The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 318: Encounter

At the same time, on the side of Luo Ji, after Shen Jun withdrew, the whole person directly leaned on the chair and Luo Ji clearly felt the discomfort of his body. "He Liang..."

"Your Majesty?!" was called to the name of the guard, watching Luo's pale face, suddenly burst into panic.

"Go to a doctor, remember not to be too arrogant, you know?"

"Under the subordinates understand!" After a response, the name of the guard who called He Liang suddenly rushed toward the direction of the medical department.

The person who came is Zhang Sheng, the Minister of Medicine. It can be said that he is currently the person with the deepest qualifications in the medical department. When he made a serious diagnosis on Luo Ji, Zhang Sheng gave a slight relief. "You are overworked. If you go on like this, I am afraid that I have to work hard and have to take care of the rest for a while."

"Is it a break for a while?" Luo Ji whispered this sentence subtly. "I have to rest before I can."

Zhang Sheng, who heard this, was also a bitter smile on his face. Of course, he also knew exactly where the government of his emperor was busy. At present, a whole world of civilizations is developing at a high speed. How many important reports are there every day? Looking at him for review? How many important decisions are waiting for him to make a decision?

In this matter, even Zhang Sheng, who has always been stubborn, has to make concessions. "But at least please take a rest for two days, then the veteran will slowly take care of his body for a while. Can be improved."

"Then let's do this first." Luo Ji nodded, but if he rested for two days, he should still be able to come over. "Do not remember this thing."

"The old minister knows."

After Zhang Sheng retired, he watched the remaining reports on the desk, all marked with a yellow level. According to the previous arrangement, this level of report was to be personally reviewed by him, but he is really today. Without that energy, after a little thought in my heart, I decided to hand it over to the two secretaries under my hand, and he himself took a rest after eating a light meal.

Determined to rest for two days, Luo Ji, a long-lost sleep to sleep at noon, but still does not feel full of sleep, but Luo Ji knows that he can no longer sleep, long-term accumulation of mental fatigue, really not sleep I felt that I could get rid of it, and I put myself in a black silk robes, and Luo said that Liu Ye had sent some food to come over.

After simply eating lunch, and then drinking the medicine soup sent by Zhang Sheng, the Luo Ji stretched out, and planned to go out and turn around, breathe and relax, which also helped relieve his mental fatigue. .

The place with a lot of people must not go, so the place where Luo Ji chose to distract is the Jingjing Lake. This month is just in the fishing season. After the fishing team is forbidden to fish, the lake on the Lake of Mingjing basically has nothing to see. People are being clean.

In this way, Luo Ji is so cocked on his legs, lying on the raft, and then let the raft float on the lake, next to a fishing rod, and whether or not the fish is hooked, the pursuit of such a state and artistic conception.

In fact, this fishing rod was indeed forgotten by him. At this time, Luo Ji, who was lying on the raft, habitually played with his own ink jade squid, while in his mind he was inevitably thinking about something. There are no ways to develop things, so the professional habits that have been going on for many years can really be changed without saying that they can be changed.

However, what he pondered at this time is not too complicated. In short, it is about the classification of some reports. At the beginning, he divided the report into green, blue, yellow, orange and red according to color. Five levels, green is the lightest and red is the heaviest.

Originally, Luo Ji thought that five gradings should be enough, but recently, he is increasingly feeling that this grading is not rigorous enough. Just take the report with the important level of yellow level. In this level, there are some things. It is really necessary for Luo to personally review it, and some things are not so important. The two secretaries are also able to handle it.

So, in the final analysis, these five levels of grading are not rigorous enough. Some of the more subtle reports are classified into this middle level. So, Luo Ji’s brain turns around and he plans to go back and use Arabic numerals. The important levels of document reporting are divided into one to ten, ten levels, the first level file is the most important file, and the tenth level is the lightest.

As for what level of things correspond to what level, Luo Ji has to be carefully divided after the same, at the same time, the city city owner and his secretary's authority, can handle what level of document report, this must also seriously think about it. Only then.

In addition, after this incident, Luo Ji is more clearly aware that he has to take care of his body. After coming to this different world, I don’t know if it is because of the ~ The body has also become stronger, he basically did not get sick, it is because of this, let him become a big idea, this time almost almost overworked, it is a wake-up call for him.

Although he is an emperor, there are a lot of things waiting for him to deal with it every day. If he really wants to do it, he estimates that it will be 365 days, and it will be open all year round...

But he is not a machine to fight with iron. He didn't pay much attention to it before, but this time, he is determined to get a fixed rest day for himself. Not only him, but also the subordinates and the defending generals under his hand, they have to take a rest day. Just arrange it.

In the 12 months of the year, it is not too much to get rid of some of his own holidays, work for half a month, and take a day off. However, Luo Ji did not know that as early as in the Western Han Dynasty of his dynasty, the officials at that time had a system of ‘ five days and one break,’ and that in the Tang Dynasty, they changed to ‘10 days and a break.’

To be straightforward, it is the difference between 'five days, four days of work, one day off' and 'ten days, nine days of work, one day off,' and he works half a year compared to the systems of the two dynasties. It’s too much time to take a day off.

However, just as Luo Ji was so pondered, with the sound of '砰', it seemed that the raft that had been hit with it suddenly shook, and the fish that he had set aside was shaken, and then When he looked up, a sound of a little bit of panic in the gentleness was introduced into the ears of Luo Ji...

"In the first time I took this raft, I was disturbed by Xiongtai. I am sorry!"

Listening to this voice, Luo Ji subconsciously turned to turn his head and looked in the direction of the sound. Suddenly, a white robe with a long pole and a look that looked quite embarrassed appeared in his sight. in.