The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3392: ,crazy? (6)

Latest website: With a dull sound, Mo Qi was hit hard and flew out all the way.

"Mum, that's why I hate melee combat!"

Just now, he broke at least one rib, and there was a faint smell of blood in his throat.

But anyway, the moment of his own disturbance has successfully freed Jarvis from Alan's entanglement.

During the inverted flight, Moqi gritted his teeth, quickly stabilized his figure with flying technique, and at the same time set up the magic rifle in his hand.

The special magic missile has been loaded, in front of the muzzle, the magical technique is unfolded, the trigger is pulled down, and the special magic missile broke the sound barrier on the spot and attacked Alan.

Faced with the two-person attack from Mochi and Jarvis, Allen, who played fiercely, did not let go.

On the contrary, Moqi and Jarvis, who were responsible for the joint flanking, played the game.

The injury was not serious, but the expressions under the masks of the two men had sunk to the end.

"No way, Jarvis, give up the idea of ​​catching him alive, and continue like this, it's us!"

Before he finished his words, Mo Qi set up the magic rifle again, no longer kept his hand, and directly fired three shots, three special magic missiles, blocked three directions, and attacked directly towards Allen.

In the previous confrontation, the two of them still wanted to catch Allen alive, so they fought with little hands and feet. On the other hand, Allen was completely unscrupulous. The overall play was a fierce one.

When this guy was the deputy commander of the army, he was known for his fierce fighting style on the battlefield, and he even often did things that ‘injured the enemy a thousand and harm himself 800’.

That fierce style of play, while making many soldiers and officers of the Imperial Army awe at him by three points, it also made many people feel that the opponent can live to this day? It really is his good fortune!

Under this premise? The risk of keeping your hands alive and catching such a fighting lunatic is really too great? In case you are not careful? Allen catches the opportunity, then you may have to take them all in.

Moqi had already made an attack directly? The three sharply angled shots, each of which was aimed at Allen's deadly point.

Regarding this? Jarvis, who has basically no friendship with Allen? Naturally, he did not hesitate anymore, his body was flipped in the air, and his strength broke out!

As the commander of the Magic Aircraft Corps, the strength of Jarvis and Moqi? There is no doubt.

On the premise that the two of them no longer care and keep their hands? Even if Allen's play is fierce, he will inevitably fall into the wrong.

After a fierce battle, after the defensive skills of the whole body were completely blown by Jarvis, Moqi, who saw the opportunity, fired fully. A shot hit? The special magic missile instantly destroyed half of Allen's body. A whole right shoulder was blown out? Along with a large swath of blood, part of Allen's internal organs were exposed to the air.

Originally, this shot of Moqi was aimed directly at Allen's deadly vital point.

At the critical moment, Alan leaned sideways to hide for a while? Avoiding the point.

But? For Moqi and the others? It might be better this time.

At this moment, Allen was definitely seriously injured, and there shouldn't be much resistance left. Maybe they could really get them back alive.

Although he was beaten to a half body, it was better than death.

As for the right arm that was blown away...

I should be able to think of a solution later.

With the emergence of this idea, Mochi stopped chasing immediately. Jarvis saw the opportunity and rushed to try to take Alan down.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Allen, who had been shot to half of his body, suddenly let out a roar, and then grabbed Jarvis who was rushing up.

At that moment, Jarvis, who had already realized what Alan was going to do, completely changed his face...

"You lunatic!!!"

"The glory of the empire is with me!!!"

There was no time to break free, Moqi in the distance only heard a loud roar, and the shocking big bang engulfed Allen and Jarvis in the center on the spot.

At that moment, Mo Qi was undoubtedly stupid.

Although the other party is now unconscious and a little crazy, in the bones of Moqi and Jarvis, they undoubtedly still regard Alan as their own.

So they didn't expect that Allen actually got to this point, under the premise of suffering a heavy injury, grabbed Jarvis directly and blew himself up with a burst technique!

"Jarvis, Jarvis!"

At this moment, I don't know if Jarvis is alive or dead, and the whole heart is hanging in his throat.

But he did not dare to easily approach the area where the explosion smoke had not dispersed.

After all, the situation in that area is still unclear. He himself is not good at close combat. Once he gets close, if there is an emergency, it will be too dangerous.

Just as he was thinking about it, the thick smoke was blown away by the wind, and a figure appeared in Mo Qi's sight in the thick smoke.

Under the blessing of the magical technique, he quickly saw the true face of the other party, which made Mo Qi greatly relieved.

It's Jarvis!

At that time, at the last moment of Allen's bursting technique blew himself up, Jarvis tried his best to cover his body with a layer of defensive technique, which saved his life.

But even so, he is now in the state of a whole person, covered in blood, embarrassed to the extreme, and the filtering mask on his face is also missing...

"Fuck, this bastard..."

Jarvis now made it clear that the injury was serious. Upon seeing it, Mo Qi rushed up to hold him back. At the same time, he took off his spare mask and pressed it on Jarvis's face.

"Jarvis, how are you feeling now?"

Mo Qi asked this sentence, with a slight tension in his tone, and at the same time the hand holding the magic rifle tightened a bit unconsciously.

At this moment, Jarvis, who felt Moqi's tension, gradually recovered. After realizing what had just happened, he was shocked. UU reading

At this moment, he didn't care about his injuries. Alan was really crazy, he didn't want to be like that.

As his thoughts flew around, Jarvis quickly condensed his mind and felt his own state a little bit.

After skimming the piercing pain that kept coming from all over his body after being wounded by the bomb, he didn't seem to feel that something was wrong with him. Looking at Mo Qi, there was no urge to do anything.

"It should be your mask in time, I don't think there is any problem."

Jarvis's words made Moqi a little relieved, but he still didn't let his guard down.

In the process, Mo Qi's sight also swept around unconsciously.

Just now, that fellow Ellen was completely torn apart...

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