The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3446: Incredible

   With the flash of thoughts in his mind, Marshal Bahat's attention quickly shifted to the battle image edited by the analysis team.

   Considering the viewing efficiency, the analysis team undoubtedly accelerated the image to a certain extent.

   In the video, the three vanguard ships of their empire’s main fleet quickly spread out their formations, arranged in three different positions, and launched a naval gun attack on the magic warship of the civilization of the world.

   Just seeing this, Marshal Bahat was quite satisfied with the reaction speed and actions of the three vanguard ships.

   can be regarded as showing the level of their empire's main fleet should be.

   But it was exactly the same, Marshal Bahat was more curious about what happened next...

  As the thoughts flew around, in the image of the battle that accelerated before my eyes, the battle between the vanguard ships of the two sides had already become more and more intense.

   In the process, Marshal Bahat's brows began to frown little by little.

   In the battle image, facing the main fleet of their empire, the guns of the three vanguard ships gathered on fire, and the enemy magic warship showed incredible flexibility.

   incredible! The use of these four words on that magic warship is not an exaggeration.

   In the eyes of Marshal Bahat, that is simply not an action that a warship can make!

   Although compared with bulky and huge firepower, Vanguard ships are much smaller and more flexible.

   But no matter how small a battleship of this level is, its hull length is thousands of meters, not to mention its tonnage.

   However, it was just such a battleship. Under the fire of the three vanguard ships of the main force of the Empire, it dodged all the way from left to right, or even moved around, just avoiding most of the attacks!

   In the process, the opponent spotted a vanguard ship on their side, and the spell attack and naval gun attack frequently hit the target, showing a very strong continuous output capability and hit rate.

   Vanguard ships focus on speed and flexibility, and the defensive skills deployed on it are limited.

   Under the continuous fire of various weapons of that enemy warship, the defensive technique of one of the imperial vanguard ships was quickly destroyed.

   Seeing this, Marshal Bahat's expression became a little gloomy.

   The defensive technique exploded, and the battleship was undoubtedly in danger.

   Although their Imperial warships had high armor strength, they could not withstand the continuous attacks of the opposing warships, and they were finally completely knocked down.

   However, the image in front of him did not end there. As soon as the screen turned, the new image quickly appeared in front of Marshal Bahat.

   Through the hull number, Marshal Bahat quickly recognized that the warships in this image are still the previous warships, but the perspective has changed.

   In other words, the original perspective was from the K0793 vanguard that was shot down, but the current perspective is from the other of the three vanguard ships at the time.

   Through the change of perspective, Marshal Bahat obtained more information from the video.

   At the same time, he also more deeply realized the perverted flexibility of the enemy warship.

  Marshal Bahart couldn't imagine what kind of technology this is that can make a kilometer-class interstellar warship show such agile movements...

   Just when Marshal Bahat was struggling with this issue, the battle in the video had new variables.

   Although the enemy warship was incredibly flexible and avoided most of their attacks, in the process, the opponent was caught fire by their three warships.

   Therefore, the number of naval gun attacks that hit the opponent was also quite large.

   The two defensive shields wrapped around the surface of the battleship were soon exploded one after another.

   But at this time, other warships came over.

   After all, there are not only those warships on the flanking battlefield... The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://[email protected]@@

  The side of the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms came with reinforcements, and the side of their Empire’s main fleet also came with reinforcements.

   The original small-scale melee of a few vanguard warships was suddenly upgraded to a melee of dozens of warships.

   The level of chaos in the scene has risen sharply.

The enemy ship that had been double-shielded by the vanguard of their empire actually cooperated with other enemy ships and sank another vanguard of their empire, and then assisted in exploding another one. The vanguard warship’s defensive technique was later blocked by their imperial vanguard warship during its retreat, and was finally sunk completely...

   In the beginning, Marshal Bahat couldn't help but wonder whether that agile and incredible enemy ship was the hero ship on the opposite side, whose combat power was not comparable to that of ordinary warships.

   But soon, he found himself thinking too much.

   Every warship on the opposite side is so agile, it's just hell!

   And at this moment, Marshal Bahat was very clearly aware that in the previous encounters, Zhao Pan not only hid part of the warship firepower from him, but also hid that powerful flexibility!

   This is obviously not good news for their Imperial Army.

   But Marshal Bahat wasn't so scared.

   The performance of the opponent's battleship is indeed strong. He admits that, but in contrast, the size of their empire's main fleet is also real!

   In view of the flexibility of the warships of the civilization of the world, Marshal Bahat quickly adjusted his tactical arrangements.

   The vanguard warships of their empire’s main fleet were fighting in a head-on confrontation, crushing their opponents with hard power, and completing a breakthrough mentality.

   And now, Marshal Bahat has changed his plan. He wants to more thoroughly display the strength of their imperial fleet, in order to show the superiority of firepower, and defeat the opponent with absolute firepower coverage!

   Don’t care how flexible your battleship can be. UU read the book I directly let the fleet launch a full range of firepower strikes, see where you can hide!

   The change in tactics made the magical fleet of ten thousand civilizations quickly feel the pressure. The number of losses of the magical vanguard ship has increased significantly in a short time.

   In just such a short time, the number of destroyed ships has exceeded 500. As for the number of damaged warships, it is even more numerous.

   The Imperial Vanguard Fleet, which continues to exert its strength in strength, has launched a large-scale advance from the battlefields on both sides.

   Facing the enemy's move, the Magic Vanguard Fleet that gradually couldn't withstand the offensive began to fight and retreat, Yuan Xi and Gao Yi, their faces became solemn.

   In the current situation, facing the absolute hard power of the Imperial Army, no matter how strong their commanding ability is, there is no way to make the warships under their command one enemy ten!

   Warships are after all warships. No matter how flexible they are, the size and tonnage of their warships are still there. Once they are besieged and fired by multiple enemy warships, they will inevitably be beaten.

  The bad situation made Yuan Xi and the others, who had no choice, commanded the fleet to slowly retreat, trying to find a turnaround.

   But the turnaround was delayed, but it caused the loss of their five magic fleets to become bigger and bigger. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

  Until Zhao Pan's order came from the rear, there was a problem with the original plan and it could not be implemented smoothly. Start the backup plan!

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