The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3339: ,plan

On the way back, Ye Xuan and the three obviously didn't waste time.

All day long, they just got together there to study and discuss the design of the nuclear artillery.

Of course, they can only discuss the situation now. Now that people are in the spaceship, the conditions are limited, and they can't move if they want to make it.

Therefore, once the three of them disagree on an issue, they will basically enter a state of holding their own opinions and no one can convince anyone.

After all, no one of them can prove that their theory is right, and the other's theory is wrong.

For a while, the spacecraft was also very noisy.

Then he returned to the main planet noisily all the way...

After the spacecraft landed, the first thing Xuan Ye and the others did was to entangle the Luo Jili project, approve funding, and toss up the nuclear artillery research and development project.

However, this nuclear artillery project really doesn't mean that it can be built right away.

Ye Xuan said before that the manufacturing of this geo-nuclear artillery, even if it is based on the current technology of their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, is very difficult.

Coupled with the frantic discussion and research of the three people along the way around the topic of nuclear artillery.

Luo Ji actually already had a relatively clear concept of this geo-nuclear artillery.

The research and development project of this geo-nuclear artillery is a typical difficult and expensive project to burn money.

At this stage, there are actually a lot of large projects under development by their Wanjie Civilization, and the investment in follow-up projects is also continuously being spent every quarter.

Although the financial funds for their civilization have been relatively ample in the past few years, in this state, it is not a wise decision to set up a research and development project for geonuclear artillery.

I still have to calm down a little bit, and take a moment to settle the ongoing projects first.

Luo Ji's attitude toward this matter is more determined.

Regarding this, Ye Xuan could only drove her own power wheel after an obedient ‘oh’, with sparks and lightning all the way, obediently returning to the Ordnance Research Department, first to toss on the projects she was working on.

After a period of time passed? For convenience? Luo Ji, after Venus and Jupiter, was very casual? But he appropriately named the newly discovered planet Saturn.

John Thrall and Soy moved very fast, almost at the fastest speed? They cleaned up the natives on the entire planet.

In the process? For the past war? They also gained some new understanding.

Basically, all races hold their own opinions.

The whole situation, to sum it up in one sentence, is probably, ‘They were all the harm! ’

And who is the ‘them’ in this sentence? It depends on who is saying the sentence.

To put it simply, they are shaking each other? Crazy shaking.

After that war, the worst was not the dwarves, not the humans, nor the orcs, but the elves!

Although your dwarves, orcs and humans have a miserable life? But somehow there are still many alive.

But what about the elves?

As these races, the race with the longest natural lifespan? The Elf race was directly extinct on this planet.

The population of the elves was originally the least among these races? After the tragic casualties in the war? The remaining population? Faced with the harsh and extreme environment on the planet? They also died one after another, which finally led to this. A result of.

The end is also more embarrassing, but in any case, the natives on Saturn have now been completely integrated.

As for the resource point...

Some mineral resources have been preserved.

John Thrall has sent someone to confirm, and now he has found a suitable place and temporarily set up camp.

Next, Luo Ji had obviously already discussed the matter of how to toss this planet with the ministers and ministers of the relevant departments.

On that planet, there is no need to rush large-scale urban construction projects at this stage.

First gather the aboriginal population, then build a simple camp that can live in, and solve the basic food, clothing, housing and transportation problems for the aboriginals.

After that, let the dwarves send some mining trucks over to set up a mining farm and produce some output, which can be regarded as income.

In addition, I will discuss with Hassan Medvedev, the fairy king, and let him lead the team directly to take a trip to Saturn in person to save the already terrible ecological environment on Saturn.

Judging from the scale and severity of that Saturn, it feels like it won't be fixed in a century or two.

As for the subsequent development and construction work on the planet, Luo Ji intends to wait until the ecological environment is restored.

But before that, there is a project that needs to be tossed first.

That is to build a fixed space gate to connect Saturn and Venus.

In the long run, fixed space doors are more cost-effective than space engines.

A lot of things here have made Luo Ji seem a little busy lately. After finishing all arrangements and instructions for the initial arrangements and instructions, Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Scarlett took a leave of absence today, saying that it was the director of Mobile Suit Cam, that is, Gawain. His new aircraft warfare series is about to be released, and Scarlett has been his "True Hardcore Iron" for hundreds of years. Fan', naturally received the invitation letter and was invited to watch the premiere

"That fellow Gawain, has been in the movie circle all these years?"

Thinking of this, Luo Ji really felt a little bit dumbfounded.

After finishing the things that needed him, Luo Ji didn't mind that Gao Wen and the others had some personal hobbies.

Not to mention the innocuous personal hobby like making movies.

"Barenque, do you know what's going on with Cerelia? How's the grudge research going? Is there any new progress?"

Calculating time, even if it is based on the life span of the elves, some years have passed.

It was too busy a few years ago, and Luo Ji left the matter behind, but now, when he comes back to his senses, he naturally needs to care a little about the progress.

Hearing this, Barenque was on duty today and shook his head.

"Return to your Majesty, the subordinates are not particularly clear about this matter."

Barenk is an elf druid, who belongs to the wizard, and he doesn't really care about the cultivation method of fighting spirit.

In addition to these years, Cerelia went directly to the Elven Warrior Association in the Elven Province to study this, and she was not in the palace at all.

As for Barenque, because of his work as a guard, he basically never left Der Spiegel. The situation there is naturally not clear.

Luo Ji, who got such an answer, was not surprised. After a slight nod, he sent someone to the Elves to find out about the situation.

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