The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3388: ,crazy? (2)

The machine guns of their magical civilization are not joking with people, they are serious magical weapons.

The soldiers of the Magical Aircraft Corps, although all of them are considered elite in the military, if they are swept by a heavy firepower such as the Magical Aircraft Gun, the individual defense technique on them will be the best. Unstoppable.


At the critical moment, the commander of the 11th Magic Pilots Corps made a decisive decision. While giving the order to disperse, he also decided to act first. He directly took up the Magic Rifle in his hand and prepared to destroy those who were very good to them. The threatening magic cannon.

  The magical technique quickly unfolded, and the magic missile that came out of the gun directly hit the target, but the magical cannon was protected by a turret-level defensive technique, which really couldn't be blasted off with just one shot.

The legion commander who maintained his defensive technique was moving at high speed in the air with his body turned over. While avoiding the magical cannon, a series of magical armor-piercing projectiles continuously hit the same point on the defensive technique and successfully penetrated At the same time that the turret-level defense technique, a set of pursuits directly destroyed one of the magic cannons.

   But this didn't make their situation much better.

   How could there be only one magic cannon near this camp? At the same time, there are so many soldiers in the uniforms of the Imperial Army attacking them, and the number is getting bigger and bigger. Do you think they fight back or not?

   In response to this situation, the legion commander also frequently asked Marshal Bahat for instructions.

   In this regard, after a little entanglement, Marshal Bahat directly issued an order to allow the Eleventh Magic Aircraft Corps to conduct self-defense counterattacks under the premise that the soldiers on the planet attacked them.

  Imperial soldiers on this planet, they can't tell which is the enemy and which is their own.

   However, assaulting the magic pilot regiment itself is a felony. In addition, during the war, the situation is special, and there is nothing to say about shooting directly.

   After receiving the order to allow the self-defense counterattack, the life of the 11th Magic Pilot Corps was undoubtedly much easier.

  In the ordinary army?  Although there are also magic pilots?   But the comprehensive strength of the magic pilots in the magic pilot regiment?   After all, it is better.

   A battle?   directly from low altitude to high altitude.

  Under the constant entanglement between the 11th Magic Aircraft Corps and the garrison in the planet, their strength?  Although they occupy a certain advantage, the number of garrisons is still a lot.

  Even if the counterattack is allowed?  It is not so easy to solve it in a short time.

   The strength of the legion commander is still very secure?   Maintaining the magical technique, rushing all the way in the air, almost rampant, basically no single soldier will be his opponent.

   At this moment?  A sudden magic missile attack?   Accompanied by a loud roar, I almost clicked through his defense technique.

   Before he could see his surroundings clearly, a figure in the costume of an imperial officer had already broken through the billowing gunpowder and smashed in front of him!

  At the moment of the moment?  The legionnaire reacted very quickly, while avoiding the opponent's attack sideways?  Subconsciously he would shoot back.

  Unexpectedly, at the moment when the trigger was about to be pulled down?  The legion commander who saw the face was stupid.


   I saw the figure in the attire of an imperial officer who attacked him at this moment?   was actually his acquaintance.

  The other party’s name is Jim?   is a good friend of his college days.

   Did they both graduate in the same period?   and joined the army.

   Two years after joining the army, he was selected and joined the Eleventh Magic Aircraft Corps of the Empire, while Jim stayed in the Army and was promoted.

  Imperial Magic Aircraft Corps belongs to a special organization and is not in the same place as ordinary troops.

   However, although the two are separated, the relationship between the two has always been good. On weekdays, they communicate once or twice a month.

  Until this time the war broke out, the army went out...

   According to the rules of the military, after the expedition, private communication was basically cut off, and all the personal communication equipment he carried was turned over.

   Therefore, although he knows that Jim is also in the army, their Imperial Army is huge, and there is no way to contact them on weekdays, and it is very difficult to see them.

   But he did not expect that after the expedition, they met for the first time in this state!

   At this moment, Jim maintains the magical technique all over his body. Seeing his expression is extremely ferocious, it seems that he is facing an enemy.

   Every move and every style, I want to take his life without mercy!

   "Jim! It's me, Allen!!!"

   The legion commander who calls himself ‘Allen’, calling his friend loudly.

   Anyone can rebel, but he only doesn’t believe that his friend will rebel!

  As an old friend for so many years, Jim's loyalty to the empire could not be more clear.

   At the same time, he himself is already a major general in their Imperial Army. He is in an important position, how could he be a traitor?

However, I don’t know if the opponent has already lost his eyes, or if he didn’t hear what Allen was saying. During this whole process, he did not stop his offensive at all, and even the whole offensive became More fierce.

   On the other hand, Alan, after recognizing the identity of the opponent, was shackled, and for a while, he was completely suppressed.

   While firing continuously, Jim quickly rushed in and fought him with a bayonet.

  As a friend, Allen naturally knows that compared to shooting skills, Jim's hand-to-hand combat is actually stronger! This increased the pressure on him!

   "Go to hell! Damn enemy!!!"

   "The enemy?"

Hearing this word, Allen was stunned, an accidental the mask on his face was immediately knocked out by Jim, and the sharp magic bayonet directly tore the skin of his cheek, flying away. The blood brought up a series of blood flowers.

   "Jim! You can show me clearly! It's me!!!"

   If possible, Allen really wanted to grab the opponent's neckline and punch Jim's face with two punches to make him sober.

   But the reality obviously prevents him from doing this...

Putting aside the power of controlling magic spells, Jim is extremely strong in hand-to-hand combat. After being pulled close, even the commander-level Allen, in a short time, it is difficult to suppress him, not to mention that he is still Can't shoot at will.

   In this state, even Allen himself doesn’t know how long it can last.

  A careless one was directly blown out by a high-explosive magic missile.

   fell heavily to the ground, and the protection of the defensive technique on his body offset most of the damage, but he was still smashed, and the whole person felt a whirl of heaven and earth.

   didn't know if it was a concussion caused by the fall. Alan held his head with one hand and barely swept his eyes around. For a moment, the whole person felt a trance.

   Then there was a movement around him, making him forcibly refreshed.

   Upon a closer look, I saw that in the distance there were many soldiers in unfamiliar uniforms rushing towards him!

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