The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3365: ,Variety

After that, before Luo Ji went back to study how to control the size of his soul, they naturally discussed what happened to Luo Ji. What was the reason? What caused it?

   Through the elimination method, they quickly locked in a possibility.

   That is faith!

   Luo Ji is the source of faith in the civilization of the world, and his horror of high soul quality, is it because of the blessing of these beliefs?

   I have to say that they did find the key reason, but unfortunately, there is no way to verify this matter, so in the end they can only stay at the guessing stage.

   But Luo Ji feels that the qualified conclusions they reached through the elimination method are all right.

   Under this premise, the mental attack Luo Ji mentioned earlier also gave Jie Zichuan some ideas.

   Indeed, if their majesty's powerful mental power is not fully utilized, it would be a bit too wasteful.

   But the problem is that their ten thousand world civilization does not have any spiritual attack spells.

   If you create your own...

   They don’t even know where to start.

   In response to this situation, after the two of them pondered for a while, Luo Ji seemed to think of something, and suddenly said...

   "Spells that can fully exert their mental power, it seems that they are not completely absent."

   At this point, Luo Ji's voice paused, and after thinking about it again, he said three words with certainty.

   "Holy Words."

   The moment I heard these three words, Jie Zichuan suddenly remembered.

   When fighting with the Wingmen Legion, the Holy Word Art did show amazing effects, but...

   "Your Majesty, do we have Holy Word?"

   Okay, Jie Zichuan is still not sure about this.

   Although Luo Ji has unlocked the Wing Man project, he has been able to acquire Holy Word for some years.

   But like this kind of thing, they will definitely not publicize it.

  Before An Lijie formally displayed the Holy Word, let alone Jie Zichuan who studied magic in retreat all year round, even within the State Church, there were only a handful of Wingers who knew that they possessed the Holy Word.

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, there is now one more person who knows Holy Words.

   Before this, did Luo Ji practice the Holy Word?

   Of course, I tried to practice.

   But to be honest, the progress is not satisfactory.

  He has been practicing divine art for many years. After so many years, where is his talent in divine art?   Luo Ji is quite clear.

  What is he better at?  It is an offensive magic.

  For example, the blade of judgment, the wheel of judgment, etc...

  Holy Words is actually not an offensive magic in the strict sense?  It is a functional magic.

  So when he tried to practice before?  I've been practicing badly.

   But this time, Luo Ji felt that he could give it a try.

   After this?   Jie Zichuan didn't make more stops, and quickly retreated.

  He also has his own spell research to do?  In the past half a month?  Because of Luo Ji's affairs, he hasn't done his research well. Now it's time to recover.

   And, he also thinks that next?   Luo Ji needs to think about it by himself?   It’s not good for him to bother next to him.

   But in fact, Luo Ji is not in a hurry...

   At least before he finished the meal in front of him, he was not in a hurry to study his soul form.

   No matter how urgent, you have to eat a full meal! I was immersed in the spiritual world before, and haven't felt it yet?   For the past half month, it really made him hungry.

   Fortunately, his martial arts cultivation is not weak?  Normal people, do not eat or drink for half a month?   I am afraid that he has died long ago.

   But the physique between people cannot be generalized, not to mention that he still has a martial arts cultivation base that has just entered the realm of a thousand troops?   is half a martial arts expert.

   Where are the physical strength and vitality?   Do not eat or drink for half a month?   Still starving him.

   But it is true that it will become weak.

   So after waking up, he urgently needed nutrition.

   Don't underestimate the stomach of a martial artist.

The food that was eaten into his stomach was absorbed as fast as possible, and then digested. With the addition of martial arts practitioners, the appetite was already several times larger than that of ordinary people. It didn’t take a while, Luo Ji A person has eaten the food of a normal person for half a month.

   But his stomach is like a bottomless pit, and there is no tendency to stop at all.

   In the end, he was alone. After eating normal people's food for three months, he was finally satisfied.

   I patted my chubby belly and drank a refreshing tea, which was comfortable

   After eating, I don’t want to move for the time being, but in my mind, it’s hard to avoid thinking about...

   "If I don't have this strength, shouldn't I think about halfway and starve myself to death?"

   Luo Ji had never thought about this problem before.

   But after thinking about it carefully, he soon realized that it was impossible.

   Deep meditation is not a complete loss of consciousness. Before they feel a strong sense of hunger and the body is in urgent need of nourishment, the body's survival instinct should be forcibly released from their deep meditation state.

   How could it be possible to starve to death during meditation?

   I can maintain deep meditation for half a month, based on the premise that he can meditate for half a month without starving to death.

   This time, even though I lay down for half a month without knowing it, Luo Ji personally felt that the gain was also very great.

   "Wait a minute, the change is so big, will my panel also change?"

   With the flash of such a thought, Luo Ji swiped his finger and quickly opened his property panel.

   glanced over, but unfortunately, his five attributes did not change in any way.

After   , before Luo Ji was disappointed, he glanced past the corner of the status bar and noticed something unusual.

  Because he discovered that there was an unfamiliar state on his status bar!

   At that moment, Luo Ji's heart jumped wildly twice.

   Then he quickly fixed his eyes...

   "Heaven and man are one?"

   Needless to say, this is exactly the new state that appeared on his status bar.

   Luo Ji tried to reach out and click on the status display.

   However, it is a pity that no introduction popped up, which made it impossible for him to gain a further understanding of the state of ‘Heaven and Man in One’.

   Luo Ji can only give up temporarily.

   Anyway, this state does no harm to him. UU reading www.

  In the next few days, for Luo Ji, one of the more troublesome things is how to avoid overmeditating...

   After entering the cultivation state, Luo Ji can never practice all at once, just look at the time, right?

   can't concentrate like that, the training effect will be greatly reduced.

   In the end, he could only choose to let the guard, pinch the time, and wake him up.

   A normal high-level mage, if he enters a deep meditation state and someone wakes him up forcibly, he must be in a bad mood.

   After all, the daily deep meditation time is very important to them.

   But Luo Ji is different. He now finds that he can enter and exit the spiritual world anytime and anywhere.

   I don’t know if it is the effect of the ‘one with nature’.

   So the time for deep meditation is not precious to him.

   But even so, it is not a good idea to have the guard wake up regularly.

   In case the cultivation was at a critical moment, and the result was interrupted and waked up, it would be uncomfortable.

   Luo Ji has no way to let the guards do this now.

   As the supreme ruler of the civilization of the world, he can't often let himself meditate for ten and a half days without paying attention, right?

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