The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 319: Jiang Taigong fishing wisher hooked

"In the first time I took this raft, I was disturbed by Xiongtai. I am sorry!"

"Xietai?" Hearing this title, Luo Ji’s mouth was slightly tilted, and he subconsciously looked at the white robe, only to see that the white robe was tossed by the raft and the long pole in his hand. Wolverine, but between the self-satisfaction, but with a temperament that is somewhat different from most people in this era, if you want to say it, it is like a scholar.

Unlike the scholars who are currently cultivating efficiency in his current civilization, this is a saga of a traditional scholar.

"Silk white robe, and this jade jade card..." Luo Ji did not dare to say that within this universal civilization, everyone knows himself, but if it is the resident of Der Spiegel, but does not know him, then it is too Strange, and the other party just called him "Xietai", apparently did not recognize him, in other words, he is not a person in Der Spiegel.

Instead of the residents of Der Spiegel City, they have the ability to wear silk white robes and can afford the jade jade card. Can the identity of this white robes be called out?

Between the thoughts flying, Luo Ji fingertips light strokes, quietly opened the property panel of this white robe son, looking at the attributes on the panel, his pupil suddenly burst into a fierce...

Name: Lu Yang

Sex: Male

Age: 24

Loyalty: 77

Yongwu: ★★

Intelligence: ★★★★☆

Spirit: ★★★☆

Endurance: ★★☆

Command rate: ★ ★ ☆ ☆

Talent: Wang Zuozhi: When he took the corresponding position and assisted the monarch, the full text shows that the development speed has increased by 40%, and the efficiency of handling the internal affairs has increased by 40%.

Skills: Transactional arrangements (passive): work matters arranged by them, efficiency increased by 30%

Be able to make a good (passive): When dealing with government affairs, the chance of mistakes is reduced by 40%.

Warfare: None

"No problem, Xiongtai does not need to mind." In the speech, Luo Ji put his hand on the swing, while turning off the property panel, the mind is also a dark thought, "I can be considered as 'Ginger Taigong fishing wisher hook'?"

Looking at his smashed fishing rod, Luo Ji couldn't help but smile, and floated on the lake to take a nap and steal a lazy, which allowed him to catch a big fish. This is really shocking... ...

However, his smile was a misunderstanding of Lu Yang, who was holding the boat. He only listened to him with a bit of shame and asked, "I don't know why Xiongtai laughed?"

Looking at Lu Yang’s anger and anger, Luo Ji instantly understood that the other party was mistakenly thinking that he was laughing at him. When he thought of it, he couldn’t help but replied, “I’m looking at my brother’s face with anger, I think it’s a misunderstanding. ”

"Why don't you misunderstand it?"

"This misunderstanding, naturally will be explained in the next meeting..." During the speech, Luo Ji’s words turned slightly. "But before that, there is a problem underneath, I want to ask Xiongtai."

"what is the problem?"

"Why did Xiongtai read the four books of "University", "The Doctrine of the Mean", "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Mencius"?"

"Slightly involved."

"Xietai is modest." In the eyes of Luo, who heard this, there was a glimpse of it. The four books were certainly not made by him, but when the southeast was engaged in the four treasures of the study, the purpose was probably Take the whole cultural development step in place, and then in this way, see if you can give yourself a few talents to be outstanding.

It is a pity that when he did this, he apparently did not move any brains. He directly copied the four books in his ancient four books and five classics. But the question is, are these four books that ordinary people can read for a while? Obviously it is too beautiful to think.

Moreover, in those days, those who had the ability and time to study these things were always children of the family. This is indeed very similar to his ancient times.

As a result, the wave of cultural promotion in the southeastern part of Zhouzhou ended in disappointment. After that, he seemed to have no mood to engage in cultural projects. It directly became a complete war madness, no matter what happened, a word, hit!

On the other side of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the few ministers whose status is not high, since then, the sense of existence and discourse have plummeted, and eventually they have almost become a display.

This is also estimated to be one of the main reasons why Lu Yang and Shen Jun, who started from their parents, are no longer in the DPRK.

And this leisure, under the premise of nothing to do, and not to eat and drink, Lu Yang, their fathers can not always sit at home every day daze? So has become the main means for them to pass the time. As a result, this optimistic for many years, let them see something, and directly affect the next generation, it is also an unexpected surprise. And now, obviously, it’s going to be cheaper...

"Why is it better to listen to a story?"

"What is the connection between this and the mistake?"

"After listening, the misunderstanding will be solved."

"That Xiongtai please talk, listen to it."

During the speech, Luo Ji took care of the thoughts in his mind and said that the story of Jiang Taigong’s fishing was made after some adaptation. After listening to it, Lu Yang’s brow wrinkled. “The fish in the story of Xiongtai is nothing. Is it said?"

"Rarely." Luo Ji shook his head and said, this article has been a long time, but it is inexplicably a little fun and addictive.

According to Lu Yang’s intelligence, it is impossible to understand the meaning of Luo’s story. For a moment, he looked at Luo’s eyes and changed. The black silk robes and the jade fingers on the thumb. Sufficient to prove that the other party is not rich, but this identity...

Just when Lu Yang thought about There was another raft in the distance and quickly stroked it. At the moment of approaching, I saw only three knives with a knife rushing up and jumping up. Behind him, "Your Majesty, are you okay?"

“Hey, squat?!” Lu Yang, who heard this title, changed his face instantly, and then immediately bowed and bowed. “Lv Yang, grassman, see your Majesty! I have been offended, but I still want to sin!!”

It’s not that he is stupid, but who can think of the emperor’s majesty of the world’s civilized civilization, who will be idle and cocked his legs, lying on the raft and taking a nap? !

When Luo Ji saw this, there was a little bit of bad water in his heart, and then he said with anger, "Dare to smash my raft, and then ask me, you are really the first..."

With the words of Luo Ji, the three knive guards with his eyes looked at him with obvious killings, and even one of them had already slammed the bronze knives at the waist. A cut.

As a child of the family, why have he faced such a battle? There is already a half-blooded color on one face. After all, it is still young. It can be faced with such an unexpected situation. In many cases, what is needed is experience.

Just in his heart wondering whether or not to give up his family property, in order to protect his own life, the Luo series standing there is a sudden turn of the words. "However, after reading some of your knowledge, Give you a chance to make a sin, so do you want to get hooked?"

At the end of the day, Luo's tone has obviously brought a bit of playfulness, listening to the change of this tone, and then Lenovo's story of 'Jiang Taigong fishing wisher's hook,' Lu Yang, who still doesn't know Luo Ji. Half joking, half-seriously teasing him? However, I still couldn’t relax. After thinking for a while, Lu Yang’s eyes flashed a sigh of determination...

"Grassman Lu Yang, willing to drive for His Majesty!"