days, let him be mentally prepared and learn Zhao Wei of this news is even more unlikely to relax.

As for how Luoji knows? Very simple, the focus is on the communication problems of this era, their news is delayed, and in order to avoid this, there is a very simple way, then calculate the schedule in advance, set a day to everyone.

The scouts sent out by Luo Ji, after discovering that Jiang Wei’s thousand troops left Songshan City, he got a little bit of thought in his heart, and it is difficult to conclude that the other party will launch a formal attack in these two or three days. This hand can be said to be a victory in intelligence warfare.