The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 325: The enemy will die

After decades of hard work, before returning to liberation, the most exciting thing for these players is that you have been raising for several months, even for several years, you may be beaten down and hit. No, this is really not a joke.

"Grass! Luo, your uncle!!" At this time, the merchants are undoubtedly experiencing the ups and downs of this life. The archers of five hundred people rushed down in the second section of the light cavalry, and the dead Calling a clean and neat, just think about it, the heart is bleeding, and cultivating the archers can be as easy as cultivating ordinary infantry!

I don’t know that the defending city players didn’t even have the commercial army. They thought that this was the pit that Luo Ji had dug for him. He was so angry that he burst into a foul mouth and made a mouthful of guns. He directly let Luo Zhi in the mirror city. Innocent lying gun.

"Encircle! The Great Shields troops, surrounded the entire formation!!" The Shangjun cursed Luo in his heart, while constantly commanding the Great Shields to form a line of defense.

At this time, the weakness of his ‘contradictory combination’ was undoubtedly exposed. The weak and simply moving force became a hard injury that the army could not hide. Even changing the formation became extremely difficult and troublesome.

During this period, Bai Ze’s light cavalry units and Buzhgud’s bow cavalry units will not be able to watch them change their formations. The two cavalry units known for their mechanical power are constantly returning and continually harvesting. I thought about the two people who had won each other all the time. After holding my nose together, it was an unexpected tacit understanding.

With the pressure of harvesting back and forth between the two cavalry units, the merchants who had adjusted their formations had a gloomy face almost dripping water. Just now, his total strength had shrunk by about a quarter.

Fortunately, the formation was finally completed. At this time, the merchants did not hesitate to carry a large number of large shields, placed an iron barrel array, and a sharp spear constantly from the big shield and The thorns out of the gap of the big shield are completely a pair of people who are close to me.

Aware of the threat of spears, Bai Ze and Buzhe Gu De decisively led the cavalry of their respective armors to retreat. Among them, Buzhgude even indicated that everyone would replace the weapons in their hands back with bows and arrows.

Looking at the two cavalry units that kept going around his iron barrels, the commercial forces in the iron barrels saw the facial muscles pumping straight, and the heart was secretly complaining. This time, it was planted, and should not be greedy. Resources, according to Lin’s plan, after three days of failure to attack, it’s time to retreat normally. It’s obviously against the original plan, and he’s undoubtedly being greeted by his own greed. .

However, fortunately, the advantage of the arms restraint is still there. He can’t help but face him. He can’t help him. Unless there is an infantry support, but in the face of his continuous siege for several days, the defending forces in the city have not been there. The power of fighting again...

At this point, the merchants’ eyes were decisively flashed a bit, "maintain the iron barrel array, push the siege car, and force me to attack the city!!"

Escape can not escape, and this machine power, he simply runs out of the cavalry, so there is only one left in front of the road, that is, to capture the city behind, then block the city gate, stick to the city, keep After the seventh day, I will be able to retreat.

Thinking of this, the look of the commercial army could not help but become more embarrassed. This wave of his loss was great. After entering the city, if he did not burn and rob, it would be hard to eliminate his hatred!

Looking at the iron barrels that were pushed forward, Bai Ze and Buzhe Gude changed their faces at this moment. The intention of the other party was clearly revealed, and it was clear that they wanted to storm White Horse City.

The siege of the previous day has already swayed the gates of White Horse City. Who knows that the city gate can still withstand several attacks on the siege car?

The white horse city defending city general who also realized this point, at this moment is also a sudden change of face, subconsciously looking at the three bow bed on the wall, however, the multi-day defending city battle down, three bow bed dedicated The heavy-duty arrow has already been emptied. Under the helplessness, it can only command the almost exhausted stone-throwing troops and throw two rounds of stone bombs, but the effect is very small.

Whether it is the arm of the stone soldiers or the number of stone bombs, they are already unable to hold back. Seeing that the gates of the White Horse City will be broken by the enemy forces, they will think about whether or not they want to be in the city of Baimacheng. When the fire burned off the three-legged bed on the wall, and then the troops retreated, a soldier who rushed in the city brought him the most wanted news!

"Reporting General! The reinforcements of the Iron Wall City have arrived. They have come in from the other side of the city gate and are on the way!"

Upon hearing this news, Baimacheng’s defending city generals suddenly showed ecstasy and then resolutely ordered, “Listen to my instructions and open the gate!!”

The swaying city gate of White Horse City is slowly rising. This scene not only makes the commercial army and other people who are madly attacking the city stunned, but after letting go a long distance, they are ready to take advantage of the momentum of the charge. Forcibly attacking the enemy's iron barrel array and blocking the Bai Ze's look in Baima City's fall. "What happened? How did the city gate open?!"

Looking down at the wall of Baimacheng, I just saw that the defending general of Baimacheng was gesturing with his constant gestures.

"Relief! The reinforcements are here!" After reading the meaning of the other party's gestures, Bai Ze suddenly felt a shock, then turned to Buzhe Gude and shouted, "The city's reinforcements arrived, and some distance was left! Prepare Packing and blocking!"

"The bow cavalry, come over with me!" There is no nonsense, and Buzhgude, who heard this, took the bowman’s armies directly down to the periphery.

On the other hand, looking at the white horse city gate that was actively raised, the business army was puzzled, but now, he has no retreat, but there are two cavalry units waiting for him, in other words, back. A dead end! Going forward, there is still a glimmer of life!

When I think of this, the Shangjun’s heart is also beginning to worry about it. “Maintain the formation and push the siege car directly into it!!”

However, what surprised him was that the collision of the siege car was actually hit by an empty air. "What happened? There is no defending force behind the gates."

The Shangjun fixed his eyes and saw that there was no guarding the city to block the door. It was simply not even a personal shadow! Just as he thought about it, accompanied by a dense footstep, I saw that the infantry unit was facing the gate of the city gate, and did not know where it came from!

The leader of the army wearing a bronze armor, rushed into the city's commercial army, suddenly glared at him, dragging his spring and autumn knife all the way to rush to come up, "the enemy will die!!"