The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3396: Virtual reality

Faced with Yuan Xi’s proposal, other opinions were soon put forward during the meeting...

"This may also be an opposing strategy. When we were testing before, the enemy's fleet deployed outside the planet was very large. In a third-party area, our fleet and the other party might have little chance of winning. ."

  As a goblin commander, perhaps by nature, Gao Yi's overall style is definitely biased towards caution.

   is not to say that Yuan Xi is not cautious, but Gao Yiyuan is more cautious than Yuan Xi, sometimes even too cautious, but his ability, commanding mind, and war experience are undoubtedly guaranteed.

   "Suppose I am an enemy, and I am hit. When something goes wrong inside, may it be so ‘quiet’?"

   Zhao Pan and Yuan Xi can understand what Gao Yi wants to express.

   In this position, if something goes wrong internally, they will attack more. At least they have to put on an offensive intent. To put it bluntly, they want to bluff, so as not to be found weak by the enemy.

   And now, the opposite side is so peaceful, it makes people wonder if this is a trap.

   Especially under the premise that the opponent had just been handed by Zhao Panyin, he might be thinking about how to return the color now.

   If they attack now, they will not only disrupt their original plan, but also have the possibility of falling into enemy traps.

   Gao Yi's words caused everyone in the meeting to fall silent temporarily.

   Actually this matter is very difficult to say.

  Because the other party may also be able to calculate this point, they just deliberately made such a show, and bluff you there to buy time for yourself?

  On this battlefield, all things that are true or false, and the real and the false, are all inaccurate. In the final analysis?  Real fight?  You still have to adapt to the situation.

  With such thoughts, everyone's eyes?   One after another concentrated on Zhao Pan.

  Yuan Xi and Gao Yi and the others?  Although they are the commander-in-chief of the fleet, the highest commander of this wave?  After all, Zhao Pan is still the highest commander of the defensive battle.

   Can't attack in the end?   Zhao Pan still has the final say.

  After the attack?   In case the opposite party had calculated, and paid the price and loss, this pot would naturally have to be carried by Zhao Pan.

  About backing the pot?  Zhao Pan actually didn't think much at all.

  He doesn't care about carrying the pot or not?  He only cares about the success and failure of this war!

   When faced with this kind of situation where it is possible to choose the wrong side, the most test is undoubtedly the personal coping ability of the front-line generals.

   The abilities of Yuan Xi and Gao Yi needless to say, Wang Sheng, Dak Beim and Zhao Yi?   are also veterans of their ten thousand world civilizations, and they have extremely rich experience in combat.

   Thoughts fly around?   Zhao Pan makes a decision...

"General Yuan Xi, General Gao Yi and General Wang Sheng, the three of you command the fleet to test it out?  Whether to launch an offensive at that time and let General Yuan Xi make a judgment based on the actual situation?   As for General Yu Beim and General Zhao Yi? Please stay on the periphery?   to respond."

   After receiving Zhao Pan's order, the five magic fleets quickly dispatched without saying a word.

   The commander-in-chief of the five magic fleets are all old comrades-in-arms for many years, and they have a tacit understanding between each other.

   With Yuan Xi’s pioneer fleet as the core, the Hyperion fleet and the Star Chaser fleet quickly spread out the assault formation, approaching the star field of Planet One.

   In this process, Dak Bem’s Trident fleet and Zhao Yi’s Rage Wave fleet began to roundabout to the side, and coordinated with Yuan Xi's assault position, and began to find a suitable location in advance for reception and cover.

   Along with Yuan Xi and the others, the three magic fleets approached, and the imperial fleet staying on the periphery of Planet One took action for the first time.

   After the three magic fleets got close to a certain point, they slammed out.

   After all, after experiencing the previous events, they have somewhat realized that the fleet of ten thousand civilizations still has an advantage in the first hand. The maximum range of the battleship seems to be farther than them.

   In order to avoid this advantage, they naturally have to take the initiative.

   At the same time, with the imperial fleet attacking at full speed, the two imperial fleets dormant in the depths of the star fields on both sides of Planet One also appeared one after another, forming an encircled formation in an instant.

   Now, all fools know that the opposite is already prepared, it really is a trap!

   In the face of this battle, the three magic fleets directly used thermonuclear energy cannons to fire a frantic round of fire towards the imperial fleet approaching frontally.

   Then, under Yuan Xi's order, he began to withdraw at full speed.

   During this period, the Trident Fleet and Raging Wave Fleet, which were responsible for the task, were also on the outer side of the star field, encountering a part of the Imperial fleet that formed an encircling formation.

   Needless to say, the two fleets opened fire directly.

   began to suppress the imperial fleet on the opposite side, to prevent the encirclement from forming, and to cover the three fleets that went deep into evacuation.

   In the process, as the person who laid the trap, Marshal Bahat obviously couldn't just let them go.

   directly commanded the imperial fleet to outflank and intercept.

   Their imperial fleet occupies a clear advantage in terms of the size of the force. The huge fleet size allows Marshal Bahat to play unscrupulously at this moment!

   At the same time, UU reading was determined to win a round, and he did not hesitate to let Moqi lead the ninth imperial pilot regiment to attack.

Unlike Jarvis, who was seriously injured, except for a broken rib, Moqi was basically a minor injury. After a period of self-cultivation, although it cannot be said that he has healed, he has also recovered a lot. His own combat power is basically It can be guaranteed.

   just let him use this opportunity to try what tricks the other side hides!

   Headed by Moqi, the Empire Ninth Magic Aircraft Corps, which has spread out an assault formation, is advancing extremely fast, and the distance between it and the magical fleet of the civilization of the world is constantly being drawn closer.

  The electronic radar may not be able to detect them, but from the moment the war started, the magical radar of their ten thousand civilizations magical fleet has been fully powered.

   Above the Demon Navigation Mother in the distance, a large number of ‘Swarm’ unmanned fighters quickly attacked and tried to intercept.

But I didn't want to, the commander of the Ninth Magic Pilot Corps of the Empire, Mo Qi, suddenly opened the backpack behind him. In the next second, an anti-ship-class magic rifle that was at least two meters in length was suddenly taken by him. stand up!

  The magical technique unfolded, correspondingly, the anti-ship-class magic missile had already been loaded, and only an instant of aiming made him pull the trigger.

   In an instant, along with the bullet shells flying out, the outer shield of a magical vanguard on the side of the civilization of the world was blown up on the spot!

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