The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 322: Where is weird

"Your Majesty, the construction engineering department just sent a report saying that the walls of several city walls have been completely repaired and reinforced."

"Well, let's put it there." With the rapid development of civilization, Luo's recent office has also moved to a place, and the residence is also being re-expanded. After all, it is the emperor's majesty, as the supreme ruler of the Wanfang civilization, he lives. The place is always not too shabby.

"Right, Lushan, the new Lu Yang, how is the recent work?" Looking at the Shiqi Mountain, which is about to quit, it seems like a Luo Ji quickly asked.

"Working efficiency is very high, and it is very capable. It adapts in the first few days. At the same time as finishing the report, it is now quite easy to handle some documents. Really, Weichen wants to throw Liu Xing the kid. Organize the report, and then let the new Lu Yang go to help with the processing of the documents, so the efficiency may be a lot higher." Shi Yanshan half-joking half-seriously said.

"You are the Secretary-General, you can handle this matter yourself." For the ability of Shijieshan, Luo is obviously quite trustworthy. More importantly, he has the ability to handle things, and his emotional intelligence and management skills are very good. High, it is now arguably the right hand of Luo Jili.

"WeChat understands."

Shi Yanshan retreated. After returning to the secretary's office, he glanced at Liu Xing and Lu Yang, who were sitting at the back of the desk, and then said, "Liu Xing, starting tomorrow, sorting out the documents, you help Lu Yang shared half of it, and Lu Yang should have learned to run the field."

"Oh, good." Liu Xingtou did not lift the sound.

In the face of Liu Xing's simply, after Shijiaoshan laughed, he spoke again. "Everyone is working harder. Today, I am likely to finish the work ahead of time. How about going to have a drink together?"

"If you treat me, I will go." Liu Xing is quite a simple showdown.

Liu Dong, who has been working hard all the time, raised his hand at this time. "Agree."

"You guys..." Shijieshan, who heard this, nodded after a smile. "Okay, I treat you, everyone will move faster. If you go late, you will have no place."

Day by day, nearly half a month down, Lu Yang has basically adapted to the life and work of Der Spiegel City, and ushered in his first rest day, but also saw old friends who have not seen for a long time.

"Since you have been the secretary of the emperor, it is really not easy to see you." Inside the hotel, Shen Jun sneered at his friend.

"Work is very busy, not to rest and rest." Lu Yang casually returned a sentence, but let Shen Jun look a glimpse.

"What's wrong?" Looking at the stubborn Shen Jun, Lu Yang asked strangely.

"I feel weird." Shen Jun's answer is somewhat inexplicable.

"What is weird?"

"I can't say it, so it's weird."

Lu Yang turned his eyes blank without a word. "Is there something left?"

"Point, but the restaurant business opened under the sire is too good, the speed of serving is really a bit slow." Apparently waiting for a while, Shen Jun could not help but vomit.

"Isn't it too time for you to pick the time? Now it's the peak of the meal. If you come over another hour, you can have a lot of leisure here." Finished, looking at the guardrail, I don't know if he is listening to him. Shen Jun, Lu Yang’s heart is even more speechless. “What are you doing there?”

"Listen to the book." Shen Jun said with a look of absent-mindedness.

Lu Yang, who heard this, also approached the guardrail for two steps. I saw the storyteller wearing a linen robes, and said the story of 'Xiyuan City Shooting Tiger', listening to the gang in the hotel. People are so fascinated and screaming, and at the same time they are more revered to their emperor.

After a story was finished, taking advantage of the time when the storyteller had a tea break, Shen Jun, who had been kneeling on the guardrail, finally moved the steps. As a result, he turned and looked at the empty plates on his dinner table. Shen Jun A look at the face, "Where is the empty plate..."

Halfway through the words, it seems that Shen Jun, who thought of something, took a look at Lu Yang sitting there, and then some uncertain openings, "Lv Yang?"

I saw that at this moment, Lu Yang, who was sitting there, wiped his mouth and rubbed his mouth. "The dinner table is the battlefield, Shen Jun, you are too slack."

"Ha?!" Shen Jun looked awkward, then slammed his eyebrows with force, "Wait, I am not awake, dreaming?"

With such thoughts, until the redness of his eyebrows was reddened, Shen Jun finally accepted the reality in front of him. "I know what is strange now, Lu Yang, you have changed... ”

"Where did it change?"

"You didn't eat so fast before."


"Well, I am joking, but what you have done before is calm and slow, now..." When talking, looking at the few clean plates in front of him, Shen Jun didn't know what to say.

"Efficiency is very important ~ ~ and said that the face, the surface time can save the province, the important is the connotation." Lu Yang still calm face.

Shen Jun couldn’t imagine what happened during this time, so that Lu Yang’s gentleman had changed so much, even though he still seemed to be very angry at this time...

"Forget it, don't entangle this." Called the waiter in the hotel, Shen Jun, after ordering a few more dishes, directly transferred the topic to another thing, "Lv Yang, you know Where can the storyteller find it?"

“What? Do you want to have a few storytellers in your restaurant and tea shop?”

"Yes." Merchants are profitable, but nature. Shen Jun undoubtedly sees the business value of this storyteller at a glance. In this era of basically no entertainment, the status of 'listening to the book' is no longer needed. To put it more, basically, the storyteller will go there one stop, and a large group of listeners will be surrounded in minutes. If a few storytellers are asked to go to his store to talk about books, can his tea shop and restaurant business be worse?

However, things are not so easy. Within the Wanxiang civilization, storytellers are not a bad street career. They can spread information and intelligence, but in order to avoid the strange rhythm of the rhythm, Luo Ji is undoubtedly a storyteller. This profession has been formalized. It is not a casual story to be a bookmaker.

If you want to be a storyteller, you must first go to the relevant department to register, go through the interview, review, confirm the loyalty, and then carry out a certain degree of formal study, and after graduation, you will get a storyteller license, so that You are considered a formal storyteller.

By the way, if there is no license to pretend that the storyteller is arbitrarily talking about the rhythm and profiting from it, Luo Ji clearly expresses 'three years of starting, the highest death penalty'.