The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 296: Devilish genius

The slap in the face is not exaggerated. The effect is still quite good. Luo said that he is still satisfied, let this rumor continue to pass, there is something that makes him worry, actually There is no extra energy to waste.

After a quick review of the placement report of the new population in his hand, Luo Ji’s mouth was stunned with an unknown song. The mood was obviously quite good. He turned to look at the sky outside the window. “Well, it’s almost noon?”

In the mouth of such a singular Luo series, the look on his face with full expectations, then, as if smelling something, he quickly sucked his nose, "Come? Come??"

With the flash of this thought, our Liu Ye girl came in with Luo’s lunch. As a lunch, it was absolutely too greasy and extravagant, because the one on the plate was one. Whole roast leg of lamb!

In the past three meals of Luo Ji, it is generally only on the table of dinner that such a hard dish will appear! Because one of the things he always believed in is that eating too much is easy to get sleepy, so he eats very casually for breakfast and lunch.

But he really couldn't stand it today, not because of the roast leg of lamb, but because of the layer of spice on the surface of the roast leg! That's right, it's awesome! Of course! !

Even for a moment, Luo Ji felt that after he had killed Zhou Dongnan, the biggest achievement was that he found this spice on his site.

Stuffed with the roast leg of the cumin and homemade paprika, almost a fascinating temptation to him, constantly stimulating his sense of smell and vision, terrible, this is really terrible! The person who can think of snarling on the roast leg of lamb is a devil-like genius!

Maintaining the image of his own wise and martial arts, waiting for the Liuye girl who sent the meal to turn back and take a nose, while leaving the office with reluctance, the door is closed, Luo Ji decisively directly, pure natural beauty The leg of the lamb, together with the full of cumin and paprika, is the coolest when it is held directly by the hand.

"Hey, this is life." For a lunch, the Luo series that I ate was full of radiance, satisfied with a look, and even raised a few points of life, and then did not know if it was too full, relying on The Luo series on the chair was a bit sleepy...

After rushing to give himself some cold water and washing away the oily mouth full of mouths and hands, Luo Ji plans to run a military camp. In the first two days, he will turn the shield axe troops into elite troops and put them on. This incident of the improved new weaponry and equipment said to Luo Yong. After listening to Luo Yong, he decided to raise his hands and feet in favor, and then took the permission book he gave, and went to the imposing selection. Later, he listened to the report. It seems that I have specially made a selection meeting, which makes it quite like that. Luo plans to see how the situation is going.

As a result, I just left my office and didn't take a few steps. I saw a team of people pushing a wooden cart to the direction of the forging department. On the wooden cart, there was a Huge bronze tripod.

This matter Luo knows that some time ago, a large number of bronzes were shipped in the palace in the southeast of Zhou. He had no interest in these things. He didn't even look at it. He directly asked those bronzes to be used as weapons.

At this time, looking at this huge bronze tripod, Luo Jixin could not help but sigh the degree of defeat of this guy in Zhounan, the bronze siege car, good or siege equipment, can indeed come in handy on the battlefield. But what can Bronze Ding use? Also casting such a huge one, how much bronze is wasted?

Who knows, just when he thought about it, in his mind, the system prompts that it sounded inexplicably rang...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' to discover the four-star artificial wonder ‘Xuding’.

“Hey?” The look on his face blinked for a moment, then quickly turned his head and glanced at the bronze tripod that was about to be pushed into the forging department. The whole person was shocked, “Hey?!!!”

"Slow down! Let's stay in the house!!!" I realized that something happened. Luo Ji quickly chased him up and grabbed it before the bronze tripod was melted. He really was 10,000. I never thought of it! The southeastern Zhou’s defeated family actually did a serious thing, and cast a four-star artificial wonder with bronze!

This time, the military camp did not feel the mood, and quickly called a group of people, let them carefully transport this bronze trip to their office, and then asked another pair of bald heads who were nervous and rushed to the forging department. "In the past few days, the bronze tripod like this, have you got rid of it?"

When I heard the question from Luo Ji, the craftsmen of the forging department shook their heads and said that they didn't. After all, it was not an easy task to melt such a large object. They just prepared the equipment today.

Luo Zhi, who got this answer, was relieved a little, then quickly asked his two assistant secretaries to tell them to send all the bronzes found in the Grand Zhou Palace to their own faces. He had to personally look over it!

After a command, Luo couldn’t wait to rush back to his office. The bronze tripod had been placed outside. He hadn’t looked carefully before, but when he looked closely, he suddenly found the bronze. The ornamentation of the Dingshan River and the Dahe River is extremely exquisitely chiseled. It is not like the craft that may be in this era. God knows how much manpower and material resources are spent on casting such a bronze tripod.

Fingertips gently touch the lines above Luo Ji single-handedly, a virtual window popped up in front of his eyes...

Name: Xu Ding

Type: Bronze, artificial wonders

Level: four stars

Introduction: Xu Ding, one of the Kyushu Ding, the king's supremacy, the symbol of national unity and prosperity

Effect: The holder of the spectacle can get 400 points of fixed civilization points every day. Within the scope of the effect, all the cities under the holders will increase the speed of development by 20%.

After reading this property panel, Luo Ji's entire emotion quickly recovered, and then the expression on his face showed a bit of subtlety. As a four-star artificial wonder, the effect of increasing the speed of 20% is not a little bit. what?

According to reason, it should not be said that the symbolic meaning of Kyushu Ding is extraordinary. It can be said that they are the supreme artifacts of the ancient repression of the national transport in the ancient days. The value and history completely surpassed the national jade. After all, this is the summer king of the Xia Dynasty. Chuan Guoyu is the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and he was engraved by the government. It is simple to say that the generation of Kyushu Ding is nearly two thousand years higher than the national jade!

But this effect is really a bit weak chicken, Luo Ji feels that there is a problem there, is it to say that it is necessary to gather Jiuding, in order to fully stimulate the effect? It shouldn't be, a single Xu Ding, it shows that it is also a four-star artificial wonder, the effect should not be so bad.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji took the whole introduction from beginning to end, and took it seriously. Then, the line of sight was concentrated on the word "range".

"Don't you say..." Between the thoughts and the flight, Luo Ji quickly opened the map and confirmed it. Then, the whole person gave it on the spot.

Taking this "Xu Ding" as the center, even the white horse city on the grassland is covered, symbolizing his Xu Ding, one of the Kyushu in China, the effect coverage area is simply strong enough to explode! !