The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3376: , Emergencies (2)

After a group of players headed by Meng Xuan formally expressed their opinions, the other golden players who realized that they could not provoke Luo Ji naturally borrowed the donkey.

   I have to say that Meng Xuan is still very good at handling this matter. As the leader, he is really very capable.

   Soon all the golden players in the group entered a state of unanimity to the outside world.

   Next, what they have to do is naturally to share the map, clear the fog on the battlefield as much as possible, and open up their vision.

   At this stage, the largest civilization within the ten thousand civilizations, needless to say, 100% is Zhong Mo.

   At the moment when Mr. Zhong Mo’s Styx civilization confirmed the shared map, a large area of ​​vision was suddenly opened up on the originally dark system map.

   Immediately afterwards, the galaxy of Luo Ji's Ten Thousand Realms Civilization appeared.

  In terms of scale, of course, it is far from being compared with Zhong Mo's Styx civilization.

   But there is also a question of development time.

   Luo Ji's development time is estimated to be shorter than most of the gold gangsters present.

   In this state, it is quite incredible in itself to achieve this point.

   Not to mention, the scale of the galaxy of the civilization of Luo Ji is actually not small, especially when compared with them...

   Along with the appearance of the Wanjiewen star system, soon, within the system map, small galaxies appeared one after another.

   Needless to say, these golden tycoons in their celestial camp have not been idle.

   These top big guys, headed by Zhou Wenbing and Meng Xuan, apparently completed the construction of the moon base after that battle, and officially unlocked the galaxy map.

   However, without the technology of subspace engines and fixed space doors, it is actually very difficult and dangerous to explore between galaxies.

  This also caused a lot of golden bosses to have their own civilization technology bottlenecked after opening the galaxy map, and they were unable to break through, causing the development progress to almost stagnate.

   During this period, Zhao Heng was slightly ashamed.

  Because according to the situation in that battle, he and Luo Ji were the first two players in the Celestial camp to start the galaxy era, except for Zhong Mo.

   And now, after a period of development, Luo Ji's galaxy of ten thousand civilizations has already developed on a considerable scale.

   But on Zhao Heng's side, it seems that there is no progress at all.

In the    galaxy, there is only one planet besides the moon and its own main planet.

   The planet was from the previous war, and Mr. Zhong Mo gave it away. In other words, he has no progress.

   This situation naturally drew a ridicule from Zhou Wenbing.

   Zhao Heng didn't persuade him at all, and he went back and asked Zhou Wenbing to take care of his one-third of acre of land and not worry about his affairs.

   The development speed of their orc race is just like that.

   Moreover, the population is basically not as large as that of human beings, even to say that they live there on a main planet, which is spacious.

   Later, after the planet Zhong Mo gave it, it was really too spacious.

   For the orcs, it is really a toss to develop this place well.

   This led to the development of this round, and it was the first to develop to the scale of the galaxy. For the time being, Zhao Heng, who stood out among countless celestial players, was evened by Zhou Wenbing and the others.

   However, it really combines the comprehensive combat ability in the universe.

   Luo Ji felt that Zhao Heng’s orc army was better than ever.

   The troops on the technological side, under the premise that their technological capabilities have not reached a certain standard, their combat effectiveness in the universe is too limited, unlike the orcs, which have such strong adaptability.

   In the camp, under the premise that all the players in the celestial dynasty share the map, the battlefield fog on the system map was cleared by nearly one third in a short time.

   Next, consider the third-party area filled in by the system. In the remaining two thirds of the area, there must be players from other camps.

   Even according to the situation of their celestial camp, the golden players of other camps are all drawn in by the system in all likelihood.

   Of course, I said it was another camp, but in fact there is no other camp.

   After experiencing the previous wars, at this stage, in the golden rank, there are only three forces left.

   That is the Celestial camp headed by Zhong Mo, the Raksha camp headed by Ivan Last, and the Europa camp where there is only a polished commander of Caesar Trunk.

   The general layout of the Celestial Camp is currently the galaxy of Luo Ji’s Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and part of it borders the Styx civilization of Master Zhong Mo.

   As for the galaxies of other golden players, they are scattered around.

   Generally speaking, the position of their Celestial players in the battlefield is fairly concentrated, and there is no single position.

   Under this premise, what worries Luo Ji the most is of course the specific positions of Caesar Trunk and Ivan Last on the battlefield.

   This will directly affect their next battle and the whole battlefield afterwards!

   When he thinks of this, Luo Ji really doesn't want to worry.

  According to the plan, a large number of players from the celestial dynasty sent troops to clear the fog on the battlefield.

   But everyone knows that under this specification, for the efficiency of general golden players, UU reading really does not need to have much expectations.

   This mainly depends on Zhong Mo and Luo Ji's own troops.

   Besides, it is Zhao Heng.

The overall efficiency may be much lower than that of Luo Ji and Zhong Mo. However, Zhao Heng has bloodthirsty pythons and giant winged war eagles under his command. With them, the efficiency of opening his vision is also considerable. Obviously, he was not all in a daze during the period after the end of the war.

   And just in the process of clearing the fog on the battlefield, all the players from the heaven, including Luo Ji.

   On this day, a private chat message was suddenly sent to Zhong Mo.

   Listening to the message reminder in his ear, his eyes swept across the flashing message window, a slight wrinkle appeared between Zhong Mo's eyebrows, as if he had not read it yet, he already knew the content of the message.

After    clicked it casually, as expected, the news was sent by Ivan Last.

   "Zhong Mo, hand over that Luo Ji."

"Since the opponent is a player from your Celestial camp, then we don't need you to take action. We promise not to make it difficult for you to do it. It's up to Caesar Trunk and I to take care of it. We only need you to act with a little cooperation. As long as Luo Ji dies, our three forces can once again form a balance of mutual checks and balances, which is good for everyone."

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